What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 481 I am very optimistic about Qi Lin

After Wang Xiaohua came back, she immediately started contacting her friends in the circle. This was the first time that Wang Xiaohua showed her network with all her strength!

All of a sudden, countless celebrities stood up, all first-line artists, and even some artists who had already retired, all stood up again and expressed their support for Qi Lin!

In just one night, Wang Xiaohua once again brought both parties to the same position by virtue of her connections!

This is not over yet, some heavyweight bosses have also begun to end!

And they all chose to stand behind Qi Lin, or behind Wang Xiaohua, the pressure once again came to Wang Yizhou's side!

Seeing this, Wang Yizhou began to have big bosses come to an end!

At this moment, the Ministry of Culture became a bystander instead.

No one expected that this time the incident would turn out to be such a big mess!

And on the Internet, it has become a scene where fans of both sides are torn apart!

Seeing this, the Ministry of Culture knew that things couldn't go on like this, and a choice had to be made!

However, it is really hard to choose between these two parties!

In terms of popularity and influence, Qi Lin is undoubtedly the best candidate!

But Wang Yizhou has done a lot of charity for so many years, but Qi Lin has never done any charity! From the perspective of choosing a role model, Wang Yizhou should be chosen!

And at this moment, Wang Xiaohua released a set of photos!

Those are Hope Primary Schools, bridges, and roads!

They all have a name in common, hopefully!

#Not everyone who does charity likes to hang on their faces, and not everyone who does charity needs to write their own names! #

#齐林 has built 21 roads and 11 bridges since his debut, solving the difficult problem of material transportation in mountainous areas! #

#Build 53 Hope Primary Schools to solve the problem of children in remote mountainous areas going to school! #

#For the left-behind children, the empty-nest elderly donated more than 5 million materials! #

#Donated more than 20 million for the Children's Foundation, charitable foundations, and aid societies! #

#All donations can all be verified! It's just charity, we don't promote it, it doesn't mean we don't do it! #

When Wang Xiaohua's group data was released, Wang Yizhou's fans were a little dumbfounded. The most ruthless point they bit on before was that Qi Lin was rich and unkind. With so much money, he didn't do any charity at all!

But who would have thought that they did it, but they didn't publicize it!

Look at the one above, how much do these cost? Wang Yizhou only donated 10 to 20 million, but Qi Lin only donated more than 20 million to the foundation. How can this compare?

Moreover, under the influence of the spirit of corruption, Qi Lin who does good deeds without leaving his name will be more favored by netizens!

All of a sudden, the world turned upside down, Qi Lin's supporters began to soar, and Qi Lin once again gained the upper hand!

Seeing this, Wang Xiaohua couldn't help but sneer, charitable donation?

Do you know how much tax Qi Lin has to pay every year?

Doing charity can also cover part of the tax, don't you know?

Although doing so was not worth the gain, and the real money was more, but Wang Xiaohua did it anyway, just for today!

As a big broker in the industry, she is too familiar with some unspoken rules in the industry!

Among the well-known artists in the circle, who has never done charity? Who hasn't donated money?

The reason why Wang Xiaohua kept secret before was because of today!

Facts have proved that the dark move she started to deploy many years ago is right!

Sure enough, some people who thought they had never done charity took the initiative to come over to them!

And Wang Xiaohua didn't get used to the other party, she just slapped her across the face!

Looking at it now, Qi Lin should have stabilized in this position.

Yanjing, Ministry of Culture.

Ahem, I don't think everyone has any objections this time, right? Although Wang Yizhou is good, he is not as influential as Qi Lin after all, and many young people in the younger generation now regard Qi Lin as their idol.

Qi Lin, an entertainer, has always had a good reputation in the industry, and he has done a lot of charity silently. If Wang Xiaohua didn't make it public this time, we might not know it now. This kind of person should be a role model and an idol. !

That's why I recommend Qi Lin to become the most influential male artist this time!

In the conference room, a middle-aged man was talking freely. He had always supported Qi Lin.

This is not to say that he has any relationship with Qi Lin, but simply a matter of position!

As soon as he finished speaking, someone on the other side spoke.

I still think Wang Yizhou is more suitable for this position. Wang Yizhou is a singer, and he has released a few very good positive energy songs over the years. If there is any promotional task, he will be able to complete it very well.

We are now selecting the most influential artist! Is his influence comparable to Qi Lin's?

He is a singer of the older generation, Qi Lin is still young, what's the rush? What if we wait another ten years?

How many decades are there in life? Why can't Qi Lin be the most influential artist? Just because he is young? Why don't you post this on the Internet to see if Qi Lin's supporters listen?

Is this your attitude to discuss things!!!

The two sides started to fight with each other within a few words, and they could fight if they didn't agree with each other.

Seeing this, Liu Fan slapped the table and said, What are you doing! Look up and see where this is! Is it a place for you to show your prestige? What if people outside see it?

Seeing that Liu Fan got angry, the scene became quiet, but no one was still convinced.


Liu Fan wanted to say something, but felt the phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and wanted to turn it off, but saw that the caller was his leader.

Liu Fan waved his hand and said, You guys discuss first, the time is running out, there must be a result today, I'll get some water.

After Liu Fan finished speaking, he walked out of the room with his thermos. As soon as he left, the room started to argue endlessly.

Liu Fan found a relatively quiet place and answered the phone.


Is the most influential artist settled yet?

No, it's still under discussion, but there will definitely be a result today.

Oh, I heard that Qi Lin is a good kid, and he has donated money all these years. This year, he will go to the Spring Festival Gala! You know, I will also go to the Spring Festival Gala this year. I am really looking forward to it.

Liu Fan's heart suddenly started to speed up, but he couldn't figure out how this person knew about Qi Lin!

Understood. I understand leadership. In fact, I am more optimistic about Qi Lin. My daughter is still a fan of Qi Lin.

That's your business, Xiao Liu, I'm looking forward to the outcome of this matter.

Don't worry, don't worry!

Liu Fan agreed, and after hanging up the phone, his footsteps became much lighter. This time it's all right, so there's no need to argue.

Yanjing, Siheyuan.

A middle-aged man with half gray hair hung up the phone and said with a smile, Red Soldier, why are you so optimistic about Qi Lin?

It was Wang Hongbing who was sitting opposite the old man, and said with a smile after hearing this.

Nonsense, if I don't like my nephew, who else can I look up to?

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