Have you been shortlisted for Best Actor? Or the Best Actor of the Hong Kong Film Awards?

Qi Lin only felt his heart beating a little faster, which actor can be indifferent to the word actor?

Nowadays, there are five awards in the domestic film industry, namely the Xiangjiang Golden Phase Award, the Taiwan Golden Horse Award, and the mainland's Golden You Award, Feihua Award, and Hengbiao Award!

Among these five awards, only the Jinjun Award is slightly inferior, and the status of the other four awards is similar.

As long as he wins the Best Actor in one of these five awards, he can claim to be the Best Actor!

As for the best actor in any other film festival, it is meaningless, unless it is a big foreign film festival.

And the one who has a higher status than the actor is the grand slam actor!

Today's Grand Slam Best Actor refers to the best actor who wins the Golden You Award, Feihua Award, and Hengbiao Award, can claim to be the Grand Slam Best Actor!

As for the Golden Jun Award and the Golden Phase Award, it is not among them, especially the Golden Jun Award, because its influence is rapidly declining because it targets mainland actors.

Although the Golden Phase Award is not bad, the influence is not bad, but with the take-off of the film industry in mainland China, the influence is actually slowly declining. After all, the two are not of the same order of magnitude.

Of course, for others, such as Qi Lin, just being shortlisted is already very happy.

Because this shows that people recognize that he has the strength to compete for the actor!

Even Wang Xiaohua, an old manager in the industry, was a little excited.

It's not that she hasn't brought an actor before, but what age is that? How old is Qi Lin? Twenty-six!

The twenty-six-year-old Best Actor of the Golden Xiang Award, just thinking about it makes her excited.

This time, the movie Wu Shuang was shortlisted for four awards!

Best Screenplay, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Picture!

One of these awards is very important, let alone four shortlisted!

Although this is only the beginning of the year, some people in Xiangjiang have declared that this will be the best movie in Xiangjiang this year!

Wang Xiaohua didn't say much, just told Qi Lin to keep calm and not get too excited.

But after hanging up the phone, Wang Xiaohua's expression became serious.

Such a good opportunity is in front of her eyes, of course she will not let it go!

Although her connections in Xiangjiang Treasure Island are not as good as those in mainland China, she still has to do her best!

It's not a pity to lose, but if it succeeds, then Qi Lin will be the actor!

The salary can be increased by at least 30%, and with Qi Lin's current popularity, becoming a first-line must not be a problem!

It takes only a few years to rush to the ranks of first-line actors, which can only be achieved by very few people in the circle!

In this way, the time came to the seventh day of the first lunar month, Qi Lin's team assembled again, and went to the country of Wa to shoot the rest.

Coming to the crew again this time, the atmosphere in the crew was different again, and everyone looked at Qi Lin with a hint of respect in their eyes.

Many people in the crew have watched Wu Shuang, and Qi Lin's performance in it has already amazed them!

Even Director Du Feng looked at Qi Lin with admiration, and even came to chat with Qi Lin during the filming break at noon.

That's right, I heard that he's nominated for Best Actor?

After hearing this, the surrounding staff members all pricked up their ears.

Qi Lin nodded with a smile and said, Well, Sister Hua told me that she was shortlisted two days ago.

The few people around suddenly gasped. Nominated for Best Actor at the age of 26?

It should be running with you, it must be running with you!

The twenty-six-year-old actor is somewhat exaggerated!

But director Du Feng had a different idea. During the time he was filming with Qi Lin, he could see Qi Lin's acting skills.

Among the younger generation, no one under the age of thirty can surpass Qi Lin.

After watching Wu Shuang, director Du Feng found that Qi Lin is no longer competing with the younger generation of actors, but with the old actors!

If it was said that the filming of Sweeping Drugs was due to the brilliant characters that allowed him to compete with the two film kings, then the movie Wu Shuang is enough to prove his strength!

What is even more rare is his ability to resist the box office! There is an audience!

This is a very rare point!

In the entertainment circle, there are many people with acting skills, but only a few people can play the leading role well.

Some people have good acting skills, but they can't support the male lead of a play.

There are many examples of playing a supporting role and playing a leading role.

To put it simply, the audience does not recognize it, and the audience is too small.

There was a saying in the circle before that some people are born to be protagonists, while others can only serve tea and water.

Serving tea and pouring water here is not derogatory, but that you can only play some small roles.

This sentence sounds harsh, but it makes sense.

However, not everyone can play a small role.

Don't believe that there are no small roles, only small actors, that's pure fart.

Can the male lead be the same as the male third?

Half of the hero's role is cut, and he is still the hero.

The role of the male third is deleted randomly, and you can't even see the figure. Does this mean that there are no small roles, only small actors?

That's why the little actors are desperately climbing up!

The purpose is to win a role with more roles, so that I can stand out!

Of course, when speaking to the outside world, they will definitely say that there are no small roles, only small actors, and small roles can be very brilliant. I climbed up not to make money, but to show my work to more people.

And like Qi Lin, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is rare to be able to play the leading role in a big production like Sword Rain not long after his debut.

Most of the others have relatively hard backgrounds.

For example, there was a movie called Legend of the Gods a few years ago, and even the big names could not describe this movie.

But after watching it for a long time, Qi Lin realized that the protagonist was actually Lei Zhenzi!

At that time, Qi Lin didn't even know who this Lei Zhenzi was, but later he found out that this was actually Li Jie's apprentice, the son of a big boss in Xiangjiang.

People invested in making this movie just to praise their son!

The result is miraculous. It can be called a miracle in the industry that so many bigwigs did not join forces.

Of course, this may also have something to do with this Ah Dou's physique.

Therefore, it is rare to have a talent like Qi Lin who is popular with audiences and can support a movie!

That is to say, Qi Lin has now set up his own studio. If he was in another media company, he would definitely be trained as a first brother now!

After chatting with Qi Lin, Director Du Feng smiled and said, When you become the actor, don't forget your old friend. When the time comes, I will ask you to act in a movie, don't say there is no schedule.

Qi Lin chuckled, this is really hard to say.

It's not that Qi Lin is playing big cards, but that there may really be no schedule.

Of course, he also understood that Director Du Feng was just joking with him.

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