What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 546 Scared to death!

What the butler said was a little gloomy, and the surrounding scenery was really scary.

Seeing that several people were a little terrified, the butler slowly raised his head and said.

Don't think too much, rest early.

After the butler finished speaking, he limped out of the living room and walked upstairs.

After several people looked at each other, their eyes were unclear.

Let's go back and rest too.

After a few seconds, Jiang Dong spoke.


Let's go.

They agreed and came to the second floor. Sure enough, they saw three open doors on the second floor.

Seeing this, Jiang Dong smiled and said, Let's allocate a room. Actor Bi, you can share a room with Director Qi.

After hearing this, Bi Zimu nodded like a chicken pecking rice. This is great!

Jiang Dong looked at Yu Wuti and said, We share a room, Lao Lan and Lao Li share a room.

no problem.


After a few people agreed, they immediately entered their respective rooms.

Qi Lin and Bi Zimu returned to the room. The layout of the room was a little rougher. The two had just sat down when they heard the director's voice.

Cut! Teachers, rest in place and put on makeup!

The next moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and the makeup artists of several people walked into their respective rooms with cosmetic bags and began to touch up their makeup.

Are you going to cut the scene?

Qi Lin asked curiously, while Bi Zimu hurriedly explained.

It should be. The next scene should be screaming, and then the murder happened. It's our turn to reason.

Bi Zimu was a little too excited, and Qi Lin didn't expect that he was so popular in the eyes of newcomers!

He couldn't even remember how many new fans this was, they looked at him as if they were on a pilgrimage!

This made Qi Lin feel a little confused. He didn't know when he actually became the idol of newcomers!

Not long after, the make-up was over and the shooting continued.

Just like what Bi Zimu said before, within a minute of continuing to shoot, the two of them heard a scream from upstairs!

The two 'woke up', pushed open the door, and saw that the rest of the people had also walked out of the room.

Several people walked up the stairs to the third floor, and saw that there were three rooms on the third floor, and the doors of the three rooms were all open at the moment.

In the master bedroom, the hostess is screaming.

In the maid's room, the female nanny had just dressed up and walked out in a panic.

The butler was already standing in the corridor, muttering something in a low voice.

What happened?

Jiang Dong stood outside the door and asked, and the hostess in the house cried.

My husband is dead!

Hearing this, Qi Lin and the others looked at each other with serious expressions.

Although this is a variety show, it also requires acting skills! Don't think it's a variety show, you can fool things, that's disrespect to yourself, and disrespect to the audience.

The eyes of several people all fell on 'Doctor Li', because he was set up as a surgeon, and now that a murder case happened, he must be the first one!

Dr. Li stepped forward, took a rough look at the back and said.

There were no obvious wounds. According to the body's reaction, the time of death should be about half an hour to an hour.

After Dr. Li finished speaking, he turned to look at the hostess and asked.

How did you find out your husband was dead?

The hostess was still sobbing, and after hearing the question, she sobbed.

I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. After turning on the light, I saw him staring at me with big eyes, with a frightened expression, so I sniffed him.

After hearing this, Qi Lin discovered doubts again. The person next to her pillow died. How could she be so coherent in her narration?

Of course, it is a variety show after all, and there is a script. If people say things clearly and reflect everything according to the truth, then based on their experience, they may not be able to solve the case in this life. After all, they are not policemen, and they are not detectives.

After a decent examination, Dr. Li said, He probably died of cardiac arrest! Moreover, his eyes were wide open, and the corners of his eyes were even cracked. It is preliminarily inferred that he may have suffered severe shock or pain.

After hearing this, Jiang Dong said: Scared? How can you be scared while sleeping? Can a dream scare people to death? Ma'am, does your husband usually have a heart attack?

After hearing this, the hostess didn't respond, instead her body was trembling all the time.

Seeing this, the steward at the side said with difficulty, I never thought that he was the one who died this year!

Several people looked at the butler, and saw the butler with a wry smile on his face.

Remember what I said before, this is a ghost castle?

Several people nodded oddly, and then heard the butler continue.

Have you heard that there was a sensational gold robbery thirty years ago?

Camera Lan nodded and said, I've heard that it was our newspaper that reported the gold robbery back then. It is said that more than 30 million worth of gold was lost every year!

In the end, several prisoners fought violently because of the uneven distribution of accounts. There were five prisoners in total, and four of them died. The remaining one also became a vegetable and stayed on the bed.

After hearing this, the butler nodded slowly and said, This is the place where those criminals killed each other back then! And the lost gold has not been found until now!

What's more serious is that since that incident, people have died here almost every year!

Qi Lin really couldn't hold back, and asked after the other party finished speaking.

Then why do you still live here? How unsafe?

Bi Zimu also nodded in agreement: That's right, even if you like to play haunted houses, you can't live in haunted houses.

The steward smiled wryly after hearing the words: It's not about the gold. Since that incident, Mr.'s father bought the old castle, hoping to find that batch of gold, but after ten years, he still found nothing. , and finally died in depression.

Later, my husband inherited this place and was also looking for gold, and this search took another twenty years!

Qi Lin asked again after hearing the words: Does gold have anything to do with people who die every year?

Of course there is. It is precisely because there is gold in this ancient castle that some people come to the door every year, intending to find gold! It's just that one or two of these people will inevitably die.

Qi Lin and the others looked at each other. This theory can probably be explained, but it's a bit far-fetched!

Those people came to look for gold, but they must have not found it! After all, if it is found, wouldn't the script be valid?

So since they didn't find the gold, what did the murderer do?

Really resent ghosts and kill people?

Hehe, don't be ridiculous, it really turned into a grieving ghost and murderer, and he couldn't even pass the broadcast review!

How did those people die?

After hearing this, the butler pointed to the male master lying on the bed and said.

Just like him, everyone was scared to death! At first, the police investigated and investigated, but later they got used to it! They even put signs outside to prevent people from coming to this forest, let alone this old castle!

After the butler finished speaking, he looked at the few people with strange eyes and said.

You guys are also here for gold.

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