Oh, how annoying! I don't know if Li Yunlong can save his wife!

Sun Mengmeng tugged at her hair, her face full of impatience.

Grandfather looked very open, lying on his back on the sofa and laughing.

Then it will definitely be rescued? Who is our old Li? He is a well-known handsome young man from all over the world!

Hearing that grandpa was still in the mood to joke, Sun Mengmeng asked with a look of displeasure while pinching grandpa's soft waist.

Tell me! Who are you with? Are you an undercover agent sent by the little foot basin?

Bah! It's a bit too much for you to scold people like that!

Sun's father retorted righteously, which made the wife on the side cover her mouth and laugh.

She also liked the atmosphere of the family laughing and playing. Not long after, the commercial time ended and the fourteenth episode of Bright Sword began.

Li Yunlong didn't disappoint the audience either, he really set out to save his wife!

The three members of the Sun family watched with great interest, all waiting for Li Yunlong to turn over these little basins and rescue sister-in-law Xiuqin.

Before I knew it, I had already watched most of the episode.

It wasn't until this time that they realized that something was wrong.

Especially Sun Mengmeng, staring at the TV screen with wide eyes.

Li Yunlong! Fire! Don't make me look down on you!

Li Yunlong! Fire! I am your man in life, and your ghost in death!

On the TV, Xiuqin struggled desperately and roared angrily.

Li Yunlong outside the city gritted his teeth, his expression tangled and hideous.


Li Yunlong roared angrily, just as he said just now, he could not exchange his brother's life for his wife.

On the battlefield, every minute represents a variable.

He couldn't put his brothers in danger for himself, or even lose their lives.

Qi Lin rushed up at this time, grabbed Li Yunlong's arm and said.

Can't fire! Can't fire! Commander, let me lead the brothers to charge again!

Qi Lin's expression was extremely anxious. At this moment, he was the only one who could best understand Li Yunlong's mood.

And Xiuqin on the city wall was still roaring.

Li Yunlong! Let's fire! It's worth it for me, Xiuqin, to exchange so many little devils!

Li Yunlong! Fire the cannon! Take revenge for the folks!

Xiuqin, who was struggling desperately, completely angered the little devil. He roared and drew out the Japanese sword, and chopped towards Xiuqin.

At this moment, Li Yunlong roared angrily.


The next moment, the cannon rang!

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the city was instantly blazed with flames.

The little devil died, and so did Xiuqin.

The movements of the monk, Zhang Dabiao and other confidantes froze at the same time, and then rushed forward with overwhelming anger!

But Li Yunlong seemed to have lost his soul, and slowly slumped to the ground.

This man who is as hard as steel is so weak at this moment.

The fourteenth episode ended here, and the three members of the Sun family were dumbfounded.

Sun Mengmeng didn't know when it would start, and she was already in tears.

Xiuqin's sister-in-law died just like that?

This, how can this let the heroine die?

At this moment, Sun Mengmeng really couldn't accept it! If it weren't for her parents, Sun Mengmeng really wanted to give the scriptwriter a set of classic Chinese curses!

This is so sad and insane! No, I can't help it anymore, I have to scold him today!

Sun Mengmeng went straight back to the room and sat in front of the computer desk.

The sky did not give birth to me, Sun Mengmeng, and the way is eternal like a long night!

key! ! !

Sun Mengmeng shouted and started spraying.

Call the screenwriter cold-blooded, shameless!

Why let Xiuqin's sister-in-law die? Is it discrimination against women!

This knife is too ruthless, what do you think Li Yunlong looks like? Even a tough guy can't stand such a toss!

But what the audience didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

Don't worry, the monk is going to die soon.

It's broken five! Director! It's broken five!

In the data room, the staff shouted excitedly.

The middle-aged man who became the director laughed and said: Everyone performed very well tonight! This month, each person will be given an extra bonus of 1,000 yuan! Xiao Wang! What time is it? Brothers are hungry, you give everyone Order some takeaway, I'll pay for it!

The director was speaking very forcefully at the moment, and when he heard that the director wanted to treat guests, the staff cheered again.

Long live the director!

Long live the director!

Okay, come and report to me what takeaway you want to eat, but we have to agree, try not to eat it indoors if it has a strong smell like stinky tofu with snail noodles.

Stop Xiao Wang and start counting the number of takeaways, while the director stares at the graph of ratings, the more satisfied he looks.

The ratings are skyrocketing!

Happy! so happy!

What's a little takeaway? If it continues to rise like this, won't the year-end bonus be just a car?

The excited director opened the official Weibo, wanting to see how netizens praised the TV series, which has become his hobby for the past two days.

Is the screenwriter here? I have some local products from my hometown to send to you.

Fellow! Open the door! Send warm ones!

You bastard! You give back to my sister-in-law Xiuqin, give back to my sister-in-law Xiuqin!

Xiuqin loves Li Yunlong so much, why was she taken away! Why! You must give me a reasonable explanation today!

Upstairs, calm down, this is an anti-Japanese movie, not a romance movie!

Calm down your grandma and whistle! Bah! Dog screenwriter, die!

After seeing these comments clearly, the director wiped his sweat. He never expected that the audience's reaction would be so great!

At the same time, he was a little worried, because the scene of the monk's sacrifice would be broadcast in two days.

The audience would not be able to accept this without a Xiuqin. If the monk is gone, the audience can't blow up the temple, right?

The director didn't dare to think about it, and at the same time worried that after the monk died, the ratings would drop.

Thinking of this, the director wanted to scold the screenwriter along with the netizens.

what! Such a good character as the monk was forcibly written to death.

The monk is gone, are you anti-ratings?

But the director at this moment has not realized that Qi Lin is not the key to resisting the ratings of this drama. At best, he has attracted a group of young audiences to watch. It is these old actors who really keep the audience!

On August 9th, Qi Lin got a rare day off, which is also director Chad's conscience.

Here, he really used Qi Lin as an animal.

As long as Qi Lin appeared in his line of sight, it would definitely be extra drama, extra drama, extra drama!

Sometimes Qi Lin thought, if all these shots were cut into the movie, the movie would probably last more than three hours!

It's rare to rest, so it's natural to be with friends.

Qi Lin currently only has one good friend in Lijian Country, and that is Reeves.

When Reeves saw Qi Lin, he was always very enthusiastic, and when he came up, he wanted to show Qi Lin his cooking skills, and he would cook himself tonight.

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