Although the two saw what these people should do, they couldn't call out, after all, the director hadn't called out yet!

Everyone in the crew knows a rule, that is, the shooting will never stop until the director calls out!

Inside the octagonal cage, Qi Lin's body was almost touching the barbed wire, and his eyes gradually became cold.

He is not stupid, the first time the other party may have misremembered the action, but how could he forget the action the second time?

Even Director Andre saw something was wrong. After all, according to the original script, Qi Lin took out his right hand after killing a few people first, and then more people joined in.

Then came One V Fifteen, and now it's too early!

But it can be seen that director Andre didn't call the card, because although the two moves just now were not as beautiful as the designed movements, but the actor's state is real!

Qi Lin adjusted his breathing, and stared at the two people in front of him without blinking.

Those two punches just now were fought by these two people!

And both of them are retired boxing champions!

Although it is only a small regional boxing champion, it is also a professional!

Don't say anything else, let's just talk about the two punches just now. If Qi Lin hadn't been wearing armor, he might already be squatting on the ground to take a deep breath by now.

Qi Lin moved his body a little bit, and looked at the two people in front of him with more ruthless eyes!

Those who practice martial arts are often the cruel ones!

If you are cruel to yourself, what about others?

Of course, except for the master, the realm of that kind of person is already different.

Qi Lin is not a master, but a layman!

He has always adhered to a principle since he was a child, if no one offends me, I will not offend him! If someone offends me, cut the weeds and root them out!

If it's one-on-one, or one-on-two, Qi Lin is not sure that he can win 100%, after all, he is the champion of boxing, even if it is only a small boxing champion, he is still the champion of boxing!

But this is in a narrow octagonal cage, and there are several other people holding back. In this case, Qi Lin's winning rate is really not ordinary high!

After all, he is best at short punches!

All of these things take a long time, but in fact, it doesn't take two seconds to add them up.

Seeing that the straight punch had no effect, a black boxing champion hit him with a left uppercut.

A cold light flashed in Qi Lin's eyes, and he didn't dodge at all. On the contrary, he quickly greeted him with his arms crossed and wrapped around his right arm. shoulder joint!

The other party snorted, sweating on his forehead, Qi Lin didn't get used to him, and directly bumped his head hard on the other party's nose!

Normal people always have several weaknesses!

Bridge of nose, throat, lower vagina!

These are the most obvious three points. Even if the opponent is a master, as long as they are hit in these three places, they are enough to drink a pot.

Not to mention Qi Lin's attack was particularly ruthless!

The black boxing champion let out a muffled snort, nosebleeds splattered all over the place, Qi Lin never kept his hands away from the enemy, he grabbed the opponent's right arm with both arms, and exerted force again, as if he wanted to forcefully pull the opponent's arm off!

Not everyone can bear this kind of pain.

Even if the opponent is a boxing champion who is used to pain!


The other party wailed, and the voice was so shrill that it didn't seem like a human voice!

There are tough guys in this world, but it is obvious that the one in front of him is not.

After hearing this, Qi Lin hit the opponent's temple with an elbow, and the black boxing champion was finally relieved, and fell to the ground and passed out.

Qi Lin slowly raised his head to look at the other opponents. He still had the opponent's nosebleeds on his face, looking a bit hideous.

Qi Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he saw the hyena that was his favorite prey, and all of them took a step back in fright. Afterwards, the other boxing champion remained unmoved, and instead looked for an angle that was easy to strike!

This time, Qi Lin chose to take the initiative!

He kicked his legs on the ground, and the next moment his whole body flew out like a cannonball!

The white boxing champion didn't dodge or dodge. Instead, he punched Qi Lin on the forehead. It seemed that he was going to trade with Qi Lin. Let's see who can't stand it in the end!

Of course Qi Lin would not be so stupid, using his own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths!

As soon as this person made a move, Qi Lin had already discovered his weakness.

This person had a quick right fist, but he had some problems with the swing of his left arm. It looked like his shoulder had been injured.

In other words, the left side of this person is relatively a breakthrough point.

Qi Lin was known for his speed, so he dodged sideways, and then punched out!

This punch is like a spirit snake hunting! The target is the opponent's temple.

But something Qi Lin didn't expect happened again, and he was punched in the back again, which slowed him down a bit.

In such an instant, the opponent dodged Qi Lin's attack, and hit Qi Lin in the chest with a punch instead, and Qi Lin immediately stepped back a few steps.

Qi Lin was a little taken aback, and saw that the one who attacked him just now was not a boxer, but an athlete and actor!

Could it be that this person is also cooperating with boxing champions and intends to sneak attack him?

But then Qi Lin figured it out, no, he just attacked himself together according to the script.

At this moment, Qi Lin really couldn't laugh or cry, Qi Lin would not hold back the kind of person who planned to attack him secretly, but Qi Lin couldn't be cruel to this kind of person who was serious about acting.

After all, they are just acting!

The boxing champion changed his moves, and Qi Lin was ruthless, but these people were innocent.

Because of the change in the movements, many of the previous movements are useless. It is not easy for this person to cooperate with the boxing champion to attack himself. He belongs to the kind of actor who reacts quickly and can cover everything!

It's too late to protect this kind of actors, how can they be hurt?

Qi Lin didn't make it difficult for the opponent, he went up and punched hard, knocking the opponent to the ground directly!

The other party was also a good actor, and he was 'flyed' by Qi Lin's punch, and fell to the ground and passed out!

The eyes of the rest of them lit up!

They all gathered around, wanting to be knocked out by Qi Lin like this colleague!

Qi Lin also planned to satisfy these people, but before he could make a move, the boxing champion took advantage of Qi Lin's blind spot of vision and punched him again!

Fortunately, Qi Lin had already taken precautions and dodged sideways, but his movements were still a little slow, and his face was wiped by his fist, which immediately became a little red and swollen.

This made Qi Lin's eyes even redder!

Sneak attack, disgusting!

It's even more disgusting to sneak attack after being discovered!

Qi Lin eliminated the 'opponent' in front of him with three punches and two kicks, and the next moment he faced the champion again.

These 'actors' are a drag on Qi Lin, and they are also a drag on the boxing champion!

Especially in the case of falling to the ground, it will affect the opponent's pace and make it difficult for the opponent to dodge.

But Qi Lin flew up, bent his knees, and bumped into the opponent's chest!

The other party only felt hit by a car, and his body fell to the ground due to the inertial impact!

The force of this impact, coupled with the inertia of Qi Lin's body weight, would be enough to break his ribs if he hit the ground!

But at the most critical moment, Qi Lin still left a thread, stretched his legs, and supported his body.

He wasn't out of kindness, but simply felt that spreading the word would affect the crew's reputation.

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