Wang Siqi came up with five or six plans without using his brain, but he remained silent in the end because he thought of an even better one!

But this idea needs to take certain risks, so he still has to go to Wang Xiaohua or Qi Lin to discuss it.

Qi Lin was not in the company, so Wang Siqi went directly to Wang Xiaohua's office.

At this moment, Wang Xiaohua was signing the document, and said after seeing Wang Siqi.

Siqi, what's wrong?

Mr. Wang, there are some people on the Internet who are discrediting our movie. If this continues, it will definitely affect some box office.


Wang Xiaohua responded, and continued to lower her head to write the document, obviously wanting to hear Wang Siqi's good opinion on this matter.

This is Mr. Wang, I plan to help them.


Wang Xiaohua raised her head, a little interested.

I heard Wang Siqi say: Of course, all of this has a premise, that is, the quality of the boss' movies is really good enough!

You don't have to worry about the box office. I don't know, but word of mouth is definitely not bad.

Wang Xiaohua knew that this movie was used by Qi Lin to compete for awards, and she had seen the finished film, so of course she knew the quality of this movie.

Hearing this, Wang Siqi felt relieved and said, Mr. Wang, I think so.

Now there are several companies that are targeting us. Although we know that they are those trolls, it will take some time to find out who they are.

So I thought, let's add fuel to the flames!

Didn't they hack us? Then let's hack with him too! And the hacking is even more powerful and fake!

Let the audience see that this is black for the sake of black, which arouses the audience's rebellious psychology!

In this way, the audience will look forward to the movie even more, and then we will use this time to collect evidence. After the movie is released, if the word of mouth is enough, we will throw out the evidence and ruin their reputation!

At that time, we will be counted on them for our remarks that blacken ourselves!

After hearing Wang Siqi's plan, Wang Xiaohua couldn't help laughing.

This idea is indeed a bit sinister, but it is in line with Wang Xiaohua's mind.

Of course, there is a condition before these plans can be implemented, that is, the reputation of Scorching Sun must be good!

After Wang Xiaohua pondered for a while, she still called Qi Lin. After all, this matter is not trivial.

Hello, sister.

Brother, someone is hacking our movie now.

Wang Xiaohua told Qi Lin the whole story, and then she told Qi Lin about Wang Siqi's plan. Qi Lin also laughed when he heard the plan.

Okay, I don't see anything wrong with it, and there will be no accidents in this movie!

Qi Lin is quite confident about this point. Like Wang Xiaohua, Qi Lin can't guarantee the movie's box office, but word of mouth should be no problem.

Qi Lin has used his best acting skills so far in this movie. If it is still a word of mouth, then Qi Lin will recognize it.

Hearing Qi Lin's affirmation, Wang Xiaohua was also relieved, and after hanging up the phone, she asked Wang Siqi to start acting.

And she made a few comments on this plan. First of all, spreading rumors is not a particularly big deal, but it will be different if you add a persona of harming others and benefiting oneself to the other party.

You can make netizens think that they spread rumors to bring benefits to themselves!

For example, there is a movie released in the same period, so it is deliberately discredited.

Wang Siqi is also a fine person, as soon as Wang Xiaohua said it, he understood what it meant, and immediately patted his chest and said that he would definitely satisfy Sister Hua!

After Wang Siqi returned to his office, he called all his subordinates over.

He has not been idle for the past two years. People in the team come and go, and the rest are all trustworthy elites!

After he explained the plan he had discussed with Wang Xiaohua before, he began to formulate the plan, and then began to divide the work.

In one afternoon, the plan has been formulated and implemented on everyone's head.

That night, netizens suddenly discovered that the comments about the movie Scorching Sun suddenly became full of maliciousness!

What dog's name? Just let us watch this kind of trash movie? Waste of life!

Isn't acting the story of a criminal encouraging young people to commit crimes? What if this teaches children to be bad? Have any parents complained with me?

Hehe, Qi Lin is quite good at making a splash. He filmed a money-making popcorn movie before, and then came another one to catch the heat. The Internet has made you understand.

We don't know what the dogs raised by Qi Lin think, why do they lick all kinds of feet?

Can this bad movie be watched? Hehe, even dogs don't watch it! But Qi Lin's fans watch it, what does that mean? It means fans are not as good as dogs!

Garbage, you can tell it's garbage just by watching the promotional video.

Overnight, black comments flooded in!

And the companies that hired the sailors before were stunned, thinking that there are so many people who don't like Kylin Media. Judging by the scale, at least a dozen companies have to make a move together, right?

However, is this going too far?

And to say that the happiest ones have to be those sailors!

After all, one job can earn two parts of money, so why not do it? Although it is a bit tiring to scold and repost every day, it is worth it!

There was almost no fermentation, and this matter became more and more troublesome.

Can Qi Lin's fans get used to them? Without further ado, he picked up the keyboard and started attacking, after all, the other party scolded too much!

You said that if you scold the movie, you can scold the movie. Why are you scolding us?

The two sides quickly fought into a group, but it didn't take long for some netizens to discover something was wrong.

Guys, haven't you found out? There weren't many black comments on the Internet before, but they were overwhelming in one night. What does this mean? It means that someone is behind the scenes!

And if you look at their swearing, it's entirely their own imagination, and then they want to smear it!

This is someone who dislikes Kylin Media and is maliciously smearing it!

Brothers, rumors stop with wise men, words stop here.

This sentence quickly set off a wave of reposts on the Internet, because everyone felt that what this person said was very reasonable!

Conspiracy theories are always on the market.

Many people even jumped out and analyzed the whole process of this matter.

According to them, Kylin Media's movies in the past two years have been too shining, and they have poached many artists, so some companies plan to target Kylin Media, and this time is one of their actions!

It has to be said that these people's analysis is clear and logical, and it is also close to the facts.

The only difference is that only 30% of the people who smeared Kylin Media were from those companies, and the remaining 70% were invited by Wang Siqi!

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