In the next few days, Qi Lin went to rehearse with the children every day, and lived a fulfilling life.

During the period, the dance team followed up the whole process and adjusted some movements at the same time, making progress all the time.

According to this progress, in another month, the audit standard will be reached.

And this day Qi Lin was rehearsing with the children when he saw Wang Xiaohua rushing in.

Qi Lin was a little surprised when he saw this, Sister Hua is usually very steady, what happened to make her lose her composure?

Brother, go to Yanjing!

Qi Lin thought to himself, what's the matter? The Spring Festival Gala has been reviewed in advance? Why are you in such a hurry to go to Yanjing all of a sudden?

But out of trust in Wang Xiaohua, Qi Lin still didn't ask any more questions. He asked several teachers to take the children to the rehearsal, while he walked to the door and waited until Qi Lin got into the RV before asking.

Why are you in such a hurry to go to Yanjing, sister?

Wang Xiaohua's excited voice changed a little: Great opportunity, such a great opportunity! This time, the most influential male artist really didn't go for nothing!

The more Qi Lin listened, the more confused he became, what a great opportunity? To be able to excite Wang Xiaohua like this, what kind of a good opportunity is that?

Director Han Ping is going to shoot a new movie!

Qi Lin didn't quite react when he heard the words, who is the director Han Ping?

China Film, Han Ping!

Qi Lin realized in an instant, my God, it was that big boss!

In an instant, Qi Lin figured it out, if he could get that boss to make a move, needless to say, it must be the main theme of the movie!

But the main theme movie wouldn't make Wang Xiaohua so excited, right?

It's different this time, it's different this time! This time it's a tribute work! It's almost an all-star lineup! Brother, just take any character here, it will be of great help to your future!

Wang Xiaohua's expression was inexplicably excited, and Qi Lin finally understood what a gift work is.

Then when shall we leave?

We've already received an invitation to audition, and we're leaving for China Film Group tomorrow! We must seize this opportunity!

Then, which role shall we audition for?

I don't know, I haven't received any news at all, and I don't even know what the theme of the movie is. The only thing we know now is the main theme!

But sister, don't we plan to shoot a movie in the second half of the year?

Hey, when is this? As long as it can be selected, when can't our own movie be shot?

The RV drove fast all the way, Qi Lin simply tidied up and saluted, and then went straight to the airport.

And there are too many artists planning to go to Yanjing at this moment, Qi Lin is just one of them.

After Qi Lin got off the plane, he was recognized before he even walked out of the airport.

Qi Lin!

Qi Lin!

It's Qi Lin!

Qi Lin hurriedly lowered his head, pressed his fisherman's hat, and Wang Xiaohua followed closely behind and whispered.

Don't answer any questions, the car is just outside the airport, ready to go.

Wu Yong stood in front of Qi Lin and helped him deal with those shots.

Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi, are you here to shoot a new movie in Yanjing?

Mr. Qi Lin, when did you return to China?

Mr. Qi, I am from the Weekly Entertainment News, can I make an appointment for an interview with you?

Qi Lin, is there any purpose for you to come to Beijing this time? Is it convenient for you to answer?

No matter what the surrounding reporters asked, Qi Lin didn't answer at all, just bowed his head and continued to move forward.

With Wu Yong leading the way, the group walked out of the airport quickly, and a car had already been arranged outside the airport.

And those reporters didn't give up, they followed all the way outside the airport, watching Qi Lin get on the car and go away, still feeling unwilling.

Hey, how old is this today?

The fifth place, all big names.

Which big director do you think is going to make a movie? There are so many famous people here.

I don't think it's necessarily about making movies. Today, any one of these five people is fully capable of taking the lead. Moreover, with their salary, if five of them are used to make movies, how much investment will it cost?

That's right, and movies also have unspoken rules, don't you understand the reason why the king doesn't see the king?

There must be something big going on in the circle!

The reporters sighed with emotion, and then continued to squat at the airport to take pictures.

Qi Lin and his group came to the hotel, and Wang Xiaohua has been calling out one after another since she got off the plane.

After going back and forth to make sure, Wang Xiaohua said.

Brother, the demons are dancing! This time the competition is too fierce. Fang Long, Zhao Shan, Li Jie, Liu Tianwang and others are all here!

Qi Lin was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, Wo Ri, isn't this lineup a little too exaggerated?

Then Qi Lin became even more confused, he is hot now, this is not Versailles or conceit.

If Qi Lin said he wasn't popular, he would be pretending.

But even so, if compared with those big shots, he doesn't think he has much competitiveness!

Wang Xiaohua was also worried. After all, this kind of movie is not just something you can get popular with!

And strictly speaking, Qi Lin is an action actor, and when he competes for such a big drama, he is naturally inferior to a literary actor.

Both siblings were a little worried, but in the end Qi Lin smiled.

Forget it, sister, let's be normal. Competing with these big names, even if you lose, there is nothing to be ashamed of.


Wang Xiaohua nodded silently. What Qi Lin said is quite right. Competing with these big guys, even if you lose, it’s okay. After all, if you look at the younger generation, who can compete with these big guys on the same stage? Are they worthy?

And Qi Lin is already extraordinary just being able to stand on the same stage with these people.

Tomorrow, tomorrow morning we will go for an interview! No matter what the role is, even if it is a small soldier, we will!

Wang Xiaohua swung her fist, as if full of confidence.

The next day, a group of people came to China Film Group. Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua had an appointment, so they followed the staff directly to the office.

It's a pity that Director Han Ping was not there. After pouring a glass of water for the two, the secretary apologized slightly.

I'm sorry, Sister Hua, Mr. Qi, Director Han is dealing with some things, and he should be back soon, please wait a moment, both of you.

Naturally, Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua had no objection, and after waiting for the secretary to leave, Wang Xiaohua took a sip of water.

Director Han must be very busy recently. Some people in the circle know that he is going to make a gift movie this time. There must be many people who care about Director Han's role.

Qi Lin was a little surprised when he heard this, and said, Didn't we choose the role?

Wang Xiaohua looked at Qi Lin, as if caring for mentally handicapped children.

What brother are you thinking about? Do you think it's an ordinary movie, where you can choose the role? For this kind of movie, if you can have a ten-second shot in it, that's your qualifications!

Qi Lin swallowed, and put more emphasis on this movie.

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