The three teams competed again.

At this moment, Director Liu Zhen still doesn't know what program Qi Lin will perform on the Spring Festival Gala, but Liu Zhen is not worried at all, because even if Qi Lin does nothing, just walk around on stage, it will also increase the ratings !

And with Qi Lin joining, the director obviously felt a lot easier when inviting other big names.

It seems that with Qi Lin around, they have more confidence in this year's Spring Festival Gala!

Director Liu Zhen never thought that he would have a day of pushing tiger's skin!

At the end of May, Qi Lin has been filming on the set for 20 days, and the filming of some relaxed and happy scenes is almost done, and the story has officially entered the main line!

And the scene that will be filmed today can be described as the most classic scene in the play. Both husband and wife sense the difference in each other and start to test each other.

All departments are ready! The countdown is three seconds!





The recorder stepped back, and Qi Lin sat on a chair, watching Angelina walk in with a piece of roast beef with a smile on his face.

“Roast beef, my favourite!”

Qi Lin said so, but his eyes kept staring at the knife.

When Angelina picked up the knife and was about to cut the meat, the smile on Qi Lin's face stagnated, and then he grabbed her hand naturally, turned around and came behind her, and naturally half hugged her in his arms.

Come on honey, you're tired enough today.

Angelina didn't refuse either, she wiped her hands and went to sit down opposite. At the same time, she took out a knife under her apron and started cutting bread!

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes, and when he sat down, he naturally put the knife beside him.

Director Doug looked at the camera with a satisfied smile. These two are indeed good actors! The eyes and movements are so well done!

What we want is this feeling of being on guard against each other and probing each other but not being able to speak out!

Is work okay?

Qi Lin asked casually.

There's something wrong with our business.

Angelina seemed to be in deep thought, but when she answered the question, she put on a smile again, and brought a plate of beans to Qi Lin.


Any other company is robbing us of business, do you want some beans?


Let's have some.

Regardless of Qi Lin's refusal, Angelina put some beans on his plate.

When Angelina turned around, Qi Lin's expression changed, his eyes quickly glanced at the steak and beans, but the voice in his mouth still matched.

Hopefully everything works out.

It's not resolved yet, but it will be resolved eventually.

Angelina didn't sit down until Qi Lin casually cut a piece of steak.

Grilled steak, my favorite, please pass me the salt.

After he finished speaking, he saw the salt beside him, smiled a little embarrassedly, and then lightly added a little salt to his steak.

Angelina just looked at him, and when he put the beef in his mouth, he forked a piece of beans.

The moment the beef was eaten, Qi Lin's expression became a little dignified.

Did you use a new seasoning?


The husband and wife are both chewing and staring at each other.

Qi Lin silently made a swallowing movement, and then, by wiping his mouth, spit the beef into a mouth towel and put it aside.

What about the Atlanta problem?

It's the same problem, some numbers are not quite right.

Qi Lin got up after answering, picked up a bottle of red wine and approached Angelina.

Is it serious?

Life and death are at stake, would you like some wine?

Angelina nodded slightly, and Qi Lin silently poured a glass of wine for her, and then let the bottle fall freely as if he didn't hold the bottle.

In the next second, Angelina firmly grasped the wine bottle without even looking at it.

Director Doug behind the camera slapped his thigh!

This scene is the hardest in the whole scene!

It is also where he thought that he might NG many times, but he didn't expect it to succeed once!

At this moment, the cooperation between the two is perfect!

Angelina also seemed to realize that she shouldn't have grabbed the bottle, she immediately let go, the bottle fell on the floor, and the bright red wine splashed out.

But it's too late now!

The two looked at each other, and immediately got up.

I'm going to get a towel.

I'll clean it up!

The two got up one after another and walked in two opposite directions.

The camera followed, and within a few seconds, Qi Lin walked out with guns in both hands.

Honey? Where are you?

At this moment, Qi Lin's eyes were cold. If he was wearing a suit, he would be like John Wick!

Card! Perfect! One pass!

Director Doug's excited voice sounded, he was already prepared for NG, and even prepared for this one shot many times.

But I didn't expect that the two of them would pass on one side!

Especially the part of grabbing the wine bottle, it's absolutely perfect!

Director Doug couldn't help but watch the replay again, and after watching it again, he felt satisfied, and even thought about how to edit it.

Qi Lin began to warm up his body. For the next filming scene, he will run a lot, so it is better to warm up first.

Angelina was touching up her makeup, and the way she looked at Qi Lin was completely different from before.

At first, she was very resistant to Qi Lin, but since Qi Lin helped her out that time and the two of them resumed acting, she became a little curious about Qi Lin.

And these ten days of filming and walking together made her more and more curious about Qi Lin! I want to know more and more!

In her eyes, Qi Lin is simply an omnipotent person!

Since filming, I have never seen him make a mistake, not once!

This made her even more curious, but unfortunately, as soon as the filming ended, Qi Lin would leave immediately.

It's been almost a month, and the two of them didn't say a few words in a daze.

She asked her assistant to contact Qi Lin, hoping to have dinner with Qi Lin and chat about the show, but unexpectedly, Qi Lin refused directly, and the reason was very good. The off-duty time belonged to him, and he didn't want to talk about work. !

This made Angelina a little unacceptable, you must know that she is Angelina!

People who want to have dinner with her can line up from Hollywood to New York, but now Qi Lin is indifferent to his invitation.

No, it's not indifference, but a straightforward rejection!

However, I don't know if this person has a tendency to be abused. The more Qi Lin rejects her, the more energetic she becomes.

I don't know if it's because what you can't get is the best. During this time, Qi Lin obviously felt that there was something wrong with the way she looked at him.

Although they acted as a loving couple in the play, Qi Lin is not a fool. Can acting and showing true feelings be indistinguishable?

But it's a pity that although Qi Lin can ride a horse, he doesn't like big ocean horses.

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