The popularity of this movie is a bit inexplicable, but it should be taken for granted.

It's inexplicable because apart from the lineup, the rest of this movie has a cheap atmosphere.

Of course it is because of the plot!

Invert, invert, invert! Every time you think you know the truth, you find new clues and more to discover!

And these clues were all dug out by you yourself, just when you thought these must be the truth!

But suddenly discovered that the truth you saw was a script that had been designed long ago!

What you see is only what they want you to see!

And the other party also gave an ending that everyone can accept, and it can even be said to be a happy ending!

The Prosecutor has proved himself justice!

The female lawyer proved her strength!

Lin Mengmeng has been redeemed by her father!

Only Lin Tai sacrificed his life!

does it worth?

Of course, because anyone who has watched the whole movie will understand that from the beginning of the story, Lin Tai has already started to prepare the plan.

What does this mean?

It shows that since the father knew about his daughter, he has already started to prepare everything without even the slightest hesitation!

For his daughter, he is willing to give up everything, even his life!

This father who never said I love you from the beginning to the end has proved everything with his actions!

What is even more amazing is Qi Lin's acting skills!

To be honest, everyone didn't feel deeply when watching the promotional video, otherwise, there would be so many black fans trying to catch Qi Lin.

In the end, who would have imagined that Qi Lin would actually interpret a father's paternal love to the fullest!

Fortunately, the father's love is silent, otherwise it would be deafening!

Qi Lin used the role of Lin Tai to prove to everyone that he deserved the title of film king!

He was able to win the Golden Phase Award for Best Actor because he relied entirely on his own strength, not some backdoor or dark deal!

Who else is the youngest actor of the Golden Phase Award in history?

After this movie, no one will compare Qi Lin with the younger generation of artists.

To say something arrogant, they are no longer at the same level.

If Qi Lin is compared with the younger generation, he feels somewhat bullied.

It is also because of this movie that some domestic literary and opera directors finally recognized Qi Lin!

Although Qi Lin won the Best Actor Award for Wu Shuang before, in the eyes of these people, the role of Li Wen alone is not enough.

Because this character is not completely out of Qi Lin's comfort zone, especially after watching the big reversal at the end.

But this National Witness is completely different!

Qi Lin, a martial arts actor with neat skills, actually played the role of a middle-aged father!

What's even more rare is that the audience didn't show up the whole time!

When watching the movie, they didn't even realize that the role of Lin Tai was played by Qi Lin.

It wasn't until the end that he realized that Lin Tai was actually played by Qi Lin!

Even Qi Lin's fans focused on the plot when watching the movie.

Qi Lin's black fans are working very hard to discredit this movie, but unfortunately it is all in vain. As more and more people have watched the movie, the word-of-mouth of National Witness is getting better and better!

In front of the vast audience, this amount of black fans is simply not enough to see.

And those theaters that were unwilling to increase the number of films for National Witness also succumbed, and increased the number of films for the film one after another.

After all, everyone is a businessman in the final analysis, and businessmen value profits! No one has trouble with money.

The investors who received the news laughed like crazy, and felt that Qi Lin was worthy of being a movie koi!

National Witness can achieve today's results, absolutely has an inseparable relationship with him!

There are even investors who are already considering shooting sequels or other movies.

But no matter what they think, there is one item in the plan that has never changed, and that is to find Qi Lin as the leading actor!

And those black fans also flinched under the overwhelming praise, after all, the power of the people is unlimited.

In the end, there was really no way, these black fans could only vent their fire on Slimming Men and Women.

But director Du Feng didn't resist this, he didn't even clarify, and let the netizens scold him.

At the beginning, Qi Lin fans who were angry and indisputable also scolded along with them, but in the end they found that something was wrong. The more these people scolded, the more ugly they sounded, and finally they even started to take the rhythm. Can Qi Lin's fans bear it?

This is my child, I can scold you all I want, it's your turn?

At the moment Qi Lin's fans turned their guns, aimed at the black fans, and fired violently!

The fighting power of Qi Lin's fans is well-known in the industry!

It was a breeze to deal with these black fans, and it took almost two days to make these black fans disappear.

The black fans are all confused, and the publicity team of Tangshi Media is also confused.

They had discussed for a long time how to deal with these online trolls, but before they could come up with a solution, the trolls had already been wiped out by Qi Lin's fans?

But then, something happened that made them even more confused.

I saw those fans who just wiped out the black powder trolls became new trolls and continued to spread the trolls!

The publicity team of Tangshi Media was dumbfounded. What's going on?

Anti-virus software kills the virus first, and then incarnates a new virus?

That's outrageous!

This kind of thing, maybe only Qi Lin's fans can do it!

But this is only in Huaxia. After the promotional videos of Wa Kingdom and Bangzi Kingdom were broadcast, the response was very good.

Especially in the country of Wa, the influence of this movie is even greater!

Even some people who don't know Qi Lin expressed their expectations online, let alone Qi Lin's fans.

After all, this is Qi Lin's first movie filmed in the country of Wa, and they want Qi Lin to see their enthusiasm, so that Qi Lin likes filming in the country of Wa!

The fans of Bangziguo simply like Qi Lin, because Qi Lin is more in line with their aesthetics.

However, Qi Lin, who is far away in Hollywood, doesn't know all of this. He is extremely busy every day.

On the one hand, he is the leading role, on the other hand, he is also the chief action director!

That is to say, all actions in the entire production crew must be done after Qi Lin nods.

Especially at this initial stage, Qi Lin is still expected to use this movie to make a name for himself, almost all the actions are done by himself!

Seeing this, Wang Xiaohua also persuaded Qi Lin, telling him to trust his team, otherwise he would be like Zhuge Liang back then, and in the end he would 'dedicate himself to death and die'!

How did Zhuge Liang die? It is exhausting to do everything by yourself!

Of course Qi Lin also understands this truth, in fact, he himself is very salty.

But at such a critical juncture, he was really worried about letting him go!

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