What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 721 Annual meeting

What he was bragging about was Qi Lin's growth experience.

In his mouth, Qi Lin was even a little deified.

I think Mr. Qi has created such a prominent net worth in less than 30 years old.

Luan Yuan boasted too much, more or less shameless, but Qi Lin felt very comfortable listening, and felt that what this kid said was too true, wasn't he the peerless genius he said?

And the hostess was not much better than Luan Yuan, she just didn't use as much force when bragging.

After the introduction of the two hosts, the performance of the annual meeting began.

As a media company, there is no need to worry about the program, especially when there are so many newcomers.

But what Qi Lin didn't expect was that Han Guanqi was the first to appear on the stage!

And Han Guanqi is not singing, but dancing!

This movement almost blinded Qi Lin's eyes!

Qi Lin didn't notice before that Han Guanqi's body is surprisingly flexible, especially when dancing, his body is as flexible as a snake!

A snake weighing more than two hundred catties!

Qi Lin was stunned! It seems that dancing to lose weight is a scam!

After Han Guanqi finished the opening dance, the applause almost lifted the ceiling!

Especially those artists, many of them stood up and applauded!

Han Guanqi smiled and waved his hands to the audience, and walked backstage, while Luan Yuan and the hostess stood up to control the stage, paving the way for the next show.

Not long after, Han Guanqi came out from the backstage, sat next to Qi Lin and wiped his sweat.

Qi Lin looked at Han Guanqi with strange eyes: You old boy can still dance?

Han Guanqi was even more surprised when he heard the words: Of course I can dance, didn't I tell you? My dream before becoming a director has always been to be a dancer!

Qi Lin was even more confused, and asked, Then why don't you continue dancing?

Han Guanqi pointed to his stomach, everything was in the air.

Qi Lin also sighed after looking at it, yes, it is still a bit challenging for this body type to stand out by dancing.

At this moment, Luan Yuan on the stage had finished introducing the show, and the second group of performers came on stage.

After seeing the person coming, Qi Lin almost laughed out loud again, and saw Wang Datou walking on the stage in a coat, and beside him was his assistant, and the two of them were actually going to have a cross talk.

This program is exclusively sponsored by Kylin Media!

Kylin Media is good!

Spiritual charging treasure!

Hearing what the two said to each other, everyone in the audience couldn't help laughing.

On the other hand, Qi Lin wiped his eyes, he really didn't know, he was startled when he saw it, he just realized that there are so many talents around him today!

Good guy, those who dance, those who talk about cross talk, can you come up with two sword-swallowing ones later?

But it turned out that Qi Lin's worries were not superfluous. In the fourth program, an acrobat really came up.

Ride bowls on a unicycle!

Qi Lin was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect that there are so many talents in his company!

This year's annual meeting is so high, so what should I perform next year? Broken boulder in the chest?

Not to mention Qi Lin, even Wang Xiaohua was amazed!

And after waiting for more than a dozen performances to end, Qi Lin selected the top three among them!

As expected, Han Guanqi, Wang Datou and other confidantes did not get it.

After all, their show really dumped them by not a little bit, and the prize money for the first place is 880,000!

The prize money for the second place is 660,000!

The prize money for the third place is 500,000 yuan!

When awarding bonuses, in order to shock the scene a bit, they were all in cash!

Not to mention, the effect was surprisingly good, and everyone in the audience screamed strangely, clamoring that they would also participate next year!

And the top three performers will have a commemorative award, divided according to the number of people, 50,000 per person!

This even increased the confidence of those people in performing next year's show. After all, even if it was a show that was nothing, they could still get 50,000 yuan on stage!

The artist department may be a little bit worse, and the eyes of people in the security, cleaning and other service departments are all red!

Among them, the one who got 660,000 was the security guard at the entrance of the company. He could hear his elder brother and sister saying hello every day when he went to work. I didn't expect to get the second one today, 660,000!

Many white-collar workers feel a little sour, thinking that their wealth may not be as much as his.

After waiting for a circle of bonuses to be distributed, it's time for the year-end bonus link!

Qi Lin also walked onto the stage slowly amidst the cheers of the crowd.

He didn't have the manuscript in his hand, and the number of words was not too simple for Qi Lin, and he had memorized it long ago.

Qi Lin walked up to the stage, took the microphone handed over by Luan Yuan, tried the sound before speaking.

Thank you everyone for spending a wonderful year with Kylin Media!

During the year, we have witnessed the acquisition of live streaming companies and the leak of film sources.

Together we witnessed the production of the film, and we also witnessed the growth of the company!

I just want to say, thank you all for your dedication and contribution to our big family. Without your dedication, there would be no Kylin Media today!

What Qi Lin said was a cliché, almost nine out of ten leaders would say that, but when Qi Lin said it, everyone felt differently.

Especially Han Guanqi and Wang Datou, the inner feelings are even more complicated.

Qi Lin didn't talk too much nonsense, and he wasn't that kind of person either.

During the year, everyone has contributed a lot to the company, and your contributions have been recognized by the company! Needless to say, the year-end bonus is shared by everyone! Whether it is security guards or department executives, Everyone has a share!

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, the scene burst into cheers.

After all, who would think too much of money?

On the lower floor, the cheers from the cleaning and security department were even louder.

Qi Lin smiled and waved his hands, and the scene immediately fell silent. Everyone looked at Qi Lin with burning eyes, waiting for Qi Lin to continue talking.

As for the performance of some people, I think they should be rewarded! For example, Han Guanqi!

Qi Lin pointed at Han Guanqi, and most of the people at the scene followed Qi Lin's finger and looked at Han Guanqi. This made Fatty Han feel a little uncomfortable, so he could only smile silly.

I know that some people in the company often say that Fatty Han came through the back door and has no strength. He only got this position by relying on me to push him all the way.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was a little awkward, even Han Guanqi's smile was a little stiff, but then Qi Lin continued.

And what I want to say is, it's just the opposite! The reason why I always think of Han Guanqi to shoot any movie is because he has never let me down!

Whether it's Charlotte Annoyance or Chasing the Dragon! He can always shoot the effect I want!

I don't need such a director, so who should I use?

The bridge of Han Guanqi's nose in the audience was slightly sore, he just felt that this moment was worth it!

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