Bai Doudou kept the audience's comments in his mind, and planned to go back and add them to his film reviews.

It can be seen from the attendance rate alone that the premiere box office of this movie is definitely not bad.

As long as the word of mouth does not collapse, I believe the final box office should be very good!

I have to say that those capitalists are very good at grabbing people's hearts!

At noon that day, the first batch of movie reviews came out, and they were almost all positive reviews!

Well-known film critic, 【Sand in the Wind】.

If you like to watch John Wick, please don't miss this sequel! It's refreshing and exciting as always!

There is no nonsense in the whole process, a little routine, it is still the John Wick we are familiar with!

Believe me, the word Qi Lin alone is worth the fare!

And this movie also makes up for the shortcomings of the previous film's weak main line, and explained a complete killer world for us!

All in all, if you haven't seen this movie, you must watch it! If you think it's not good, you can come back and scold me!

Shaking hands well-known movie blogger, [Love to speak the truth].

From this movie, I have seen Qi Lin's hard work over the years!

From an unknown little actor to being able to stand alone in Hollywood, the hard work and sweat involved are beyond our imagination

For a time, the evaluation of this movie on the Internet was extremely high!

But is the film really flawless?

Of course not, it's just that the current situation is such that this movie has been praised!

Nowadays, anyone who says something about this movie will be criticized!

So some people dare not speak even if they have other views.

Only after the movie has passed the heat, they dare to express their opinions.

But by that time, it doesn't matter whether you have an opinion or not.

Because the box office is high enough, the money that people should earn has already been earned.

At noon the next day, when the film's premiere box office came out, everyone's eyes widened!

Four hundred and ninety million!

It almost broke 500 million!

This figure makes some investors look stupid.

500 million at the premiere box office? How much did it end up at the box office?

All of a sudden, the news that John Wick had a box office of nearly 500 million at its premiere hit the top of the search list!

There are voices discussing this movie everywhere on the Internet. As for the few movies that were released at the same time, they were so short that they couldn't even see the scum!

But different from the past, there are not many voices discussing Qi Lin this time. Even though the film's performance is so good, there are not many voices discussing Qi Lin. This may be because the audience is used to it!

Over the years, among the movies starring Qi Lin, which one did not perform well?

The audience watched a lot, and gradually got used to it.

It can be said that Qi Lin has now fully established his reputation as a movie koi!

A few more days passed like this, and the movie box office of John Wick also began to decline, but this is a normal phenomenon.

In fact, after the movie is released for more than a week, it will drop very badly.

And the box office of John Wick reached 1.6 billion in the first week!

Countless investors in the industry are envious of this box office result!

The film's investors and distributors have gone crazy with laughter!

The movie has already paid off for the income in China alone!

What's more, this movie has been released all over the world?

Investors have firmly remembered the name Qi Lin! They invested in the Rush series and took the risk of using a Hollywood newcomer like Qi Lin as the leading role, but Qi Lin brought them unimaginable returns!

The first movie let them know the strength of the Chinese market, and also broke into the name of the rapid series!

As for the second part, the current profits have already made them inexplicably excited. They don't need to read it to know that they will definitely make a lot of money!

No wonder the Chinese call Qi Lin the movie koi!

And the success of this movie has also been seen by many Hollywood investors!

They have known for a long time that the Huaxia film market is growing very fast, but they never thought that it would grow so fast!

The lineup of the movie John Wick can only be considered average, but just such a movie won a terrifying box office of 1.6 billion Huaxia dollars in the first week in China!

You know, the total box office of many big-invested movies may not be so high!

This moment made their hearts flutter!

In just one day, Morgan, who was in charge of Qi Lin's Hollywood business, received more than a dozen invitations, all of which were invitations to Qi Lin to film, and there were many big productions among them.

It's just that the roles given can only be regarded as average, and they are all small roles.

And if you want to say who is the happiest now, it must be the investor of Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

They can't wait for the movie to be released, but it's a pity that Huaxia's movie review standards are really strict, and it will take a while for them to do so.

Since the box office results of John Wick came out, the Smith crew has held several meetings.

They are thinking, should they also learn about John Wick and have a world premiere in China?

Unfortunately, they eventually abandoned the plan.

Because they are different from the Rapid series, the Rapid series belongs to a newcomer company, so you can do whatever you want!

But they are different, their base camp is in Lijian country, and they cannot abandon the existing market just to please the Chinese market.

Another point is that the protagonist of their movie is also Qi Lin!

With Qi Lin alone, he must be able to achieve good results in Huaxia!

If it is said that before, those Hollywood directors and investors only had some impressions of Qi Lin's works.

So now that Qi Lin's name is mentioned, they already have a concept in their minds!

In this way, the time came to mid-October. Although the box office of John Wick has dropped a lot, it is still the top box office in October!

The box office of several other movies combined is not more than half of it.

Domestic investors are already numb!

Everyone knows that Qi Lin is very popular now, and cooperating with Qi Lin in filming will definitely make money, but the terrible thing is that he doesn't need it at all!

[Kirin Studio] Qi Lin alone has made a lot of money these years, not to mention the Qi family team, the crew and the investment in so many movies?

If people want to make movies, their own money is enough, and they don't need to invest at all, which is very uncomfortable!

Even those big bosses who helped Qi Lin stand in the team at the beginning were very uncomfortable. You said that such a good opportunity, if we don't work together once, wouldn't it be a waste?

But no matter who it was, they couldn't get a guarantee from Wang Xiaohua's mouth.

Wang Xiaohua will always say that: Next time!

In this way, time has come slowly to November, John Wick has been taken off the shelves, and the box office in China alone has reached 4 billion!

All of a sudden, countless foreign crews and investors looked at the Chinese market with bright eyes!

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