What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 711 Because You Are A Genius

Seeing this, Qi Lin felt even more emotional. The great director of Xindao is a great director, and the camera switching is very ingenious.

There was a faint noise coming from the theater, and there was a faint surprise.

Even Han Xue pinched Qi Lin's arm. The reason for everyone's excitement was simple, because Qi Lin appeared!

It's just that Qi Lin's current look is somewhat killer, not to mention the ponytail, and the left half of his face is blocked by bangs.

If ordinary people use this look, it may not look good, but Qi Lin's background is really good, and he perfectly controls this look!

Qi Lin turned off the tap, wiped the water on his pants nonchalantly, and walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door was opened, there was a loud noise from outside.

At first, the audience thought it was a nightclub outside, and the noise was because everyone was having fun, but they realized it when the camera cut to the past.

A nightclub is a nightclub, but no one is having fun.

At this moment, people were lying on the floor of the nightclub, with bruised noses and swollen faces, and blood splattered everywhere.

Even the arms and thighs of several people were deformed, presenting a strange angle.

A few of them saw Qi Lin coming out lightly, their expressions were like seeing a ghost, and they tried their best to crawl towards the distance.

But Qi Lin walked towards the door as if he didn't see everything in front of him.



During the period, it was inevitable that two unlucky people were stepped on by Qi Lin, and they screamed after another.

But Qi Lin walked out of the nightclub as if nothing had happened, lit a cigarette when he got outside, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

The camera slowly rose up, and it caught the nightclub's signboard, which was a string of English words, translated to mean.


After both of them appeared, the name of the movie gradually emerged, Two People!

As the plot continued, even Qi Lin watched it with gusto.

He had a God's perspective when shooting, but he didn't feel much.

But after the movie is edited, the effect is completely different!

Under the editing technique of director Benjamin, the audience watched for about 30 minutes before realizing that Qi Lin wanted revenge, and at the same time they knew the reason why Qi Lin wanted revenge!

But Qi Lin was taken aback, because the director's editing techniques made the audience think that Qi Lin was the only person who escaped back then!

After all, it was an Asian teacher who bit the rope and let them escape, which naturally made people think that she must have saved Qi Lin!

And Tom, played by Leonardo, also went to the old policeman for dinner. During the period, he and the old policeman played by Hopkins were like father and son. This made the audience misunderstand that Leonardo was the son of the old policeman. And Qi Lin wanted revenge on their father and son!

A lofty, perfect life.

A gloomy and cold, cold-blooded revenge!

This sense of impact is great!

It wasn't until halfway through the plot, when Qi Lin kidnapped the hostages, that Leonardo came out to jump back!

Only then did the audience know that he was planning everything!

The gentle and gentle person on the surface is the real mastermind behind the scenes!

The object that the nurses in the hospital have a crush on is actually a cold-blooded and heartless person!

On the contrary, Qi Lin, whose face was burned, looked like a devil, but his heart was full of pity.

Such a reversal directly stunned the audience!

It turned out that the Asian teacher rescued not one person, but two people!

And that Asian teacher was not Qi Lin's mother, but a selfless teacher who sacrificed herself to save the students.

With Leonardo's rage, and as the events of that year unfolded, the audience gradually had a sense of substitution, and at the same time became angry.

Yes, since you were able to attack by force back then, why can't you attack by force now?

Just because the hostages back then were orphans without parents, but now the hostages are your gay family members?

The two ignited themselves, wanting to die with those people.

But at the last moment, Qi Lin softened his heart, because he saw a mother biting the rope vigorously, and didn't care that the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

This reminded him of the teacher who saved him back then, so he held Leonardo back.

Leonardo also stopped when he saw this scene. At this moment, Qi Lin looked at him full of pity and relief.

And the camera also gave Qi Lin a close-up, so that everyone can clearly see the eyes at this moment!

It has to be said that Qi Lin's eyes seem to be able to speak at this time!

Especially that touch of relief, as if finally getting out of this dirty world!

The two embraced and burned in the flames.

Finally, in the flames, they vaguely saw the friends and teachers of the year.

They held out their hands and smiled at them.

The Asian teacher who saved the two of them back then was among them, and they were finally reunited.

With the disappearance of the fire, the two protagonists died.

And the old policeman played by Hopkins was also pressured by public opinion after the incident was exposed, which led to distraction while driving, and finally died in a car accident.

The movie ends.

When the lights in the projection hall were turned on, the eye sockets of many audience members could be seen turning red.

Wooooow, Qi Lin's acting skills are really good.

That's right. Otherwise, how could he be a film king? Even a gentleman like me can't stand the look in the end.

Hey, I don't know if this movie will win an award. It would be great if it can be selected for the Oscar for Best Actor!

You're thinking farts, even if you are selected, it must be Xiao Li.

What? Racism?

Hehe, have you ever seen a person of yellow race selected?

In a word, those people were silenced directly.

Han Xue and Qi Lin also heard these words clearly, and Han Xue tightly hugged Qi Lin's arms.

Seeing this, Qi Lin smiled slightly, and patted his hand lightly, indicating that he didn't care.

Waiting for the two to walk out of the theater, Han Xue said after getting into the car: There were no people of the yellow race selected before, but it doesn't mean that there will be no people of the yellow race selected in the future! What was the movie like ten years ago? What is the movie like now? In the future Who can say for sure?

Qi Lin was amused when he heard this, and after putting on his seat belt, he silently started the car.

You don't need to comfort me, because I didn't think about it in that direction. When I really have an idea, I definitely won't choose the role of the two male leads.

Also, the chances of a commercial film winning an award are too small.

Hearing what Qi Lin said, Han Xue was relieved, and adjusted her seat belt.

I think you have a good chance of becoming the first Chinese Oscar winner!

After hearing this, Qi Lin laughed and said, Why? Are you so optimistic about me?

Han Xue nodded very seriously: Yes! I am very, very optimistic about you!


Because of your genius! True genius!

When Han Xue said these words, her expression was a little sacred

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