What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 68 The money is still not enough to spend

Cut! Passed! Congratulations to Qi Lin!

Director Li Guo's voice rang through the loudspeaker, and all the staff around immediately started to applaud!

In the past two months of filming, Qi Lin has conquered them with his acting skills and charisma!

Qi Lin himself felt a sense of relief at last.

It's not that he doesn't like acting, the main reason is that the later scenes of Sword and Sword III are too sad!

And as a good actor, what is the most important thing?

Let's play!

Qi Lin is such an actor who devoted himself wholeheartedly to the play, and as a result, he almost didn't feel depressed!

How immortal in the early stage, how embarrassing in the later stage! It even gave him an urge to send blades to the screenwriter!

Wouldn't it be nice to have a happy ending? Do you want to make it like this for woolen yarn? What the hell!

But he can only hide these words in his heart, after all, he is an actor, not a screenwriter, so naturally he doesn't know what people think.

Teacher Qi, we must contact you frequently in the future.

I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again

Mr. Qi, don't forget about us.

The staff of the crew were a little bit reluctant, after all, there are too few actors who have no airs and like to laugh and laugh with them all day long.

Qi Lin was also a little sad when he saw this, and shook hands with these staff one by one.

Hu Ge's performance was okay, he smiled and thumped Qi Lin's shoulder.

You're done, you're free, I still have a month to go!

Qi Lin punched back and said, Who made you shoot slowly in the early stage? Who is to blame?

The two looked at each other and smiled. During the two months of filming Sword of Immortal Sword, Qi Lin's biggest harvest may be Hu Ge's friendship.

Even Sister Hua said that it is not easy to have two trustworthy friends in the circle, and Hu Ge is worthy of his trust.

Amid the congratulations from the crew, Qi Lin went back to the dressing room to remove his makeup.

I didn't feel anything before, but when I sat on the makeup chair, I couldn't help but feel a little empty.

In two and a half months, he has gotten used to getting up early every day to put on makeup, and to hear others call Xu Changqing the hero, white tofu.

Now that he suddenly wanted to leave here, he still resisted a little bit.

But after all, he is an adult, and he can still control his emotions.

Take off the costume, remove makeup, put on the vest and shorts, and the handsome man in ancient costume will become a modern handsome man in minutes.

As soon as he walked out of the dressing room, the assistant director Huang Qing greeted him.

Xiao Qi, Director Li will see you off at the VIP building at eight o'clock tonight, don't forget.

Hey, you don't know me yet, as long as it has something to do with eating, then I will never forget it

Huang Qing laughed loudly after hearing this, and then the laughter gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a sigh.

He patted Qi Lin on the shoulder lightly and said: You boy, you are talented and willing to work hard. You will definitely be able to soar into the sky in a few years! But I hope you can remember the feeling when you were a young actor. , you still have to be down-to-earth, you can’t go far without roots.”

After hearing this, Qi Lin nodded very seriously and said, Thank you Director Huang for your teaching!

Huang Qing smiled, shook his head and said, I hope we can have a chance to cooperate in the future.

Most definitely!

Qi Lin answered firmly. He has also filmed some scenes and joined some crews in the past year or so.

But if there is a crew that makes him feel the most comfortable, it must be the current Sword crew!

Of course, this may also be because there are people of the same age around him, and Hu Ge is such a funny comparison.

But in any case, if possible, he is still willing to cooperate with this crew again.

Hearing what Qi Lin said so seriously, Huang Qing smiled and shook his head.

Silly boy, you should belong to a bigger stage

Before leaving the crew, Qi Lin bid farewell to every staff member very seriously, just like he did in other crews before.

When Qi Lin's figure disappeared outside the gate of the crew, many staff members sighed.

In the future, if I want to see this big boy who loves to laugh, it may only be on TV or the Internet.

Hu Ge and others didn't have time to be sad, after all, they still hadn't finished filming.

After the group left the door, Qi Lin stretched his waist and said with a smile.

Sister Hua, can I rest for a while now? I have earned so much money and haven't spent it well!

After hearing this, Wang Xiaohua smiled and said: Well, I can rest for a few days, and there is nothing to deal with before the end of the month, but I advise you not to move your money.

Qi Lin was a little surprised, and asked in confusion: Why? Isn't money earned for spending?

Wang Xiaohua raised her chin and said: I chose an office building because of my relationship! The surrounding facilities are complete and the area is large enough! There are five floors up and down, and the area is 4,000 square meters!

Qi Lin gasped when he heard that, he knew it would not be cheap just by hearing the area!

Sure enough, in the next second, Wang Xiaohua stretched out a finger and said, The office building with big property rights can come down for 15 million yuan! It's a good deal!

The corners of Qi Lin's eyes twitched violently twice, fifteen million? cost-effective? What a deal!

All my net worth now is less than 10 million. You want me to spend 15 million to buy an office building?

Seeing Qi Lin's iron rooster, Wang Xiaohua couldn't help but ask, Do you know how much the office building is now?

Qi Lin shook his head. He had no idea about these things at all, because he didn't have much chance to get in touch with them at ordinary times. Such things are usually handled by agents and companies.

Wang Xiaohua said with a smile: As far as our current studio is concerned, the rent for a day is 80 cents.

Qi Lin's eyes lit up and said, Eighty cents? So cheap?

Cheap? Brother, 80 cents is the price of 1 square meter per day! Let's say that the 4,000 square meter office building I'm looking at now, if the price of 80 cents per day is multiplied by the area, that day is 3,200 square meters! One year That's 1.16 million! Do you still think this price is cheap?

Qi Lin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: Sister Hua, it's just a studio, wouldn't it be enough like the one we use now? Why do you want to buy such a big one?

Wang Xiaohua chuckled lightly and said, Silly brother, since we have established a studio, the goal is of course to grow! How much money can a small studio make?

We are laying the foundation for the future. Do we have to move when the company grows in the future? Will we move when we grow?

Qi Lin was still a little bit reluctant, how could it be so easy to take out the money he had earned so hard in the mouth of a brave man like him.

Wang Xiaohua nodded his head angrily and amusedly, and said, What's the use of earning so much money without spending it! Besides, this house is considered a fixed asset, why are you still acting like a miser! The money will never leave you By your side, it just changed another form to accompany you

Qi Lin silently pressed the position of his wallet, although nothing happened yet, but he knew it in his heart.

The hard-earned money of a year's hard work is about to fly!

Jiageng is ready, isn't the mountain ghost worthy of voting~

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