The audience enjoyed watching it, and the staff and leaders of the TV station were even more happy.

Director Huang didn't leave, but stayed in the data room. Watching the red line representing the ratings rise all the way, he was so beautiful that he almost burst out with snot.


The peak value has exceeded three percent!

The voices of the staff were also a little excited. Although the peak ratings could not represent everything, the statistic of 3% was scary enough.

You know, this is the national ratings! A variety show with an average audience rating of more than 3% can be called a trump variety show!

Director Huang breathed a sigh of relief, holding the tablet in his hand and looking at the messages posted on Weibo, he felt more and more wise that he invited Qi Lin, and it was even wiser to let this variety show air in advance to see how popular it is!

After waiting for the variety show to finish, Qi Lin's fans reluctantly left the TV, and then quickly went to Qi Lin and The Impossible Challenge to comment.

The Weibo and Shaking hands of the other six guests also gained some fans, all thanks to Qi Lin's drainage!

Especially Niu Zhuo, he contributed the most exciting fight with Qi Lin in the show and successfully attracted a group of younger and older fans.

This is definitely a windfall for them, they only looked at Qi Lin's phone number on their phone, and silently decided that they must have a good relationship with Qi Lin in the future!

Just shooting a variety show with Qi Lin casually has gained so many fans, so what if he shoots a movie with Qi Lin?

Qi Lin, who was far away in Hengdian, was also very happy, because Director Huang was so funny that he didn't cut out the scene where he promoted the movie.

This made him a little happy, after all, of the two films, he had a share of the box office for one, and the other was simply his company's.

Of course, if you can promote more, you can promote more, after all, the box office directly determines the thickness of his wallet!

And Deadly Cradle has also begun to be promoted in China, but the promotional film is a bit intriguing, there are not many exciting scenes, only some ordinary fights of Qi Lin.

For example, if these fighting scenes are placed on other actors, it will definitely make everyone's eyes shine, and they think the fights are really beautiful!

But when it comes to Qi Lin, everyone will only feel average, because the audience's expectations for Qi Lin are different.

This is like a person running a 100-meter speed for fifteen seconds, everyone will think it is okay, not too slow.

But what if Su Shen ran 100 meters for fifteen seconds? That would definitely be unacceptable to many people.

Now Qi Lin is like this, the audience felt a little speechless after seeing the promotional video of this movie, and even some bad comments appeared on the Internet, thinking that Qi Lin was lazy after being famous.

Later, some people wanted to defend Qi Lin, saying that he was just an actor, and his movements were all designed by martial arts instructors. What can Qi Lin do? If you want to scold, you are also scolding the martial arts instructor.

But not long after, someone broke the news that this time the martial arts instructor was Qi Lin! All the actions were designed by Qi Lin and Qi Jiaban.

This time, even Qi Lin's fans didn't know how to wash the floor, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Qi Lin was a little speechless after watching the promotional film. He wanted to call Director Andre and ask if he would edit the promotional film. Why did he choose those excessive actions to edit?

If it really doesn't work, I can help him!

If this continues, won't the film's reputation collapse early?

But fortunately, not long after, the second promotional video came out. This promotional video didn't have too many fights, and only had one content, that is, going downstairs with bare hands!

When seeing Qi Lin jumping down layer by layer with bare hands, the audience couldn't help but grow their mouths!

The shock of this scene cannot be increased!

With just such a shot, those who thought this movie had no bright spots before were silent.

Qi Lin's fans erupted, their faces flushed red with excitement!

This was the first time they saw Qi Lin make such a dangerous move!

Although Qi Lin is an action actor, he has never done any stunts. When filming, he usually does simple violence scenes!

This can't be said to be bad, because the play is also very exciting, but compared with Fang Long who often makes life-threatening scenes, the judgment is judged.

After all, you are just fists and kicks. If you make a slight mistake in that movement, you will die!

So when someone said on the Internet that Qi Lin is Fang Loon's future successor, everyone took it as a joke.

There is only one Van Loon in the world, and no one can replace it.

But after watching Qi Lin make this move, even Fang Loon's fans fell silent.

Qi Lin, is really catching up.

Qi Lin's fans took the initiative to help forward this promotional video, and they couldn't wait for everyone to see their idol's wonderful performance.

But Qi Lin not only has a lot of fans, but also a lot of black fans.

So a lot of so-called professionals came out and said that this must be a substitute! Or it's green! Absolutely can't be true.

A large group of supporters quickly appeared under this kind of remarks.

Although many people don't understand what's going on at all, and they don't understand anything, but this doesn't stop them from shouting!

Do black people need a reason? Of course not, just hard black!

This kind of remarks grew rapidly, but Deadly Cradle did not give any response, which strengthened the confidence of those black fans, and the black fans became more energetic.

But those real people in the industry knew at a glance that the shots were all shot in real scenes, and Qi Lin was useless as a stand-in!

Because the camera cannot be faked, if a stand-in is used to shoot, there will be frequent cuts, and when the protagonist shows his face, it is all close-up, even a half-body, absolutely not giving a panoramic view!

But Qi Lin's shot has various angles, and most of them are panoramic. This can only explain one problem, Qi Lin didn't use a stand-in.

As for saying that it was green, that would be even more nonsense, because although the current special effects technology is very developed, this level is still somewhat unrealistic.

But black fans don't care what they say, after all they are not professional, they are just for black!

For this reason, Wang Xiaohua called Deadly Cradle, but the other party said that everything is under control, and they will make a sideshow at the end of the movie, which is the part of Qi Lin's real scene shooting. These people are dancing more and more now. Huan, when the time comes, the fall will be even worse.

Only then is Wang Xiaohua satisfied, and the rest is to wait for time to ferment.

After that, Qi Lin started the intensive training mode.

After the new year, he is going to film John Wick, and he has to restore his physical condition to the best in advance!

When filming the first John Wick before, Qi Lin specially trained marksmanship, and for the second part, he had to learn some new ones.

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