What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 63: Immortal Sword Powers On! Thousands of pushes and updates!

Waiting for everyone's makeup photos to be taken, the time has come to the afternoon.

After the actors removed their makeup, the director waved his hand and invited everyone in the crew to have dinner together!

The leading actors of them naturally had to sit at the same table. At the table, Director Li proposed that starting from today, all artists can only use the names of the characters in the play to address each other.

It is said that it is convenient to enter the film, and it can also reduce slips of the tongue when filming.

So at the dinner table, everyone was Changqing, and Brother Jing Tian kept shouting.

Qi Lin found it very novel, he had never filmed a TV series before, and when he was filming Soul Ferry, he was only a small crew, and he was not so rigorous at all.

And speaking of it as a secondary school, he quite likes the feeling of playing someone else, especially this kind of sword fairy who knows magic.

That feeling is like arguing with friends when I was a child, who is the real Monkey King!

This meal was eaten until very late, and everyone was getting to know each other, and it would not be awkward to meet again.

Qi Lin finally got a few days to rest until April 1st.

It's a pity that the happy time is always short, and the time has come to April 1st in a blink of an eye.

The production team officially announced the launch in Hengdian Film and Television City!

Director Li Guo is from Xiangjiang, he attaches great importance to the opening ceremony.

There are tributes placed on a large incense table, and an oversized copper incense burner is placed in the center, and a camera covered with a red cloth is placed in front of it!

After Qi Lin and others lined up to offer incense, amidst the sound of firecrackers, director Li Guo lifted the red cloth on the camera, and the crew officially started work!

The scenes shot on the first day were all centered around Tangjiabao. Considering financial issues, a set crew would not be rented for too long.

Therefore, it is generally necessary to shoot all the scenes of a scene before changing to the next scene for shooting.

The crew was also divided into two groups, each led by director Li Guo and assistant director Huang Qing.

Hu Ge is the protagonist, and director Li Guo is of course responsible for his line, shooting the scenes of Sedum and Xuejian.

Qi Lin and Han Xue followed Director Huang Qing to film their scenes.

The first day of shooting was not difficult at all, the main purpose was to allow the actors to get in touch with each other and facilitate post-shooting.

Qi Lin and Han Xue have already cooperated twice, and they still have a tacit understanding with each other. They didn't even NG twice, so they completed the first day's shooting ahead of schedule.

During this period, Huang Qing also noticed Qi Lin's talent!

A man who plays steadily like a machine, he has been a director for so many years, including Qi Lin, he has only seen two people, and the other one has long been the best actor and best actor!

The filming took half a month like this, and everyone in the crew became familiar with each other thoroughly.

After all, everyone is of the same age, and they don't have any airs, so it's easy to play together.

Especially Hu Ge, who is so incompatible with Qi Lin! To put it vulgarly, it means being able to pee in a jug, and it didn't take a week for the two of them to become good friends.

And as Qi Lin got to know Hu Ge better, he realized that this person didn't match Gao Leng's appearance at all, and he was a pure funny B in his bones!

The director is also very happy that the actors can mingle together, so that the intimacy of several people in the film will be more realistic.

With the acquaintance of several people, the tacit understanding has also improved a lot, and the filming progress of the crew has also accelerated a bit.

Today, Qi Lin will be filming a more important scene.

Lin Yeping saves Zixuan alone!

It is also the second of the Three Lives and Three Worlds! This Lin Yeping is Xu Changqing's previous life.

This scene tells the story that after Lin Yeping and Zixuan got married, they heard her calling the name of Gu Liufang in her dream at night.

The newlywed wife called another man's name on her big day.

Any man would not be able to accept this matter, and Lin Yeping was no exception, since then he has harbored a grudge.

But he didn't know that this Gu Liufang was his previous life, that is, the first life among the three love lives.

Zixuan didn't explain, and the misunderstanding between the two deepened, and finally they broke up completely because of a trivial matter.

After separation, Zixuan returned to Nanzhao Kingdom, but unexpectedly found that she was pregnant.

When the descendants of Nuwa are pregnant, they will lose their mana. After the child is born and grows up, they will suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death like ordinary mortals, and lose the ability to live forever.

Coincidentally, at this time, the Nanzhao Kingdom rebelled. In order to protect her people, Zixuan was willing to die. At a critical moment, Lin Yeping came to kill her alone!

This scene can be regarded as a relatively large scene, and it is also somewhat difficult to shoot.

Come on! All departments are ready!




God Ike!

As director Huang Qing's voice fell, Qi Lin, armed with two short guns, charged into the enemy's formation alone!



Get rid of him!

The group of performers around shouted vigorously, but the two short spears in Qi Lin's hands were like living creatures, stabbing and twisting from time to time! Coupled with the flexible movement, no one can resist it!

Looking at this scene, Huang Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion: Old Song! You designed the moves this time well! It's really beautiful!

Lao Song is the martial finger of Sword and Sword III, but at this moment he was a little embarrassed to hear Huang Qing's words.

The movements I designed before were all double knives, but Xiao Qi couldn't use them smoothly. Later, I changed it to double guns. This movement was also designed by him.

Director Huang Qing couldn't help but groaned when he heard it, and then he remembered that he is the spear champion of the National Martial Arts Championship! Isn't it easy to design some double-gun actions?

The fighting in the camera gradually became more and more intense, Lin Yeping rushed to the execution ground with all his strength, but more and more people surrounded him.

Huang Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and asked: Old Song, if you really fight, can Qi Lin fight it out? I think he can handle it with ease!

Lao Song shook his head decisively, and said in a serious voice.

It's not good if you only talk about fists and feet, but if you use weapons, let alone Qi Lin, no one can get out! So many people just stand in place and stab together, they can stab people into a sieve.

Huang Qing felt that what Old Song said was very reasonable, and at this moment Qi Lin had already reached the execution ground, and the short spear cut the rope in Zi Xuan's hand and said anxiously.

Come with me!

But Zixuan turned her head and didn't look at him.

If I don't go, my people will be finished if I go! You go! It's not worth it for me!

Qi Lin was about to say something, but the surrounding enemy troops had already surrounded him again.

Very good! Card! This one is over! Come to the prop teacher to prepare the wire, and prepare to shoot the second act!

The director shouted the card in time, and the next paragraph needed to be completed by hanging wire.

Han Xue also stood up from the kneeling position, moving her sore hands and feet.

Director, I think I can use the wire for this scene, just prepare a cushion.

Qi Lin turned his head to look at the director's position and shouted, but Huang Qing shook his head repeatedly when he heard it.

It's fine if you don't want to use a stand-in. If Wia doesn't use it, what if something happens? Changqing, I know you're dedicated, but you can't be so reckless.

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