What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 719 The Lamb to be Slaughtered

And what Qi Lin wants to do is to export culture!

The less the box office, the less, but foreigners must know the brilliance of Chinese Xianxia civilization!

Just like the ninjas of the Wa country, they are all well-known in the world. Why is this? It is because they have been exporting culture!

The same is true for what Qi Lin is doing now, martial arts, immortals!

They are all the points of Qi Lin's publicity.

It doesn't matter if the foreign box office is not ideal the first few times, at least let them know that we have these things!

In this way, the time came to the end of November. Nie Xiaolong's mother had the operation, and I heard that the operation was very successful.

Now he is in the hospital for observation, and Father Nie is accompanying him. As for Nie Xiaolong, he has been kicked out by Father Nie long ago.

In his words, Qi Lin was kind to his family again, and now that his mother is fine, of course he should go to work for Qi Lin.

Qi Lin originally wanted him to spend more time with his mother, but seeing that he said nothing, he didn't force him anymore and sent Nie Xiaolong to the Qilin actor training class.

This made many people in the class curious, and some even came forward to ask.

Hey buddy, whose family are you from?

Nie Xiaolong was a little confused by the question, so he arrived at it casually.

Nie's family.

The Nie family? Nie Yuan?


Nie Tao?


Whose house is that?

Nie Fu's family.

Nie Fu? Is this the name before debut? Why haven't I heard of it?

Only then did Nie Xiaolong understand what he was asking, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

No, no, my dad is a farmer, not in the circle.

Oh, that's right, which relative in your family is a star?

The other party still asked without giving up, but Nie Xiaolong was even more confused and asked instead.

Star? What star? No one in my family is a star.

The man was even more surprised than him when he heard the words.

No relative is a star? Vegan?

Nie Xiaolong nodded and said: That's right, I used to play tricks in Hengdian before, and then I followed Brother Qi, no, it was Mr. Qi for a while.

The old man with a long mouth said: Wow, amazing! This training class has been established for a year, and you are the first person sent by Mr. Qi! We were still wondering which big star's junior you are, but we didn't expect He's an amateur!

Nie Xiaolong was even more moved when he heard the words, his eyes turned red.

Boss Qi has treated me as much as a mountain. I must study hard and wait to repay President Qi in the future!

When the man saw this, he knew that there must be a story.

But looking at Nie Xiaolong's appearance, he felt that it was not good to ask him, so he patted his shoulder and said.

My name is Lan Tian. My uncle is Lan Dahai, Zhao Bin's manager. I came here when the training class was first established. If you don't understand anything in the future, just ask me.

Nie Xiaolong nodded again and again, looking at the fat man with a pleasing look.

That's right, Lan Tian is also a fat man, not much different from his uncle Lan Dahai's image.

The arrival of Nie Xiaolong did not cause much disturbance, and at this moment, everyone did not realize that a rising superstar was right beside them.

Qi Lin was free again, exercising every day, and then signing some documents.

With the steady growth of the company, more and more artists began to generate income for the company, and the company only needs to provide them with channels and shelter.

As for the others, the company does not participate at all, as long as it does not break the law!

This is also the red line of Kylin Media, no matter how big a celebrity, how famous, or how many fans, as long as you violate this red line, you will be expelled without mercy!

But generally speaking, the company is relatively relaxed, and this has also attracted a group of artists whose contracts are about to expire to switch to Kylin Media.

Kylin Media is like a water-deficient sponge, frantically absorbing all the water around it to grow itself!

Seeing this, other companies also more or less raised the treatment of artists, which calmed down the job-hopping fever.

Of course, most of the artists who can change jobs are second-tier artists.

As for the non-sale products of that kind of company, they were tied to the chariot long ago and could not move, let alone change jobs.

That day, Qi Lin was running in the company's gym, when his secretary Luo Yiyi came to him.

Mr. Qi, Mr. Wang temporarily notified the meeting, but the call to you was not answered.

Qi Lin, who was sweating profusely on the treadmill, hummed and slowed down the speed of the treadmill.

Just as she got off the treadmill, Lin Xin walked over with a water glass and a towel.

Qi Lin first drank two big sips of water before saying: I'm going to take a bath and change clothes.

Alright Mr. Qi.

Do you know why there is a meeting?

I don't know, but Mr. Wang's tone is very urgent, maybe something went wrong.

Qi Lin hummed again, no matter how urgent the meeting is, he must take a shower.

It would be strange if he didn't confuse people with a stinky sweat.

Qi Lin went to the bathroom to take a shower, because the gym is not open to the public, there is no need to worry about people in the bathroom.

He had just finished taking a shower, and when he was wearing a bathrobe, he heard Luo Yiyi shouting outside.

Mr. Qi, Mr. Wang has urged you again.

Qi Lin clicked his tongue, thinking to himself what is the matter, making Wang Xiaohua so anxious?

Okay, okay, I see.

Qi Lin hurriedly changed his clothes, and took Luo Yiyi to the meeting room.

As soon as this side walked into the meeting room, all the managers of the company, big and small, had arrived. Everyone had a serious expression, which made the air in the meeting room a little heavy.

Even Qi Lin was affected, and his expression also became serious.

Wang Xiaohua nodded to Qi Lin, and waited for Qi Lin to take the lead before speaking.

Just now, the General Administration announced three new bills.

First, all feminized male artists are not allowed to be exposed indiscriminately, and talent shows for idol development must also be stopped.

Second, foreign artists will be restricted from filming in China! The specific restrictions have not been announced yet.

Article 3, bad artists, comebacks under all circumstances are prohibited!

Qi Lin didn't understand, what does this have to do with him?

He is not a mother, he is not a bad artist, and he is an out-and-out Chinese. It can be said that these three things have nothing to do with him.

But Wang Xiaohua said with a serious face: And this will definitely have an impact on the current entertainment industry. I believe some powerful companies should have received the news.

Everyone, this is a very good opportunity! As long as this operation is done well, our company can advance the development time by at least five years! Do you have confidence?




The manager replied in a passionate voice, but Qi Lin didn't understand until this time.

It has nothing to do with their company, but it has something to do with those companies that count on Xiao Xianrou to live!

And Wang Xiaohua clearly raised the butcher's knife, treating those companies as lambs to be slaughtered!

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