Naturally, Qi Lin and the others didn't know, because Chen Kun's role was postponed for another week because of taking care of Qi Lin.

They talked and laughed all the way out of the set, and they were going to clean up and fly directly to the film and television city.

As a result, as soon as he reached the door, Qi Lin saw a familiar figure standing not far away.

Her body was straight, but her face was already covered with wrinkles, and her hair was half white. She just stood outside the door and waited. The moment she saw Qi Lin, her eyes turned into crescent moons.

Qi Lin's body was a little stiff, it was his grandma, Liu Hongzhuang!

Although Wang Xiaohua didn't know the other party, she could guess some from Qi Lin's reaction.

She pinched Qi Lin calmly, and Qi Lin woke up suddenly. After hesitating for a while, he still moved forward.


Liu Hongzhuang didn't seem to expect Qi Lin to call her that, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her tears flowed like a river breaking its embankment.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaohua behind her hurriedly took out a tissue from her pocket and handed it to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin frantically wiped away his tears and said, Grandma, don't cry.

Well, well, grandma doesn't cry, grandma doesn't cry.

Liu Hongzhuang agreed, but she couldn't stop her tears.

What Qi Lin is worst at is comforting others, so he can only help to wipe away his tears in a hurry.

Wang Xiaohua led the people back to the car first. At this time, the old lady must not want to be seen by too many people.

Liu Hongzhuang grabbed Qi Lin's arm and said with red eyes.

My child, I have suffered for you all these years.

After hearing this, Qi Lin shook his head and said, I'm not bitter. I haven't been short of food or clothing since I was a child. I'm very happy.

Qi Lin replied very sincerely. He really didn't think he had any hard work. Whether it was learning martial arts before or acting later, it was his own choice and his plan for his future. So what's the hard work?

Whatever path you choose, you will be happy.

If something is imposed on you by others, it is called hard work.

Liu Hongzhuang thought that Qi Lin was comforting herself, and couldn't help feeling even more distressed.

Qi Lin looked around and saw that some people around had already looked over, so he couldn't help but speak.

Grandma, let's talk in another place, there are too many people here.


For her grandson's request, Liu Hongzhuang didn't know what it meant to refuse.

The two walked in the direction of Qi Lin's nanny's car, and after they had gone far away, Director Han Ping's assistant closed his chin together and murmured in shock.

Qi Lin is, unexpectedly, the grandson of this person.

He suddenly woke up and ran to the studio quickly. He had to tell Han Ping the news immediately.


Grandma, why are you here?

Hearing this, Qi Lin felt that he seemed to be sick. Is there even a need to ask? Definitely came to see yourself.

As my grandma, isn't it easy to know where I am filming?

Sure enough, Qi Lin heard grandma laughing the next moment.

Of course I'm here to see my precious grandson.

Liu Hongzhuang smiled kindly and kindly, which gave Qi Lin a very strong sense of security.

It seemed that as long as Liu Hongzhuang was around, it would be all right for me to poke a hole in the sky.

The two chatted with each other, mostly Liu Hongzhuang was asking questions and Qi Lin was answering.

Thirty years, there are too many things to talk about between this grandma and grandson.

The two talked and chatted like this, and it took more than an hour before they stopped.

This is not to say that the two of them have nothing to talk about, but that someone has come to urge them.

Mr. Qi, are you there?

Qi Lin was startled when he heard the voice, opened the car door, and saw a staff member sitting in front of him.

The other party let out a long sigh of relief after seeing Qi Lin.

It's great that you're still here. Director Han was very satisfied with the scene just now, but he wants to give Du Yuesheng another role. Do you think you have time?

Qi Lin was startled when he heard this, and turned to look at grandma.

Seeing this, Liu Hongzhuang nodded with a smile. It is naturally a good thing for Qi Lin to have more scenes in this kind of tribute movie! How could she stop it?

Qi Lin smiled apologetically at grandma and said, Grandma, let's talk another day.

Well, grandma is not in a hurry. I have time to go to grandma's house and taste grandma's handicraft.


Qi Lin agreed, and went to another car to greet Wang Xiaohua and others, and then returned to the theater again.

On the other end, Chen Kun, who had just finished removing his makeup, was stunned. What's the matter? I rested, why did you come back again?


When Director Han saw Qi Lin again, his eyes were a little different. He confirmed through the surveillance just now that the assistant was right. Qi Lin really knew that person!

Director Han took a deep breath, he must not expose himself!

Xiao Qi, your performance just now was really great. It is a shame for us as directors to show such excellent acting skills too little, so I decided to add some roles to you. What kind of roles do you think are suitable?

Qi Lin was a little confused after hearing this, and thought to himself, what are you talking about? Didn't you say add drama to me? Why do you still let me see what kind of play is suitable? I think it is more suitable for me to play the Red Army soldier, can you let me?

Look at what you said, Director Han, I'm just an actor. My task is to film and play the role you entrusted to me. As for what to film, of course the director has the final say.

After hearing this, Director Han couldn't help but sigh with emotion, look, he has such a terrifying background, but he still behaves so approachable, this is called tutoring, this is called quality!

It's like this. Just watching the previous scene, I don't think it can show Du Yuesheng's status in Shanghai.

I think we can add a little more scenes to let the audience know Du Yuesheng's strength in Shanghai, and let the audience know that he can wrestle with Jiang Jingguo. What do you think?

Qi Lin nodded with a smile and said, I have no problem, it's up to you to decide.

Wang Xiaohua, who was behind the two, heard the conversation, but seemed to understand something, silently glanced at the distance, and thought that it was really good to lean against the big tree to enjoy the shade.

Some people, even if they don't say anything or do anything, there are still people who rush to express their kindness.

In this way, Qi Lin filmed two more scenes in the crew.

Liu Tianwang didn't delay at all. Although Director Han wanted to shoot Qi Lin's scene, didn't he still have an assistant director?

Asking the assistant director to shoot Liu Tianwang's scenes first did not delay things at all.

Two days later, Qi Lin finished again.

If all the scenes that Qi Lin filmed in the past two days were screened, at least half an hour of scenes would be available.

But Qi Lin also knew in his heart that such a thing is 100% impossible.

After all, this is a tribute movie, and there is no room for sloppy gift movies!

If he doesn't ask for anything else, but only wants to have a role in the scene for more than five minutes, then he is already very satisfied.

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