At this moment, Bishop Ma didn't know that he had exposed his identity and brought money to trade.

But the painter smiled and said that he wanted to quit, instead of selling counterfeit banknotes, he would sell electric boards.

This completely disrupted his plan, and what was even more frightening was that what was contained in the electric board box was not an electric board, but a pistol!

He knew that he was exposed and wanted to make the last resistance, but it's a pity that there are all painters here.

Several shots were fired, and Bishop Ma fell into a pool of blood.

Then the artist brought Qi Lin to the bedroom, and saw Ruan Wen and his husband being tied up on the bed by five flowers.

The painter felt that Qi Lin had been unable to get over the hurdle of killing people, so he asked him to shoot and kill Ruan Van's husband, so that Ruan Van would belong to him again.

Naturally, Qi Lin didn't dare to point his gun at the painter.

But the painter was too aware of his weakness, so he didn't take it seriously, and killed Ruan Wen's husband in front of him!

And at this time, Xiuqing suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed the housekeeper Huanu to death, and controlled her pistol to kill the others.

In order to avoid the sharp edge, the painter fled into the bedroom, but this also exposed him to Qi Lin's gunpoint.

He still didn't believe that Qi Lin would shoot, and slowly raised the gun, but Qi Lin fired several shots to kill the painter in order to protect Ruan Wen.

Later, Qi Lin and Xiuqing hid in the resort hotel that the painter had bought for him, but accidentally learned that the painter was not dead.

The painter must avenge all grudges, and the best way to get revenge on him is to kill Ruan Wen!

So in order to protect Ruan Wen, he chose to return to Xiangjiang.

Who would have thought that he would be arrested by the Sawatika National Police before he got on the plane, which is why he was arrested at the beginning of the movie.

Later, according to Qi Lin's description, the police drew the painter's appearance, and it was Brother Fa!

The audience took a deep breath when they saw this, and they all knew that the movie was almost over.

I have to say that this movie still looks very cool, but Qi Lin has been so cowardly and incompetent, which made them somewhat unhappy.

He obviously has a gun in his hand, but he just trembles like a quail!

If it were them, they would have followed the painter a long time ago, and they have been entangled all day long!

While the movie is still going on, according to the agreement, Qi Lin explained the matter about the painter, and he can now be released on bail.

The case came to an end, and the female police officer was smoking downstairs, when Fa found a familiar face.

Although he was wearing a police uniform, he was exactly the same as the painter Qi Lin described! This made her tense instantly. Could it be that this person came to kill someone?

The female police officer didn't have time to think about it, so she asked the commando to arrest this person, but who would have expected that this person is not a painter at all, his name is Wu Zhihui, and he is the driver of the police force.

He was the one who followed the police to bring Qi Lin back three days ago.

Hearing this, the female police officer's hairs stood on end, no wonder Qi Lin had been looking in the rearview mirror that day.

Originally, she thought it was looking at herself, but it turned out that she was looking at Wu Zhihui!

The painter that Qi Lin talked about did not exist at all, Qi Lin is the real painter!

He was the one who made the counterfeit banknotes, he was the one who washed the Golden Triangle, he was the one who snatched the color-changing ink, and he was the one who killed Uncle Xin!

From the very beginning, the police were caught in the net he made up!

On the other side, the director also received news that Ruan Wen hadn't left since her husband's death, and the Ruan Wen they saw yesterday was also fake, it was Xiu Qing!

Seeing this, there was a sudden exclamation in the auditorium.


This reversal is too exciting!

They were still slandering them before, thinking that Li Wen, played by Qi Lin, was a worthless wretch, but now Qi Lin slapped them in the face!

From the beginning, there were no painters, and Li Wen was the final boss!

Everything is done by him.

And it is such a vicious person who can act so cowardly, what is acting? This is called acting!

Being an enemy of such a person is the most terrifying thing.

The scene changed, and Qi Lin and Xiuqing were fleeing Xiangjiang on a speedboat.

The time also returned to the day when he made a deal with Bishop Ma. After killing Bishop Ma, Xiuqing opened the door of the bedroom.

To Qi Lin's surprise, Xiuqing actually arrested Ruan Wen and her husband.

She knew that from the very beginning, Qi Lin had used her as a stand-in. She wanted to know who was more important between herself and Ruan Wen, and wanted Qi Lin to shoot and kill Ruan Wen.

Qi Lin never expected that Xiuqing would threaten him, and what made him even more unexpected was that after he drew out his gun, the guns of the other two in the team were pointed at him!

The irritable Qi Lin shot immediately, but fortunately he had a bulletproof vest, among the random bullets, only he and Xiuqing Ruan Van survived.

And the letter he wrote in Savadika was also for Xiuqing!

After the two were released on bail, they spent the night in the hotel. Xiuqing still didn't give up and asked him who was more important to him or Ruan Wen.

Qi Lin smiled and said, People like us don't deserve the best. It would be nice to have a substitute.

This sentence has said it all.

The time came to the next day. After the guards were dealt with, Xiuqing wrote a note and stuffed it into the lighter. This was the clue she left for the police and the number of their escaped speedboat.

When the picture came to the sea, Xiuqing had a showdown with Qi Lin.

In fact, they never left Xiangjiang, they just circled Xiangjiang.

She figured it out, Qi Lin had always only had Ruan Wen in his heart without her, but now it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, they can finally be together forever.

Xiuqing detonated the speedboat, and the two disappeared from this world forever.

At the end of the film, the female police officer found the real Ruan Wen and told her that the painter who killed her husband had been arrested, but when she took out the photo of Qi Lin, Ruan Wen said that he was not familiar with him at all, and that this person was only his own many years ago Neighbors only.

But Qi Lin said that she was his true love!

The movie ended here, the lights in the screening hall came on, and everyone started queuing up to walk out, discussing while walking, including a lot of 'shit'!

Damn it, it's too scary, Li Wen is actually the final boss?

Hahaha, I knew before that Qi Lin would definitely not play such a useless person, but I was still shocked when I saw it.

The skills of the director and screenwriter are really good. My scalp is numb when I look at it in reverse.

The director and screenwriter are the same person, Zhuang Qiang.

Zhuang Qiang? This person's name sounds familiar. Are there any other works?

Do you know Infernal Affairs?

Then who doesn't know.

He's a screenwriter.

Damn it!!!

Qi Lin also smiled when he heard the discussions around him.

Just listening to the audience's comments is good, but I don't know how the next box office will be!

After waiting to go home, Qi Lin took out his small tablet and went online to watch everyone's comments and reviews on the movie.

Qi Lin couldn't help but smirk after reading two of them. Almost all of them were praises, and there were few negative comments.

And the most, is the discussion of the plot.

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