Li Hao's smile is still gentle, like a gentle teacher.

He straightened his collar lightly, leaned in front of the glass and said softly.

Don't worry, it's just like cooking. You have to pay attention to the heat and seasoning. If you stew it randomly, what's the taste?

Besides, Mr. Li, how do you know that we didn't do anything to you?

But don't worry, we'll keep you safe inside.

After Li Hao finished speaking, he showed a meaningful smile and walked out of the room.

Only Mr. Li was left behind, who was still smashing the glass desperately, and his remorse was constantly biting his heart like a poisonous snake.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Some people always feel that everything in this world is glamorous and upright.

So they were unscrupulous and broke the rules with their own hands.

But they don't know that some rules are used to protect them instead.

It's like that silly woman who went to Myanmar with such a large sum of money, thinking that it was as safe as China.

As a result, hehe.

After walking out of the prison, Li Hao lit a cigarette, opened the car door, and sat in the driver's seat.

He flicked the cigarette ash lightly, and a man about his age behind him yawned.

Are we finished?


Then let's go back to the company, we're exhausted.

Tired? If I remember correctly, this is the first time we have been on duty since we joined the boss?

That's tiring, and there will be a few old brothers coming over in two days, so we can't entertain them?

Li Hao started the car with a smile and said, Success, you are right!

They were all arranged by Wang Hongqi for Qi Lin, and they were initially positioned as bodyguards!

But Qi Lin had Wu Yong by his side, and it was easy to use, so he didn't change.

The people sent by my uncle, don't worry, they are not bad, Qi Lin naturally can't push them out, so except for a few who were sent by him to Lijian Country to be responsible for the safety of the new company, the rest of the people are in the company. Qi Lin took care of them.

Later, when filming Operation Mekong, these people were used.

I have to say that these people are all good, even the special forces Qi Lin invited to be instructors were a little shocked.

After waiting to find out their origins, they shouted one by one senior and old squad leader.

Not long after, Mr. Li in the prison retracted his confession.

He claimed that all this was instructed by several other companies, and that he could not resist the temptation of money, so he did this kind of thing.

Now I can't stand the condemnation of my conscience and decide to tell the truth!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation on the entire Internet!

After all, Kylin Media has just finished fighting with those companies, and the enthusiasm has just been suppressed.

But now this person seemed to light another fire in front of the fire that was about to be extinguished just now, and the fire burned blazingly again!



If he really had a conscience, he wouldn't have done this in the first place!

Just when everyone was guessing whether [Kylin Media] had done something to make the other party retract the confession.

Another message came back.

Mr. Li's wife and daughter were killed in Myanmar, and it is said that the death was extremely tragic!

This time, the sensation on the Internet is even stronger!

The family member on the other side was killed just after being identified as a tainted witness. If you say that there is no connection between the two, who will believe it?

The yellow mud fell into the crotch, either S or S!

This time, those companies can't explain it clearly.

And on the Internet, the most indispensable thing is conspiracy theories!

Many network analysts analyzed it directly.

First of all, those companies were unhappy with Qi Lin, so they planned to suppress Qi Lin.

Just happened to meet the news that Kirin Media paid a lot of money to shoot Operation Mekong, so they bought the reviewers to do this.

Unexpectedly, the film reviewer found out his conscience in prison and wanted to retract his confession.

When several companies heard about it, they threatened each other's wives and children.

In the end, it didn't work, so he became angry and hired a murderer to kill someone!

That's right, this is the script that netizens wrote for them, and there are many believers.

Even if those companies show evidence that this incident has nothing to do with them, and that Mr. Li's wife and children were kidnapped in Myanmar, netizens still don't believe it!

Some people even swear that they knew someone in Myanmar, and said that according to the investigation, the mother and daughter were bought and killed!

The water is getting murkier, and the reputation of those companies is getting worse.

Even under the artist's works, there are people leaving messages, asking those artists to pay for Mr. Li's wife and children.

At the same time, the United Cinemas stated that they would cease cooperation with those companies indefinitely.

The wall fell and everyone pushed!

Several other theater companies also stood up, followed by brokerage companies, record companies, etc., all spoke out one after another, refusing to cooperate with those companies!

The few companies that hadn't been tough with Mr. Ji before, are now as scared as quails.

Because this time, Kylin Media is digging their roots!

A few days later, another message came out.

Unable to accept that his wife and children had an accident, Mr. Li committed suicide in prison.

This has pushed those companies to the forefront of the storm, and some Internet celebrities who are bloggers are even standing at the door of their companies and cursing the street every day!

A few of the artists who were attached to couldn't take it anymore, and directly announced that they would leave the company to draw a line with them!

This move made countless netizens applaud!

And this kind of thing, there is a second time for the first time, and more and more people start to terminate the contract with the company.

As for liquidated damages, hehe, take your time.

With so many people leaving, there must be a priority for liquidated damages, right?

But some people in the circle who have a farther vision are already covered in cold sweat.

Because they knew very well that there must be someone involved in this matter!

And it's not hard to guess who it is.

After all, whoever was offended by those companies, all the netizens in China know.

And their fate is now vividly placed here, and everyone can see it.

[Kylin Media] Use a vivid 'answer sheet' to tell them that the end of provoking them is very miserable!

As the man in the center of the storm, Qi Lin was lying on the sofa half dead, looking at Instant Noodles with a smirk.

Wang Xiaohua who walked into the office couldn't help sighing when she saw this, and felt more and more that she was born to worry about her life. Look at someone who is the boss, how much enjoyment?

However, this is also what Wang Xiaohua wants.

Especially when some things will 'contaminate' Qi Lin, we should let him have less contact.

There are not many pure lands in the entertainment industry, Wang Xiaohua plans to try hard to protect this innocent heart!

Brother, although the source of Operation Mekong has been leaked and can only be released online, the effect is still good and the click-through rate is very high. However, since it is free to watch, there is no need to think about paying back.

Qi Lin hummed, put down the tablet and sighed.

Let's lose a little, just take it as a lesson for yourself

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