Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and after queuing up to check tickets, Bai Doudou came to the screening hall.

Unlike Gluttony Crisis, the attendance rate of Inception is significantly higher, at least over 90%. After all, Qi Lin has accumulated a lot of good reputation over the years.

And most of the people who watch the movie are young people, which is also Qi Lin's largest fan group.

Bai Doudou took out his small notebook, preparing to record more exciting content later.

Not long after, the lights in the auditorium gradually dimmed. After the familiar dragon logo flashed, a mighty unicorn came on the auspicious clouds. It was the LOGO of Kylin Media.

The auditorium was suddenly quiet, and everyone didn't want to miss a shot.

At the beginning of the movie, Qi Lin was lying on a beach with chapped mouth and haggard face. He saw two children playing on the beach in a daze, but their backs were turned to him.

But he gradually lost his strength and passed out. A guard with a gun came over and took him to a house by the sea.

An old man was sitting in the house, fiddling with the gun and spinning top recovered from Qi Lin.

Are you here to kill me? Many, many years ago, I also knew a man who carried a spinning top with him.

The audience was a little dazed seeing this, and Bai Doudou was the same, and couldn't help but feel a little worried about Qi Lin, thinking that Qi Lin wouldn't make foolish tricks like Director Zhang.

No matter how well you make a movie, it's still useless if the audience can't understand it.

The camera switches to this room, but the two people in the room have changed into suits, and the old man has also become a middle-aged man.

Qi Lin was introducing himself to him: My name is Qi Lin, and I am a Dream Stealer. I can protect your secrets.

It turns out that the middle-aged man is the boss of the world's second largest energy company, an out-and-out super rich man! At this moment, Qi Lin was selling his 'dream security' service to him.

From the dialogue between the two parties, it is known that there is a group of dream stealers who specialize in stealing secrets from dreams.

Qi Lin talked eloquently, trying to persuade the other party.

If you need my help, I must know you better than anyone else.

For example, this is a dream, and there is a safe hiding your secret in the dream, then I must know what is in the safe!

But the middle-aged man ignored him at all, turned around and walked into the banquet hall behind him.

Arthur, played by Reeves, looked at his watch and said, It may have been revealed.

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, the ground began to shake, and then the scene switched to a small apartment, where a riot was taking place outside the window.

The middle-aged man, Qi Lin, and Reeves were sleeping.

Only when Bai Doudou and others saw this did they realize that they were really dreaming just now! A sober man looked anxious.

The screen switched back to the villa again, and a white woman appeared in front of Qi Lin. From the dialogue, it was heard that this woman was actually his wife.

Qi Lin had no choice but to take the risk of stealing the middle-aged man's safe because he didn't have a clue, but the woman disrupted his plan, the two sides started a gun battle, and the dream began to collapse.

Qi Lin and Reeves woke up from the apartment one after another, and together they subdued the middle-aged man.

Qi Lin showed his cards to him, saying that he was invited by his competitor to steal the secret of his dream.

At this time, the camera switches to a speeding train again, and several people are still asleep.

The audience's eyes widened slightly when they saw this, what the hell, is it a dream?

By the way, this must be a dream within a dream shown in the promotional video!

A young boy checks his watch, then puts the earphones over a man's ear, and everyone in the apartment hears the song.

The rioting crowd outside the window was getting closer and closer, Qi Lin saw that he could not be soft, so he had to be tough, and began to threaten the other party, throwing him heavily to the ground.

But the middle-aged man touched the carpet and laughed.

I used to hate this rug so much, it was faded, it was worn, but it was a wool blanket anyway, and now it's a polyester blanket? Which means I'm not in my own apartment.

You are indeed the top dream stealer, Mr. Qi Lin, I am still in a dream!

The rioting crowd poured into the apartment, and several people on the train woke up one after another. Seeing that the middle-aged man was still awake, they hurriedly packed up their things and evacuated.

The audience understands the basic setting of this movie only after seeing this, and they can't help but be overwhelmed.

Bai Doudou slapped his forehead and was so engrossed that he almost forgot to record it.

Several people fled separately, but were betrayed by the dream builder, and the middle-aged man still found them.

But the middle-aged man is not looking for them to settle accounts, but intends to cooperate with them and ask them to do him a favor.

This time, he didn't need them to steal anything for him, but to plant an idea in reverse!

Both Qi Lin and Reeves thought it was impossible and refused without thinking, but the middle-aged man gave Qi Lin an undeniable condition!

Qi Lin is a wanted criminal in Li Jian Country, as long as he helps him complete this matter, he can help Qi Lin go to Li Jian Country to meet the children!

In order to see his child, Qi Lin is willing to give it a go!

During the conversation between the two parties, Qi Lin learned that the target of the middle-aged man was Fisher, the heir to the world's largest energy company.

He wants Fisher to disband the energy empire! In this way, the second in the world for middle-aged people can become the number one in the world.

And this kind of job can't be done by the two of them alone, so the two of them plan to recruit a team, and the first thing they want to find is a brand new dream builder!

Qi Lin came to Paris and found his father-in-law, who taught him how to enter other people's dreams.

His father-in-law introduced him to a girl named An Deni, who was extremely talented, even more powerful than Qi Lin when he was young.

The girl quickly passed Qi Lin's test, and the scene switched to the corner coffee shop, where Qi Lin was explaining to her how to build a dream.

Also through teaching, to explain to the audience what is called dream building.

Do you remember how we got here?

Qi Lin's rhetorical question not only stunned An Deni, but even the audience.

Then the dream began to be unstable and collapsed! explode!

The explosion and slow motion like fireworks jets dazzled the audience.

Explosions are an art too!

When the two woke up from the dream, An Deni thought it had been a long time, but Qi Lin told him that it was only a few minutes.

Because the time in the dream is one layer slower than the first layer, that is to say, one minute in reality, twenty minutes in the first layer of dreams, six hours in the second layer of dreams, five days in the third layer of dreams, and three hours in the fourth layer of dreams. months.

An Deni is very smart, and soon mastered all the skills Qi Lin taught her, and became the creator of the dream.

You can create any scene you want in your dream, even a folded city!

But the more it violates the reality, the more it will cause subconscious resistance in the dream, and they will do their best to kill these outsiders, that is, the dream builders!

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