The next moment, they saw the table shake suddenly, and their arm muscles instantly bulged!

For a time it was evenly matched!

The big black cow's expression gradually turned a little ferocious, and Qi Lin's face also turned red!

Qi Lin knows kung fu, but what is kung fu? Skill!

But now the arm wrestling competition is brute force, in this respect, he may not be much better than the big black bull!

Come on! Brother Niu! You are the hope of our team!

Qi Lin Qi Lin! Look at everyone!

come on!

The members of the two teams are cheering for their respective players, and the strength of the two of them has also increased a lot!

Clenched both hands tightly and pressed them hard towards the other side!

Qi Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and the other party did the same. Whoever let this breath out now will lose!

After two or three seconds, everyone found that the big black cow could hardly hold on anymore, because his arms had already started to tremble.

Qi Lin also noticed this, forced his breath up, and exerted his right arm suddenly!


The big black bull's hand was firmly pressed on the table, and Qi Lin won!


Winner, Red Team!

Qi Lin Niu! Niu!

Li Heiniu smiled wryly and shook his hands, You are too strong, what did you eat to grow up?

Not only was Captain Deng not discouraged by the loss, but he also made trouble next to the big black bull.

Hahaha, let you bully us all the time, now you meet someone stronger than you?

It's embarrassing to ask people what they ate to grow up, so strong, of course they grew up eating beef!

Slightly slightly~

Everyone laughed and laughed, and then the director team gave out the task card. This time, the password clue was hidden in the cheapest place.

The red team has already set off to search, and Captain Deng and others hold two bottles of named milk in their hands. They can only look for clues after drinking all the milk.

While several people were searching for clues, Wang Shu said with a smile: I really didn't see it, Qi Lin, you have such great strength because of your thin skin and tender flesh.

Hey hey, I practiced martial arts since I was a child, so I'm stronger.

Qi Lin was talking about martial arts, but Yang Baobao and others thought it was dancing!

In fact, these people have never seen Qi Lin's works, and they know very little about Qi Lin, they only know his appearance and name, and his manager is Wang Xiaohua.

But Wang Shu, who was also from Primary School Wu, seemed to see something, and asked actively when he got off the elevator.

Study martial arts? I used to learn martial arts too. I have stayed in Shaolin Temple for several years.

When Qi Lin heard this, he showed a look of surprise: Then you should be a senior. I also wanted to go to Shaolin Temple, but I didn't go because I heard that monks can't eat meat.

At this time, how many people understand that it is really a martial arts master!

Wang Shu was even more interested in competing, which is also a common problem among martial arts practitioners. When he meets someone who also practices martial arts, he wants to compare them.

There is no first in literature, and no second in martial arts!

It is difficult to agree on the works of literati, some people like the graceful school, some people like the bold school, no one can convince the other, and there is no way to tell the difference.

But martial arts is different, no matter you are Baji Tai Chi, whoever wins has the final say!

Just as they searched around the first floor, the blue team on the second floor had already finished their milk and started chasing them down.

Captain Deng laughed and said: I observed the terrain when I came here just now. There is a supermarket at the entrance on the first floor. The cheapest things must be in the supermarket!

Li Heiniu made a booing gesture and said, Hush your voice, don't let the red team hear you.

After hearing this, several people simply tiptoed towards the supermarket on the first floor.

They didn't notice that Qi Lin was hiding behind a pillar, watching them secretly.

Taking advantage of the time when the few people had just passed by, he grabbed Lin Xin's name tag at the end of the team, turned around and ran away!

Lin Xin, OUT!

When the broadcast sounded, the blue team still hadn't reacted.

Captain Deng looked dumbfounded: What, what the hell? What is this?

Lin Xin even looked like he was about to cry, Brother! I came here after turning down several variety shows, so can't you give me more shots? They are all flying guests, why should men make things difficult for men?

At this moment, Qi Lin, who had finished tearing off the name tag, ran away quickly like a gust of wind.

The big black cow hurriedly said: Everyone, don't separate, be careful, let's move slowly towards the supermarket

Chen Tiancai turned his peaked cap upside down and put it on his head: Hey, I suspect this is their plan to delay us! Maybe they are already looking for clues in the supermarket now, tearing up the name tag is to make us suspicious and slow down of!

Yes, I think the genius is right

It makes sense, let's go! Let's go to the supermarket!

Facts proved that they were right, but it was a pity that it was already too late when they arrived. Baby Yang had already found the password box and successfully obtained the second password.

Look, look, what am I talking about? These people! They are so careless, they even use the art of war when playing games!

Chen Tiantian looked extremely annoyed, which made Qi Lin want to laugh.

Congratulations to the red team, successfully found the second password! The conditions for obtaining the third password are disclosed!

Please go to the fifth floor of the mall!

The director team instructed the guests to go to the fifth floor, and all ten people were shocked when they got off the elevator.

I saw a hundred men standing impressively on the fifth floor, old or young, tall or short, but all wearing uniform uniforms!

Hey~ What's the situation? Why are there so many people?

What is the task of this level?

I have a bad feeling!

The guests chattered about their guesses, and the staff of the director team came up carefully and handed the task card to Captain Deng.

After waiting for everyone to calm down, Captain Deng announced the rules of this game.

Extreme Cockfighting Contest!

The red and blue teams play one by one, and have a cockfight with a hundred people in front of them

After being eliminated, the phalanx players cannot be revived. The red and blue teams will attack in turn. The team that defeats the last phalanx will win!

As soon as the rules of the game were announced, both sides complained constantly.

Wow! Ten beat a hundred, you think we are all Ip Man.

Exhausted, exhausted

No way, SIR, it's a big night, and the game is so intense.

Director, tell me the truth, who came up with this link? I have a little gift I want to give him!

After the guests complained for a while, the director team shouted Ka!

Touch up makeup again, and after a while of rest, the recording officially started.

This is also the last item for tonight.

The first to appear was Captain Deng's blue team. The five screamed strangely and rushed into the crowd with one leg.

The other party didn't look at the crowd, but they dragged each other down, and when they were hit by five people, they fell down!

Seeing this, the five people became even more excited. Just as they were about to pursue the victory, they were eliminated by the counterattacking cockfighting phalanx.

Brothers, give some motivation! You vote, I add more, how harmonious~

If you keep it safe, the mountain ghost will be a real ghost~

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