What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 447 What Is What You Want Most

This song, for people of this era, the effect is tantamount to a bomb.

Almost everyone who heard this song was fascinated.

Even people outside the school couldn't help stretching their necks to look into the school.

But except for two people, that is Yuan Hua and Ma Dongmei.

Yuan Hua looked sad and indignant, and pointed to the sky with both hands: It's too much! Too much.

Do not talk!

Before Yuan Hua finished speaking, Qiu Ya interrupted him.

At this moment, Qiu Ya was intoxicated, she was obviously conquered by this song, and Yuan Hua's expression was unbelievable.

But Ma Dongmei came to the radio station in a hurry and stepped down!

And in this way, Charlotte became a big star in the school.

This makes Ma Dongmei, who has always liked Charlotte, a little at a loss, and the distance between the two is getting farther and farther, but the relationship with Qiuya is getting closer.

On this day, Charlotte, who had just finished school, was carried in the car by two men in black and taken to a KTV.

Ma Dongmei thought he had been kidnapped, so she rushed in with a brick.

Unexpectedly, it was that sister who wanted to see him.

The sister expressed that she admired his talent very much and wanted to cooperate with him. Just as Charlotte was about to agree, Ma Dongmei came up and gave Sister Na a brick, and then ran away with Charlotte.

Ma Dongmei felt very sorry for delaying Charlotte's important event, and waited downstairs at Charlotte's house at night, wanting to apologize to him.

In the end, he ran into those outsiders from last time. It turned out that these outsiders were hired by Yuan Hua to ruin Charlotte's voice.

In order to protect Charlotte, Ma Dongmei agreed to the unreasonable request of the leader of the outsiders, and went to drill the grove.

The audience who watched this scene wanted to curse, after all, this was something that no male audience could accept!

But Charlotte on the other end has already cooperated with that sister on the Spring Festival Gala and sang the song Meeting in 1998 together!

From this day on, Charlotte quickly became popular and replaced Teacher Liu to sing You and Me in the Olympics!

He also became the mentor of China's hottest variety show The Voice of China and the hottest singer at the moment.

He even beat up Jay Chou, who was not famous at the time. When Jay Chou said, 'I feel like I've been living in his shadow', the audience laughed like crazy.

Isn't that right, he plagiarized your Nunchaku, and you have been living in his shadow.

And Charlotte, who has become famous, also discovers that Qiu Ya doesn't love him at all, but just regards him as a tool to make money and become famous.

He simply threw away his cell phone, took Zhang Yang to indulge himself on the yacht, and escaped from the world.

In the end, she was unhappy for two days before being found by Qiu Ya.

Qiu Ya told him that Liu Tianwang wanted to invite a song, and when Qi Lin sang the Cantonese version of People in the Village, the movie theater was full of cheers again.

While at sea, they accidentally saw their old classmate Yuan Hua.

At this moment, Yuan Hua has become a fisherman. It turned out that Yuan Hua's father was arrested for corruption, and this kid obviously has a heart for Qiu Ya.

He keeps peeking, and what's even more funny is that the background music of Yi Jian Mei will appear when he sees it, which makes the audience laugh so hard.

Now Charlotte is not short of money at all, so she threw some money to Yuan Hua and asked him to invest in starting a company.

Yuan Hua was a little moved, and also expressed his guilt back then, which was what happened to Ma Dongmei back then.

It turned out that Ma Dongmei had falsely promised non-school personnel to go to the grove, and as soon as she entered, she blinded the non-school personnel. The family lost a lot of money, and I heard that the house was sold.

At that time, Charlotte was busy participating in various singing competitions and knew nothing about it.

Charlotte lost her temper and went back to her room.

In his home, she kept the javelin that Ma Dongmei used to bid farewell.

In fact, he has been looking for Ma Dongmei for a long time, but he has never found it. But at this moment, he has a flash of inspiration, thinking that Ma Dongmei may still be in the house where they lived in the past, and then a classic dialogue took place.

Master, 322 upstairs is Ma Dongmei's house, right?

Ma Dong what?

Ma Dongmei

What winter plum?

Ma Dongmei!

What is Mamei?

Okay, sir, let's cool off first.


The audience couldn't stop laughing, and some audience members with low laughing points held their cheeks. There were too many laughing points in this movie, which made their cheeks sore from laughing.

In the end, Charlotte still found Ma Dongmei. When Charlotte ate fennel noodles and told Ma Dongmei about their lives in the previous life, Dashachun came back.

It turns out that Ma Dongmei at this moment has married Dashachun back then!

Only now did Charlotte realize that what he really wanted was Ma Dongmei who was always by his side.

He is willing to exchange everything he has for Ma Dongmei, but unfortunately, he can't go back.

What happened afterwards was even more bloody. When he returned home, he found that Qiu Ya and Yuan Hua had gotten together.

When the audience was angry, Charlotte was found to have AIDS. This time, the audience really couldn't laugh or cry!

While on the hospital bed, Charlotte was worried about her mother's future life, but her mother told him not to worry, Zhang Yang was a person worthy of entrustment.

It turned out that Zhang Yang and his mother got together.

I've made up my mind. From now on, we'll have our own discussions. I'll call you Brother, and you'll call me Dad!

What are you looking for? Dad help you find it?

Although the audience knew that Charlotte had AIDS, they still couldn't help laughing out loud at the moment, this is so fucking funny!

Charlotte's condition became more serious. At the last moment of his life, only Ma Dongmei, who came in over the wall, was by his side, softly telling his thoughts, and singing to him the song Just Once written back then!

Charlotte on the hospital bed burst into tears, the picture gradually darkened, and then suddenly brightened!

Charlotte is still in that bathroom, just like when she traveled through time before, except that this time the faucet can be turned off.

Charlotte opened the door, and the outside was not a high school classroom, but a wedding scene.

The police were questioning Ma Dongmei, while Qiu Ya stood aside to comfort him.

At this time, the episode sung by Qi Lin slowly sounded.

I'll be by your side.

Never look back.

Your every move is like a heartbeat.

Touches all of me.

In the background music, Charlotte dashed away, hugged Ma Dongmei and kissed her.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, including Ma Dongmei.

Ma Dongmei was still angry, and beat Charlotte fiercely, but Charlotte didn't care at all, and just hugged his treasure hard.

Then in the police car, while making a statement, he held Ma Dongmei tightly and never let go, as if she would disappear if he let go.

Then, whether it's playing mahjong, shopping for vegetables, or kneeling on the washboard.

Charlotte was sticking to Ma Dongmei like a dog's skin plaster. At this moment, countless audiences in the movie theater showed aunt smiles.

He was lucky to get it back.

The lights come on and the movie ends.

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