After Wang Xiaohua finished speaking, she began to read about the film schedule.

The highest one is of course the United Cinemas, with 45% of the screenings!

The lowest one was the Great Forest Cinemas, which is also one of the top ten cinemas, only gave 10%!

After reading the film schedule of Inception, Wang Xiaohua read Director Zhang's film schedule again. In the end, he had a full 35% more film schedule than them!

As soon as the data came out, both Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua fell silent.

It can be said that they have not tasted such miserable data for many years.

Although this is only a preliminary film schedule, and it will definitely increase or decrease in the future, it is still ugly enough.

Wang Xiaohua sighed and said, It's because we signed a guarantee agreement of 5 billion. Otherwise, the other party will have at least half of our theater chains. If there is no joint theater chain to support it, it will have twice as much as us!


Qi Lin agreed lightly, and had a rough calculation in his mind.

The premiere box office is definitely incomparable with the other party. When promoting it, click on the theaters a little bit.

I got it.

Wang Xiaohua understood what Qi Lin meant, and Kirin Media would definitely not be able to compete with others at the premiere box office, after all, the number of films scheduled for theaters was too poor.

The first two days after the film was released were when the audience was the largest, and most of the time the attendance rate could reach over 80%.

The only thing Qi Lin and the others can do now is to look forward to the follow-up box office!

For a movie, the best box office is the previous week.

Afterwards, it will drop wildly, and whether Qi Lin and the others can make a comeback depends on how fast the box office drops.

And asking Wang Xiaohua to click on the box office is to tell fans and audiences that the low box office of the premiere is due to the number of films scheduled, not because of the poor quality of the film, lest some black fans take the opportunity to set the pace.

Wang Xiaohua thought for a while and said, Do you want to make what they did public?

Is there any evidence?

The cinema side is the best evidence.

Then don't act rashly. It's not the time yet. Announcing it in advance will make them prepare.

Understood. In addition, Wang Siqi and the others have already prepared their publicity plan. When it's time for the publicity, we need your help.

no problem.

After Qi Lin hung up the phone, he couldn't help thinking.

The so-called step difference, step difference!

For example, the box office of Qi Lin's movie premiere is 1 billion, but the other party's is 1.4 billion!

Then the other party will definitely publicize it as soon as possible to expand the influence of the movie, making netizens feel that this is the audience's choice, and their movie is better than Qi Lin's movie.

In this way, no matter whether they are successful or not, some audiences will be curious, so they will go to the cinema to see if their movie is really better than Qi Lin's, so as to increase the box office.

This is also the reason why the other party did not hesitate to make more profits, and it is also one of the reasons why Qi Lin's movies were able to crush the movies of the same period before.

But he didn't expect that the methods that were always invincible in the past were actually used on him now.

This can't help but remind Qi Lin of Wang Xiaohua's original proposal, theaters!

It's just that Qi Lin thought that with his uncle in the country, he didn't need to worry too much about the cinema.

Now, the facts have proved that a joint theater chain can't change much the situation, but if you have your own theater chain, many problems can be solved.

But the problem is that if Kirin Media also establishes a theater chain, it will become a competitor of several other theater chains, not to mention that the current theater chain has already saturated the market.

Then, the best way is to buy!

Qi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly. In the past two years, the company has also made a lot of money. Apart from investing in the film and television city, there is still some left over. Now it seems that it finally has a place to use it!

However, this matter cannot be done on the bright side, nor can it attract so many people's attention.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin took out his cell phone and made a call.


The phone rang a few times before it was connected. The voice of the person on the other end was a little lazy, as if he hadn't woken up.

Li Hao.


Li Hao on the other end of the phone immediately became more energetic, and Qi Lin hummed before saying.

How long will it take for you and Guanqi to come back?

I asked yesterday, and Director Han said that it would take a month at the earliest, and some special effects shots need to be slightly modified.

Well, find a few trustworthy people when you come back, I need you to do something.

Yes, boss!

Li Hao agreed without asking what the matter was. Ever since Qi Lin paid hundreds of thousands of surgical fees to help his father undergo surgery, Qi Lin was no longer as simple as a boss in his heart.

After Qi Lin hung up the phone, he returned to his smiling face again, and walked to the set, ready to continue recording.

Hahaha, the attendance rate at Kylin Media is 35% less than ours! It's almost half of it. How can they earn money from us?

That's right, what's the point of making some profit? The more films we have scheduled, the more money we'll make!

Come on, come on, cheers!

Everyone in the small circle celebrated in the villa, and there was no service staff around, so there was no need to worry about saying anything.

One of them, a middle-aged bald man with a fat figure, drank a big mouthful of red wine, didn't try it, and swallowed it directly into his belly.

This time, it depends on Director Zhang's ability! The sailors are all ready, and we are sure to win the premiere box office! As soon as the box office results come out, I will let those sailors blow their lives!

At that time, the distance between the two films will only widen!

The person sitting next to him also smiled and said, That's right, hahaha, doing charity? There's a fart for doing charity! People go to the movies to relax, who cares about that?

Just doing all these fancy things, let me tell you, after we overthrow them this time, how about we just jointly invest in a media company and suppress them to death?

it is good!

Hahaha! Good!

Everyone responded happily, as if they could already see Future Kylin Media trembling at their feet.

For a while, the atmosphere on the wine table became more heated, and some of them even blushed when they drank.

But not everyone is like them, so unrestrained.

Several of them kept frowning, and the bald fat man toasted him without drinking.

Old Qu, what's wrong with you? When you're so happy, why are you still holding your face?

The man known as Lao Qu sighed, and gently pushed his glasses before speaking.

You guys, it's too early to be happy.

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere at the dining table suddenly became quiet, and then everyone's eyes fell on him, and many people's expressions were not very good-looking. After all, everyone was happy, and it would be uncomfortable to be a disappointment.

But Lao Qu asked in a very serious tone: Qi Lin, has he ever lost?

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