This dinner is to let everyone get acquainted with each other, so that there is not such a strong sense of strangeness when going to the crew to film.

Before almost every crew shoots, they will hold such a private dinner to let everyone get to know each other.

After the dinner was over, director Yuan Kui bid farewell to everyone one by one.

After waiting for Qi Lin, Wang Xiaohua and others to leave, Yuan Kui sighed.

Senior brother, a boy is born from a hero!

Hong Bao also nodded with a smile, it is indeed a hero born a boy!

After debuting for three years, the Best Newcomer Award and Best Supporting Actor Award are all three gold awards, full of gold!

It is inevitable for such a young man to take off!

I just don't know, when will he get the actor?

Wang Xiaohua was also thinking about this question. Qi Lin has shot a lot of movies recently, but almost all of them are action movies. It is not so difficult to count on the best actor of this kind of movie!

Because in the final analysis, action movies, comedy movies, etc., are mostly commercial movies.

It is not easy for commercial films to win awards.

If you want to win the actor, story, acting skills, timing, all are indispensable!

But the current Qi Lin still has a certain distance from the film king.

Especially in a place like this in China where qualifications are so important, it is too difficult for a newcomer to win the best actor!

Just because it's difficult now doesn't mean it will be difficult in the future.

Wang Xiaohua has read a lot of books during this time, as long as she finds a good book, she plans to invest in the studio herself!

It doesn't matter if you don't make money, even as long as you can become a movie star, what can you do if you lose tens of millions?

You must know that as long as you have the title of actor, the salary will increase by 30%! Two or three movies earned it back.

Qi Lin and his party returned to Hengdian.

Because The Bodyguard of Zhong N Hai will not officially start shooting until October 1st, and there are still a few days left, so of course Qi Lin has to go home and take a look, and take a good rest by the way.

Parents are used to Qi Lin not going home for a long time. After all, it was the same when he was in school, but now he spends less time going home.

Dad, let me tell you that our [Happy Fast Food] catering group should also expand! Look at it now, the two cooks in the family are a little busy!

In the room, Qi Lin nestled on the sofa, laughing and discussing the family business with his father!

Now, more than ten production crews in Hengdian are ordering meals at [Happy Fast Food].

Many directors who Qi Lin doesn't even know are willing to order meals here.

After all, if you don't know each other now, maybe you will know each other later?

Where is ordering meals not ordering? In this way, maybe he can form a good relationship with Qi Lin.

Because of this, the business of the fast food restaurant gradually became busy, and Qi Weiguo, who was so busy, finally chose to hire someone!

It's a pity that this old man doesn't know whether he is stingy or has no ambitions. He actually only employs two people and has no idea of ​​expanding the store at all.

In his words, three stoves are already a lot!

According to me, we should hire a few more chefs. In the future, more and more people will order food from us. With more chefs, we can make more money!

Even for those crews in remote areas, we can also provide chef and crew services, and we are responsible for the ingredients, but we need a little extra money.

Qi Lin talked eloquently, his eyes sparkled, as if he could already see a restaurant empire rising slowly!

Qi Weiguo lacked interest and yawned.

I'm so busy every day. What do I do with so much money? My son is a millionaire now, and it's time for me to retire.

After he finished speaking, he yawned again and wiped the corners of his eyes before continuing.

I don't think about anything else now, I just want to wait to hold my grandson and enjoy the family happiness.

Qi Lin is a little speechless, I'm telling you something serious, why is it related to having a grandson?

Can't we have a good chat about money?

What a joy to talk about money!

Qi Lin knew the importance of money since he was a child!

When he was five or six years old, his family hadn't moved to Hengdian, and the family was really poor.

Although it is not enough to ignore food and clothing, it is limited to only being full.

At that time, Qi Lin was very young, and the neighbor's children could eat candied haws and fruits in winter.

His family has nothing, watching others eat, swallowing desperately.

Seeing this, the neighbor's uncle took out an apple to him, and Qi Lin quickly turned his hands behind his back, shook his head repeatedly and said that he would not eat it, and finally ran home desperately with his short legs.

After returning home, he still couldn't open his mouth and tell his father that I also want to eat apples.

Because his family couldn't afford it at that time, and talking about it would only bring pressure to his father.

This is all because of an event that once happened that left a deep impression on Qi Lin. It was also near the Chinese New Year, when the family went out to buy new year's goods, Qi Lin wanted to buy a box of chocolates.

The price of chocolate back then was not cheap, but the money in my father's pocket was calculated, and it was not enough to buy it.

An old man, after standing still for half an hour, still gritted his teeth and bought Qi Lin a box of chocolates.

Qi Lin will never forget his father's expression at that time.

So from that day on, no matter how good things he encountered, Qi Lin would never take the initiative to ask for them.

Even if others ask if they like it, Qi Lin will say no!

This may be what others said, children from poor families should be in charge of the family early.

Later, my father brought his family to Hengdian.

I set up a small stall and sold some side dishes and fried rice in the night market, and my life gradually improved.

It's just that my father rarely smiled.

Qi Lin knew that being a chef was never his father's dream.

His dream is to be an actor! Just like in the previous family, the father is a drama actor and the mother is a housewife.

But now, for the food and clothing of the family, and for his son to eat apples, he chooses to give up his dream.

From a handsome boy to a greasy uncle.

And my father is also very talented. The small stall gradually turned into a food stall, and then from a food stall to a small restaurant, and finally became the current [Happy Fast Food]!

But Qi Lin turned himself into a fat man in just two years, and was sent to learn martial arts in the end.

Although Qi Lin's family has gradually become rich, some things have penetrated into his bones.

For example, money matters!

So much so that Qi Lin became a money fanatic, obsessed with money!

The reason why I participated in so many competitions is actually because of the prize money.

Because only after experiencing some things, do you know the importance of money!

Dad, trust me! I'll give you the bottom line! If you make money, it's yours, but if you lose it, it's mine?

Qi Lin earnestly persuaded his father to expand the size of the restaurant, but Qi Weiguo leisurely ate apples and watched TV, not listening to his son's words at all.

Mother Wang Ping came up with a fruit plate, and laughed after hearing Qi Lin's words.

What do you mean by losing money? It will be yours when we die! Isn't this going into your right pocket?

Qi Lin: .

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