So Qi Lin did a simple exercise for a while, and went home with the gift box.

Dad! Mom! Come on!

Back home, Qi Lin took off his coat and shouted hastily.

What's wrong?

His father's voice came from the kitchen, and then his mother came over with a dried fruit box.

Qi Lin waved to the two of them, and after they all sat down on the sofa, Qi Lin smiled and took out the gift box and put it on the coffee table.

Today, an uncle came outside our studio. He was quite handsome. He asked me to give this to my mother.

After hearing this, the old couple looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

The father even wiped his hands on the apron and said, Uncle? No, I had no rivals when I was young.

Go, talk nonsense in front of the child.

The mother pushed the father, and then reached for the gift box, asking as she took it.

What is the name of the person who gave this gift?

While speaking, the mother had already opened the gift box.

He said his name was Wang Hongqi.

As soon as the name came out, both mother and father were taken aback for a moment.

Mother looked at the watch in the gift box, her eyes turned red instantly, which startled Qi Lin.

Qi Lin hurriedly turned his head to look at his father, and saw that his father also had a complicated expression on his face.

Qi Lin thought to himself, could it be that he made himself guess right? Is this Wang Hongqi really my father's rival in love when he was young?

At this time, I heard my father ask: Did he not follow?

No, he left after giving me the gift. I asked him what his identity was, and he said give the gift to my mother, and my mother will tell me.

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he looked at the crying mother and hurriedly said.

Mom, I don't think that person is a good person. If he comes to me again next time, I'll ask the bodyguard to throw him out.


Before his mother could speak, Qi Weiguo exploded, pointing at Qi Lin.

See you later, respect him! Respect him as you respect me!

Qi Lin was bewildered, looking at Qi Weiguo with an innocent face.

Didn't I just keep talking for you? Why are you angry?

Seeing Qi Lin's bewildered look, Qi Weiguo sighed.

Wang Hongqi, it's your uncle.

Qi Lin only felt a buzzing in his head, and instantly understood.

Why do I feel familiar with the other person even though I haven't met him once? It's because he looks a bit like my mother!

Why did he ask himself if he had heard of him after he said that his name was Wang Hongqi? It was because he thought his mother would tell him!

But, if I have an uncle, why never contact him?

Could it be that he is really the young master of some hidden family?

Did those secondary school dreams of adolescence really happen?

This wasn't Qi Lin's wild imagination, but Wang Hongqi's style, which was not like an ordinary person.

After Qi Weiguo handed the paper box to his mother, he shook his head and said nothing, but Qi Lin wanted to ask, but seeing the posture of the two of them, it was not convenient to ask.

Mother was rubbing the watch while her memory went back to thirty years ago.

At that time, she had just started working. Before her younger brother joined the army, she saved two months' wages and bought a watch for each of her two younger brothers.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, he still kept it.

Vaguely, Wang Ping seemed to see the younger brother who was wearing military uniform and giggling at her again.

Sister! Don't worry, I won't embarrass our old Wang's family. When the time comes, I'll give you a first-class merit!

Sister doesn't need you to wait for the work, she just wants you to come back safely.

Wang Ping's tears flowed more and more, more and more.

His father, Qi Weiguo, also saw that his eyes were red, and he hurriedly comforted him.

Okay, okay, when our son was an actor, didn't we both think that we would have today? Don't cry, don't cry.

The mother still couldn't stop crying, and Qi Lin could only step forward to comfort her.

The father and father used all means together, at least they were coaxed.

The mother was alone, and went back to the room with the watch.

Looking at Qi Lin's curious look, Qi Weiguo sighed.

very interested?

Qi Lin hurriedly nodded, his father took off his apron, and said slowly with an expression of reminiscence.

Do you know what a feud is?

Qi Lin nodded again, there's nothing he didn't know about this. When he was a child, he watched martial arts movies, and there were many feuds.

Your grandfather and your grandfather are feuds.

Qi Lin's eyes widened even wider!

Is it so bloody? Is it really the plot of that kind of bloody TV series?

Qi Weiguo didn't care about Qi Lin's expression, and said slowly.

It should be said that in the next few generations, they will all be enemies.

The ancestors of our Qi family and the ancestors of the Wang family were both local salt merchants in the Qing Dynasty! You should know the truth that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Early at that time, the two families had feuds. Later, until the period of the Republic of China, these two families had become big local landlords. In the entire county, half of the county was surnamed Wang and half of the county was surnamed Qi! That's even more serious. can't be handed over.

Then the Japanese devils came, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. My grandfather abandoned his literature and joined the army, while the Wang family went to sea to do business.

When the two generations meet again, they will already be in Yanjing.

My father, that is, your grandfather, is not a high-ranking official, but it is still very easy to deal with the 'speculative' businessman like your grandfather.

After a lot of tossing, it almost killed half of your grandfather's life.

After hearing this, Qi Lin waved his hands again and again and said, As for no, Dad, what a hatred, why is this going on forever?

Qi Weiguo sighed and continued: When my ancestors were salt merchants, there was an opportunity to spend money to donate officials. Both King Qi and the King wanted it, but in the end they failed to tear each other down.

At that time, the two families had the largest armed fight. There were thousands of people participating in the battle, and fifty or sixty people died.

After becoming a landlord, the paddy fields need to grab water, and it is even more so every year. It can be said that people die almost every year.

Qi Lin was a little dumbfounded, he never dreamed that the plots in these bloody TV series would be so close to him!

And then, it will be my generation. At that time, the status of merchants is already high. Although they dare not mess with our family, hatred is also indispensable.

In the end, who would have thought that your mother and I saw each other right away, and the old people on both sides naturally disagreed, and they spoke harshly. To put it simply, as long as we are together, then get out! Don't say that you are at home in the future. people.

At that time, your mother and I were both young and stubborn. After graduation, we got married and went to the Northeast, and then you were born.

Qi Lin frowned and said, Can't it be resolved?

Qi Weiguo shook his head with a smile and said: The deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood, how to resolve it? If it could be resolved, your grandfather would not have kicked me out at the beginning. You have never met your grandfather, and you don't know him.

Old stubbornness is light on him, but it's good for me to leave, after all, your grandfather didn't like me as a 'rebel' son since he was a child.

Qi Weiguo's eyes turned redder

The following movie has too many details, and it needs three chapters. Friends who are concerned should skip it directly. Friends who have not seen the original film, I strongly recommend watching it. It is a very good movie.

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