What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 264 First Day Box Office

This movie is going viral!

This is also normal, after all, Van Loon's influence is really terrifying! What's more, he was shooting this kind of action police movie that he is best at!

And Qi Lin, the actor of the big villain, is also a new-generation niche student known as the Reaper of the boxing champion who is very popular at the moment!

With the strong combination of the two parties, how could the box office be poor?

Film critics praised this film even more! Almost more than 90% of the reviews are positive reviews!

Of course, there are also two critics who want to appear different, or who really think the movie is bad.

After all, although Fang Loon has a lot of fans, he also has a lot of black fans.

It can even be said that his black fans all over the world are not as many as China's black fans!

Fang Loon is really old, and his movements are not as sensitive as before!

That is to say, and a lot of young people were recruited to film this movie. As for Qi Lin and Xie Feng, what do they have?

No way, in order to cater to the market, hey, I really miss those old artists back then.

Who says it's not, Xiangjiang movies are getting uglier and uglier.

Bad reviews like this abound on the Internet.

Anyway, black people don't have to be responsible on the Internet, and they can't be beaten through the network cable. Naturally, these people are not afraid of anything.

Some people are like this, since others say yes, hey, then I must say no!

Otherwise, how can I show my maverick character?

For this kind of person, the only way is to ignore him!

Because the more you talk to them, the more excited they get.

And when the box office was released the next day, the industry was a little shaken!

Premiere box office, 290 million!

This box office is already very good in the current market.

What's even more rare is that the word-of-mouth of this movie is still very good! This proves that the follow-up box office should not be much different.

At this moment, countless people are feeling that Fang Loon's box office appeal is 'so terrifying'!

And Qi Lin's reputation as a koi carp is even more solid!

All of a sudden, the eyes of many directors in the industry fell on Qi Lin, especially those big directors who had worked with Qi Lin, they wanted to work together again!

Not to mention, with Qi Lin's current popularity and fame, just having him join can 'trick' some audiences into going to the cinema!

But they have a good idea!

Wang Xiaohua was very strict with Qi Lin's plays, and naturally cherished the reputation she had cultivated with great difficulty.

And just like those big Vs on the Internet thought, the box office of New Police Story on the second day was still terrifying!

Judging from the current level, a big sale is already certain.

Qi Lin, who was filming in Xiangjiang, also received the news. Everyone thought that Qi Lin must be very happy to see the box office soaring, but they were wrong!

Qi Lin almost regretted it to death! Why didn't you get a share of the box office?

Fortunately, he didn't say this idea, otherwise it would make people laugh to death.

Box office share? It also depends on who you are and who you are working with!

To cooperate with Fang Loon and still want a share of the box office, that's just thinking about fart.

After all, the crew is counting on Fang Long to fight the box office, not you!

It can be said that in terms of Qi Lin's original coffee position, Fang Long's cooperation with him has already given him a lot of face.

After a day of filming, the group returned to the hotel.

After Qi Lin washed up briefly, Qi Lin began to practice boxing in the living room.

This has become Qi Lin's habit, no matter how late he rests, he will always punch a set!

The same goes for getting up early, and the same set of punches!

Just like that, he felt that his condition had declined to some extent, but fortunately, he would beat himself up in his spare time.

Brother, the word-of-mouth of this movie is not bad, and your character is well-established, but we really can't play villains anymore, at least for the past two years!

When Wang Xiaohua said this, she couldn't help sighing. Just after New Police Story was released, more than a dozen directors had already called, wanting to ask Qilin to make a film.

It's a pity that the roles they gave are all anti-one!

Moreover, the settings of several of the characters can be described as extremely vicious, and they belong to the kind that will lose the popularity of the audience after the performance!

Without even thinking about it, Wang Xiaohua dismissed these roles.

Now she only hopes that after the release of The Bodyguard of China N Sea, those directors will know that Qi Lin can not only play the villain, but also the decent one!

Moreover, there is absolutely no problem with the leading actor who can support a play!

Yes, there are still some people in the circle who worry that Qi Lin won't be able to support a play.

Although the box office of Embroidered Spring Knife is not bad, it is mainly due to Lu Yang's popularity!

Qi Lin's one-v-thirty-three incident was so shocking that Lu Yang borrowed the wind.

But Qi Lin can't just shoot a movie and just fight, right?

Besides, there are not so many people fighting Qi Lin!

And also because of that incident, Qi Lin's popularity in Bangzi Kingdom and Wa Kingdom has been ruined a lot.

When many people mentioned Qi Lin before, people from the Wa country and the people from the Bangzi country didn't react at all. After seeing the photos, they would praise him a little bit.

But it's different now, as long as Qi Lin is mentioned, those who have seen Qi Lin's one-v-thirty-three record will say a few yin and yang words.

Qi Sang? I know, a Chinese who is difficult to beat, hehehe, but I can't say about his strength. After returning to China, Mr. Kameda Beishan once clarified that those were all scripts, thirty-three for one fight? Hehe, do you really think there are supermen in this world?

Qi Lin? I've heard of this name before, Chinese evil dragon, I have nothing to say, I just know that I'm very dissatisfied with him looking down on our taekwondo! You know, their Chinese kung fu also originated from our big stick country!

I've heard the name you mentioned before, tsk tsk tsk, a man who is trying to catch fame! I have challenged him many times online, but he never responded to me positively once.

Yes, this is Qi Lin's popularity in the two countries.

But where there is black, there is powder! Although Qi Lin's popularity is not very good, but he has a lot of fans, and to be able to like Qi Lin in this environment, they are all his most loyal fans, very fanatical!

They are like fighters one by one, defending Qi Lin on the Internet every day!

But it's a pity that Qi Lin couldn't see

Brother, Sweeping Drugs is already in preparation, and an actor has already been appointed, and he is still an old acquaintance of yours.

Although Qi Lin was punching, his breath was exceptionally steady. Hearing Wang Xiaohua's words, he couldn't help asking.

Old acquaintance? Who is it?

Principal Gu!

Qi Lin laughed as soon as he heard it, but he didn't expect it to be Principal Gu.

Speaking of which, he hasn't seen Principal Gu for a long time, and he doesn't know what he's been up to recently.

Thinking in my heart, but the moves did not stop

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