Han Xue was angry for a reason.

A long time ago, Han Xue and Qi Lin have been filming, acting as a couple, isn't it normal to fire a CP?

In the end, she still didn't do this for Qi Lin's future development.

You take a bite of a piece of cake that you have cared for so carefully?

How old are you?

If Qi Lin really likes the other party, then Han Xue will also admit it.

But Han Xue knew that this was absolutely impossible!

After all, how could it be possible for Qi Lin, a steely straight man, to suddenly fall in love with someone?

Even if he suddenly likes someone, it should be because he likes himself!

Han Xue gritted her teeth and called directly.

Hello? Xiaoxue.

Dad, have you watched the news?

News? Which news? Is it the news that Qi Lin won the Double Golden Actor?

No, it's someone named Xu Di standing beside Qi Lin!

Han Wanli sighed after hearing this: Qi Lin is not young anymore, what's so strange about having a partner?

That's not his girlfriend!

How do you know that's not Qi Lin's girlfriend? Qi Lin told you himself? Daughter, you said that it's been all these years, you and Qi Lin are not even boyfriend and girlfriend, should you give up and think about something else? ?”

Dad! How old are we? What's the rush?

Don't be in a hurry, dad is in a hurry! Dad is so old, and the company needs someone to take over.

Dad, I don't want to see this Xu Di again!

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Han Wanli sighed after a long time.

Our family's influence can't affect Treasure Island, and there are people behind Xu Di.

But she really made me sick this time.

Dad can help you vent your anger, but he can't seal the murderer's family. After all, it's a treasure island, not a mainland.

That's fine.

After Han Xue finished speaking, she hung up the phone angrily, and the more she looked at Xu Di in the photo, the more disgusting she became.

On the other side, Qi Lin also returned to Hengdian. Fortunately, the reporters and the media didn't know the exact time when he got off the plane, otherwise they would definitely stop him!

Qi Lin, who had returned to Hengdian, returned home immediately, and his father was holding the trophy of the Jin Jun Award, so he couldn't put it down.

The eyes looking at Qi Lin are also full of pride!

Back then, Qi Weiguo actually wanted to be a good actor, but now, Qi Lin has fulfilled his dream back then.

As for Wang Xiaohua and others, they returned to the studio, and there were many things waiting for them.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the studio, they saw the security captain running out excitedly.

Sister Hua! There are a lot of people here today. It seems that the cars they drive are quite rich, so I stopped them all, but I left all the business cards. Can you see if you need anything?

As the security captain said, he took out a handful of business cards in his pocket, and the number must have been twenty at least!

Wang Xiaohua took it over with a smile, then looked at the security captain and said with a smile: I inform everyone that this month, each person will get a bonus of 2,000 yuan! The boss has won the best actor, happy, let's celebrate it!

Before the security captain could speak, the surrounding security guards cheered.

No matter how many things there are, there is no money!

This is also one of the reasons why they like to work in [Kylin Studio], there is no pressure on wages, no delay in wages, and as long as you work hard, the superiors will see it, and there is never a shortage of bonuses and the like!

Now the salary of ordinary security guards is actually only about 4,000 yuan, but the average monthly salary of these people is close to 6,000 yuan!

At this price, I don’t know how many people are envious!

And everyone knows that [Kylin Studio] will definitely grow in the future, among other things, it must be no problem to become a media company, right?

Otherwise, why have you recruited troops in the past two years?

When the time comes to establish a company, can there be no security department? That's their chance!

Wang Xiaohua returned to her office, and casually sorted the business cards in her hand.

It didn't take a minute to pick out five of the business cards.

The owners of these five business cards are all people with a certain background, or there are well-known investors in the industry standing behind them, or some big directors are standing behind them!

As for the others, they were either nobodies, or Wang Xiaohua didn't know them at all.

These people were left to He Jiaxin to deal with. Wang Xiaohua looked at the five business cards in front of her and began to think about which one to start with.

Wang Xiaohua knew what these people meant without making a phone call. She definitely wanted to invite Qi Lin to make a movie.

But she planned to let Qi Lin stay like this this year and not take on the show for the time being!

Wait until the Spring Festival, after Charlotte Annoyance is released, let's see the audience's reaction.

If the audience responds well, after the filming of John Wick next year, Wang Xiaohua plans to use her own company to make a movie again!

How can making money for others be better than making money for yourself?

If it weren't for the fact that the domestic theater chains are becoming saturated, Wang Xiaohua would have wished to open another theater chain, and then all the rest except tax money would be her own!

Qi Lin loves money, and so does Wang Xiaohua!

It's just that Wang Xiaohua's goal is much bigger than Qi Lin's, she doesn't like those little money!

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so long without Qi Lin's endorsement.

You know, her salary has always been 10%. The more endorsements she received for Qi Lin, the more she earned, but she didn't abuse Qi Lin's commercial value because of the money. The gap between brokers and big brokers.

After Wang Xiaohua divided the business card into one, two, three and four, he handed over the rest to He Jiaxin, and then started calling the person on the business card.

He Jiaxin screened the remaining business cards again, and selected the more valuable ones. As for the rest, there was no time.

In the evening, Qi Lin was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone and started checking the entertainment news.

Just as he thought, the Internet is full of news about Qi Lin becoming the double-gold actor of the same year, except for this news, it is Xu Di's news.

It's just that the news in the mainland is quite embarrassing, not as exaggerated and taken out of context as the Baodao news.

There are also mainland reporters who released the photos at the time, saying that they were borrowed to shoot!

And the scene at that time was not the two holding hands, it was Xu Di who wanted to hold hands, but was stopped by the security guard!

There were a lot of people at the scene, and almost everyone in the front row saw it.

Let these reporters say that Qi Lin's female fans not only did not calm down, but became even crazier!

Xu Di's Weibo has completely fallen, and the comments on it are almost invisible.

It's hard for everyone to believe that the hand at 37 degrees can type such cold words!

But Qi Lin was very interested, of course, not to see how those netizens scolded Xu Di, but to see how netizens praised him!

He doesn't think much of the fans' compliments, it's too nasty, but looking at the compliments from netizens, it's quite cool~

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