What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 336 Artist Contract

The two continued to drink, both a little confused.

Because the two of them are walking at a fork in the road of life at this moment, if one is not good, they will lose everything.

After a long time, Dou Yandong said slowly.

Tell me, what if we went to join Qi Lin?

Shi Fang fell silent, he was not refusing, but just thinking.

In fact, he thought about this problem a long time ago.

Because he also heard that [Kirin Studio] is expanding and recruiting staff.

However, I haven't heard of any artistes going to join him. Instead, they have hired some photographers, martial artists and the like.

After being silent for a while, Shi Fang slowly opened his mouth and said: The risk is a bit high, even if we want to change jobs, there is no need to go to [Kirin Studio], they are not a big company, although they are supported by Sister Hua, but Sister Hua's All the channels will definitely be directed towards Qi Lin, even if the two of us join, we won’t be able to get anything.

After hearing this, Dou Yandong shook her head: No, it's because they are not a big company yet, so it is a good opportunity for us to join!

To be honest, relying on you and my brother, if we really wait until their company grows and we join, it will be icing on the cake. Maybe it will become a little transparent, but joining now will be different.

Right now [Kirin Studio] doesn't have many artists in total. After we join, they can be reused! And if the studio wants to recruit artists, it must set an example and let others know the benefits of joining them.

Besides, no matter what, we have a little friendship with Qi Lin, and we got along very happily in the past. Although he is popular now, I don't think Qi Lin should be the kind of person who doesn't miss old feelings! If he is in front of other big directors Just a few good words, are we still worried that there will be no filming?

What Dou Yandong said made Shi Fang feel a little tempted.

But he also understands that this will be a big gamble!

Seeing Shifang like this, Dou Yandong continued to persuade him.

[Kirin Studio] will definitely become bigger and stronger in the future! Think about it carefully since Qi Lin's debut, has he ever lost? It took him three years, and he is better than our two brothers in ten years! He is this year How old is it?

These words successfully convinced Shi Fang!

And Dou Yandong said this not only to convince Shi Fang, but also to convince himself!

But for those who entered the show business circle, there are too few people who don't care about fame and fortune!

Dou Yandong is very vulgar, he just wants to be popular and make money!

In this regard, he and Qi Lin's three views are very consistent.

Shi Fang gritted his teeth, drank the wine in the glass and said, Succeed! Let's do it! But you can't tell the managers about this matter.

It's up to you to say! Then I will contact Qi Lin next year.


As soon as the two clinked glasses, they decided to gamble big!

In the evening of the next day, Qi Lin had just finished work and returned to the hotel when the phone rang.

Looking at the words Dou Yandong above, Qi Lin was a little confused.

He has a good memory, of course he knows who Dou Yandong is, but he can't figure out why the other party called him.

Thinking so in his heart, Qi Lin still answered the phone.

Hahaha, Brother Dou, why did you remember to call me?

Brother, what have you been up to lately?

Hey, what else can I be busy with, just filming and filming, Brother Dou, what's the matter with you?

Is it convenient to speak?

It's convenient, I just got back to my hotel room, so just tell me if you have anything to say.

After two seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Dou Yandong spoke slowly.

I heard that your studio is recruiting?

Qi Lin thought that Dou Yandong was going to introduce artists to him just like Han Xue.

Unexpectedly, Dou Yandong would speak in the next second.

Can you see me?

Qi Lin was taken aback, and the scene of the cooperation of several people appeared in his mind instantly.

How should I put it, Dou Yandong still has acting skills, but if you want to talk about how good the acting skills are, it's not enough, it's just above the passing line.

And Dou Yandong continued: There is also Shifang. We have been filming TV dramas for these years, but we always miss a chance. This time our contract is about to expire, so we want to change companies. After all, Shunuo died. People move to live.

Without even thinking about it, Qi Lin agreed directly and said, Of course it's no problem. It's my honor that you two can help me.

Hearing Qi Lin's quick answer, Dou Yandong breathed a sigh of relief.

What do you fear most about job hopping? People don't value themselves!

Especially Qi Lin is still so popular now, who knows if he still remembers the love back then?

Until now, after Qi Lin gave a decisive answer, he was relieved.

Qi Lin continued to laugh and said: Just right, I should have a movie next year. With the help of you two, I can save money in finding actors. I will go to Sister Hua to discuss the contract, and I will send it to you when the time comes. Let's discuss what is inappropriate.

Dou Yandong didn't expect Qi Lin's efficiency to be so fast. He had prepared a lot of words, but finally he said thank you.

Qi Lin said with a smile: Is there any thanks, to be honest, I should thank you, you and Brother Shifang are here to give me face.

After chatting for a few more words, the two went directly to Wang Xiaohua and told her what happened just now.

Wang Xiaohua didn't have the slightest opinion on Qi Lin's recruitment of these two. After all, Qi Lin is the boss of the studio, and he should have the final say on big and small matters.

Well, brother, you've done a good job, you can buy a horse bone with a thousand dollars! With these two joining, we can attract more artists to join!

I wasn't in a hurry before. After all, it's better to train actors yourself. There are so many people in Huaxia, and there are also a lot of geniuses. We can definitely find some good seedlings to train.

However, I still think too little. I can't afford to cultivate myself. Similarly, I can't afford to have a certain reputation. We need their fame to grow the studio!

After thinking for a while, Wang Xiaohua said: These two people are different from Zhao Bin. In this way, the basic salary will be 30,000 a month, divided into six and four, and our company will pay six. For movies, we can guarantee one movie a year, so let's sign for five years first. .”

it is good.

Qi Lin agreed, and immediately called Dou Yandong back. After listening to Qi Lin's conditions, Dou Yandong agreed directly, and did not ask for anything else.

In fact, this condition is not much different from his current company, except that the basic salary is higher, and the guaranteed minimum shooting has changed from a TV series to a movie.

But the most fascinating thing is actually the last one!

The contract period is only five years!

This length of time is just right, and it is most suitable for artists like them who plan to change companies.

During this period of time, there is no need to worry that the company will not support them, nor that there is no way to change the company after the fire.

Shi Fang also seemed very happy after knowing the terms of the contract, and the two of them only need to wait until the contract expires before they can sign a contract with [Kirin Studio].

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