The next morning, when Qi Lin arrived at the door of the studio, he saw two people standing outside the door.

One is the doorman of the studio, and he is still wearing a security uniform. The other is unknown, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a gray sportswear, with somewhat long hair, pacing outside the door.

The security guard hurriedly saluted after seeing Qi Lin: Boss!

Qi Lin smiled and hummed, and when the security guard called the boss, he turned his head quickly, and when he saw Qi Lin clearly, he hurried forward and said.

Hello Mr. Qi, I am introduced by Ms. Han Xue, my name is Zhao Bin!

Qi Lin looked each other up and down, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This is called ordinary looks? This is obviously ugly!

No, it doesn't count as ugly, it can only be said that he doesn't look like a good person!

Of course, Qi Lin didn't discriminate against him, but felt that the other party's image was very good, and he was very suitable to play the villain!

Qi Lin nodded with a smile and said, Miss Han told me about you yesterday, let's go.

Qi Lin said that he led Zhao Bin to the studio, and Zhao Bin smiled and turned his head to thank the security guard for waiting with him for so long.

Qi Lin also has his own office in the studio.

But he doesn't come here most of the time. Now the studio is called a studio, but Qi Lin uses it as a gym most of the time.

After the two came to the office and sat down, Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Miss Han only told me that you are more talented, and she didn't say anything else. I need you to prove your worth.


Zhao Bin agreed, and began to think quickly in his mind.

I can sing and have learned Changquan for two years

Zhao Bin started talking about his own strengths, and Qi Lin waved his hands after listening for a while.

These are not important, how about your acting skills?

Zhao Bin was somewhat nervous, took a long breath and said, Very good!

He understands that now is not the time to be humble! You have to show all your strengths to have a chance to get a good contract!

Qi Lin hummed and said, I'll give you a scene now, and you can act it out for me.

no problem!

Qi Lin thought for a while and said: Now you failed in business and planned to jump into the sea. You came to the seaside alone and sat on the beach.

Following Qi Lin's description, Zhao Bin stood up, sat on the ground with his knees hugged, and stared blankly into the distance.

That's when you see the octopus that's been washed ashore by the tide, and it's fighting the waves.

Zhao Bin's eyes gradually gained focus, looking at his feet, his empty eyes gradually became alive, as if he had brought himself into this octopus, and the waves are destiny!

Only at this moment did Qi Lin understand why Han Xue said that Zhao Bin is a very clever and talented actor.

His reaction to performance is really fast, and he belongs to the kind of person who can deal with emergencies!

The waves are big, but the octopus didn't give up, you are cheering for it!

Zhao Bin sat up straight subconsciously, clenched his fists with both hands and waved them lightly, the vitality in his eyes became more and more obvious.

The octopus was washed away by the sea.

Zhao Bin's straight spine softened again, and his gaze was very low, as if he was looking for the octopus washed away by the sea.

Qi Lin was really amazed this time, the change in his eyes was so delicate.

Clap clap!

Qi Lin clapped his hands, and Zhao Bin hurriedly stood up.

Very good, your acting skills are indeed very good, what kind of treatment and salary do you want?

Qi Lin smiled and asked his own question, and now it was Zhao Bin's turn to get nervous.

What kind of treatment salary? Shouldn't the company tell itself this, and then ask itself if it can be accepted?

This, is this still an option?

But he didn't know, the person sitting in front of him didn't understand this at all!

I, I want to shoot two movies a year, and I hope to play the third male lead, with lines and a positive face!

After pondering for a while, Qi Lin nodded and said, No problem, what else?

I also want a basic salary of 10,000 yuan per month!

It's okay, what else?

Also, I hope to get 37%!

Qi Lin thought for a while, nodded again and asked, Is there any more?

Zhao Bin was stunned. The conditions he just mentioned are all conditions of a B-level contract!

Those small companies before didn't even give him a C-level contract.

And now Qi Lin actually asked him if he had any more? Is this planning to give yourself an A-level contract?

How can I be so good to get Qi Lin to be so optimistic about me!

At this moment, Zhao Bin suddenly had a feeling that he would die for his confidant.

Seeing that he was silent, Qi Lin asked again.

What else? Are there no other conditions?

Zhao Bin swallowed his saliva, and boldly said: If possible, I hope that I can choose the assistants myself.

Qi Lin hummed again, and continued to wait for the other party to say conditions.

If I can really become popular in the future, I hope the salary can go up.

Qi Lin laughed when he heard this, nodded again and said, No problem.

Now Zhao Bin is satisfied and has no other conditions.

After Qi Lin confirmed that Zhao Bin had no other conditions, he picked up the phone and called Wang Xiaohua.

After the call was connected, Qi Lin told about Han Xuelai's recommender yesterday and his own interview today.

That's probably the case, Sister Hua, do you want to bring the belt first?

Wang Xiaohua on the other end of the phone was speechless after hearing this: Brother, I'm the exclusive manager, and I'm only in charge of you. You alone are enough for me. How can I have the energy to take care of others?

If you are really as talented as you said, then the conditions given are not bad. Ten years, if he can accept it, sign it. If he can't accept it, don't force it.

If he agrees, our studio will have to recruit more people, at least agent assistants, etc., and we need to recruit another batch.

After Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua chatted for a few more words, they hung up the phone and said to Zhao Bin, who was on the other side with a nervous face.

A ten-year contract, is it acceptable?

Zhao Bin nodded like a chicken pecking rice when he heard the words, of course he can accept it!

Because it takes ten years to start signing a contract with any company now!

Not to mention that Qi Lin's conditions are so good!

Hearing this, Qi Lin patted the other party's shoulder with a smile and said: Then I would like to congratulate you for joining our studio, but the contract will take years to deal with. I don't know much about it. I need to wait for my assistant to go to work.

It's okay, it's okay, it should be.

Zhao Bin was very excited. Although [Kylin Studio] is not a big company, the potential of this company is visible to everyone.

Soaring into the sky, just around the corner!

And as the first artist to join the studio, can he be missing when the studio takes off in the future?

Oh, it's beautiful~

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