Brother, who can you go with your money-hungry character!

my dad


Wang Xiaohua sighed helplessly and said, Brother, the salary this time may not be too high, after all, you are a newcomer, and the salary of the actors at Xiangjiang is incomparable with ours here.

But as long as you can win this role, your salary will go up to a higher level in the future! Let me tell you this, variety shows start with a million invitations, and movies and TV series start with three or four million!

Hearing this, Qi Lin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded decisively and said.

Sister Hua! I will do my best!

Only then did Wang Xiaohua nod in satisfaction: Director, I have already said hello. I will choose two clothes for you tomorrow, and we will go to the interview the day after tomorrow!

Qi Lin smiled and agreed, although he is the protagonist in the crew, but because of the unit drama, he can be absent in many plots.

So it’s okay to ask for a day off, the director can just shoot other people’s scenes first.

On the morning of the third day, Wang Xiaohua personally drove Qi Lin to the agreed place for an interview.

Qi Lin was wearing a slim Korean suit, a pair of black crocodile leather shoes on his feet, and his hair was styled into a big back.

This was specifically ordered by Wang Xiaohua. In order to interview for this role, Wang Xiaohua also did some preparatory work.

Although she didn't know what type of character this character was in the script, she still found some commonalities through director Zheng Rui's rules for selecting actors.

This should be a young, capable star!

That's why Wang Xiaohua asked Li Yue to dress up Qi Lin in such a look.

The location of the interview was in a coffee shop, and the two arrived there early.

After choosing a relatively remote location, he quietly waited for Director Zheng Rui's arrival.

Not long after, a waiter took the drink list and asked the two of them what they wanted to drink with a smile on their faces.


“I just want a glass of water”

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, he saw the waitress looking at him in a daze.

Qi Lin was a little embarrassed, and thought to himself, why do you look at me like that? No drinking water in the coffee shop?

But before he could say anything, a piercing scream rang in his ears.

Ah!!! Ma Wencai! You are Ma Wencai! Ah!!!

Qi Lin covered his ears subconsciously, with a dazed expression on his face.

It was still Sister Hua who had experience, she hurriedly got up and covered the waiter's mouth, then looked around vigilantly.

Fortunately, not many people came to the coffee shop in the morning, so she was relieved.

The waiter also realized this and apologized hastily.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I like you so much, you, can you sign me?

This is the first time Qi Lin has met his fans in reality, and it feels quite strange.

Wang Xiaohua smiled and said, Don't talk about autographs, a group photo is also fine. But you have to keep it secret, don't be so loud, okay? We have an appointment today, and we don't want to be disturbed by too many people.

The waiter nodded excitedly, and couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone.

Seeing this, Qi Lin gave up the seat beside him, asked the waiter to sit down, and took a few photos with her.

Then she signed her name, of course, it was Qi Lin who signed, not Ma Wencai!

Only then did the waitress leave with a radiant face, and said that she treats their consumption today!

Of course Wang Xiaohua refused, but asked her to keep it as secret as possible.

But soon Wang Xiaohua knew that she had believed in the wrong person, and it didn't take two minutes for the whole cafe to line up to take pictures and ask for autographs! Some of them were really Qi Lin's fans, and some were purely for fun, anyway, they didn't spend any money to get an autograph.

Fortunately, there are not many people in this coffee shop, and it will be over after ten minutes.

This made Qi Lin feel weird, it was the first time he felt like a star!

After another ten minutes, director Zheng Rui arrived late.

Director Zheng Rui was very low-key, wearing blue casual clothes and a peaked cap, but behind him was a burly man over 1.9 meters tall.

When the man walked like a tiger, Qi Lin could tell at a glance that this man must have come from the army, and the aura on his body was so recognizable.

Haha, Director Zheng, long time no see.

Wang Xiaohua stepped forward to shake hands with Director Zheng politely, and Qi Lin also hurriedly got up.

After Zheng Rui smiled and exchanged greetings with Wang Xiaohua, his eyes fell on Qi Lin.

The first time he saw Qi Lin, he fell in love with him!

Compared with the characters in my mind, the characters in the script seem to come alive!

When the two sat down, the big man stood aside, looking around vigilantly, with a full posture.

Qi Lin looked a little curious, but Wang Xiaohua knew that Director Zheng Rui had been kidnapped before, so he was very concerned about his own safety. He would hardly go out without the company of bodyguards. This has even become a heart problem. .

I heard from Lao Fang that you are very good at martial arts? Even Hong Tai can't beat you?

Zheng Rui's voice was a little hoarse, and he sounded like an old smoker.

Qi Lin hurriedly said modestly: Director Fang praised me, Uncle Hong is quite capable, and I respect him very much.

Zheng Rui laughed as soon as he heard it, Qi Lin seemed to be modest, but he actually admitted it.

He looked around, pointed to the bodyguard beside him and said, Can you beat him?

Qi Lin shook his head after looking at the other party, Zheng Rui thought that Qi Lin was giving up, and just about to say something, he heard Qi Lin speak slowly.

I haven't fought before, so I don't know. If he is proficient in military combat, it will be more difficult.

Hearing what Qi Lin said, the big man also looked over. When he first saw Qi Lin's appearance, he was a little contemptuous, but after seeing Qi Lin's figure clearly, his expression gradually became serious.

As soon as Zheng Rui heard the interest, he smiled and said, Can you show it?

Qi Lin looked around, it must be difficult to do this in the coffee shop.

After thinking for a while, he took out a cloth cushion behind him, and stabbed fiercely with his sword finger with his right hand.


The cushion was pierced with a small hole, Qi Lin respectfully handed the cushion to Zheng Rui, and Zheng Rui checked to make sure that it was indeed not tampered with in advance!

The moment he looked at Qi Lin, his eyes became hot, he looks good and has real skills!

Apart from being less famous now, it is simply tailor-made for my own movie!

Especially the appearance of the other party in a suit now, which is exactly the same as his ideal character!

And it's okay to be less famous now, after the release of Fang Shiyu during the Spring Festival, he believes that Qi Lin's fame will soar just because of his wonderful performance in it!

Thinking of this, Zheng Rui smiled and turned to look at Wang Xiaohua.

I'm very satisfied with Qilin. Does he have a schedule next year?

Yes, but it needs to be adjusted. My younger brother has a TV series and two movies to star in next year.

Zheng Rui nodded, thought for a while, and said: I'm in a hurry this time, and the filming will start after the next year. I hope to give me a three-month schedule. Of course, I will help you make up for the film salary.

Upon hearing the remuneration, Qi Lin's eyes instantly brightened up a lot.

What? Are those two tickets in your hand the legendary recommendation ticket and monthly ticket?

Not to brag with you, I was lucky enough to see it once...

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