Wang Xiaohua sat beside Qi Lin, looking at the registration data above.

A total of more than 30 people signed up, and very few of them are capable. Except for Kameda Beishan and Pu Bubu, those few coaches may be in some danger.

The rest are almost all enthusiasts, or people who want to fish in troubled waters.

Speaking of this, Wang Xiaohua laughed: They may think that we will use the ring method to select the final person to fight with you, so that they don't need to face you directly and can gain popularity, which can be regarded as a good hand.

Qi Lin smiled.

I can't help but think of a popular saying on the Internet, don't use your interests to challenge other people's careers!

Don't they like to bark? I will shut them up!

And the dragon logo flashed on the big screen, and the movie officially started!

Qi Lin adjusted his sitting posture and was very absorbed in watching. After all, he can get half of the net profit of this movie!

In the rain, swords, swords, and cold lights flickered, and lines of text slowly emerged, explaining the background of the story, which happened at the time when the great eunuch Wei Zhongxian had just fallen from power.

In Jinyiwei, the three brothers received orders from their superiors to arrest the eunuch Xu Xianchun.

Shen Lian, played by Qi Lin, directly led people into Mr. Chen's mansion where the eunuchs were hiding privately. He used force to frighten him and threatened to sell his family into the Jiaofang Secretary, so that Mr. Chen revealed Xu Xianchun's escape route.

Shen Lian quickly chased him out, and he really found Xu Xianchun who had just escaped from the mansion.

But Shen Lian didn't panic and didn't pursue him. Instead, he escaped from the signal crossbow at his waist and fired a signal.

And this signal was to inform the third brother, Jin Yichuan, who was ambushing at the intersection!

The third younger brother, Jin Yichuan, was good at wielding the mandarin duck dagger, and he dealt with Xu Xianchun's guards in two or two hits.

Looking at Xu Xianchun who was terrified, he didn't pursue him, but just beckoned him to continue running away.

At this moment, Xu Xianchun was already panicking, and ran towards the intersection without thinking, but just as he ran out of the intersection, a big net directly hoisted him up!

The eldest brother Lu Jianxing, who was carrying the Yanling Saber, slowly entered the stage.

After capturing Xu Xianchun, the three brothers lamented that although Wei Zhongxian had fallen, the eunuch party had deep roots, and the yamen entrusted them with such a difficult job.

It was the first time Qi Lin saw the finished film, and he felt somewhat strange, although he acted in these plots.

But after adding the background, music and light changes, there is an inexplicable sense of novelty.

The camera switches slowly, and the color switches to warmer tones.

In the picture is a woman's boudoir, and Zhou Miaotong, played by Liu Shi, appears on the screen.

She is a skilled girl from Nuanxiang Pavilion, but every time Shen Lian comes here, she only spends money and does nothing else.

His biggest regret is that he doesn't have enough money to redeem the woman.

A few viewers who watched Legend of Sword and Sword 3 couldn't help but whispered when they saw Zhou Miaotong.

Solanum nigrum has also fallen!

Bah! You're still talking about nightshade, isn't the hero Changqing depraved?

That's right, tsk tsk tsk, scumbag, what should Zixuan do?

Um, you're confused, he wasn't with Zixuan at the end of Immortal Sword!

Pooh scumbag!

But I think he's so handsome, even I'm a scumbag~

The voices of the two were not loud, but Qi Lin who was sitting in the back row could hear them clearly.

Wang Xiaohua couldn't help but cover her mouth, afraid that she would laugh out loud.

If these two knew that the hero Changqing was sitting behind them now, I don't know how they would feel.

On the other side, the third brother Jin Yichuan was blackmailed by senior brother Ding Xiu.

Ding Xiu asked Jin Yichuan to raise one hundred taels for him within three days, or else he would reveal the fact that he replaced Jin Yiwei!

Jin Yichuan was naturally unwilling to be threatened and fought back, but because he suffered from tuberculosis, he was no match for Ding Xiu at all.

Because the eunuchs were captured, the eldest brother Lu Jianxing thought that this credit, plus the benefit fee he had prepared, could fill the vacant official position of a hundred households.

Who would have thought that his boss, Zhang Ying, would dislike him for giving too little, and bluntly said that if he wanted to fill the gap, he would have to pay more! If you don't have money, just wait honestly.

Seeing this, Qi Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that Lu Yang's editing skills are really good!

Three or two shots show the current situation of the three brothers!

The three of them are the lower ranks of Jin Yiwei, and they are not welcomed.

The boss wants to become a hundred households and needs money!

The second child wants to redeem Zhou Miaotong and needs money!

The third child was threatened by senior brother Ding Xiu and also needed money!

The so-called a penny stumps a hero, that's what he's talking about.

However, Qi Lin felt that it was still a bit too metaphorical, and audiences who watched the movie for the first time might not care about these details.

After all, audiences who watch martial arts movies usually come for the wonderful fighting moves.

It would be even more perfect if there was a shot that saw the blood on the face of the knife!

And soon, things took a turn for the better!

Emperor Chongzhen ordered that Wei Zhongxian must die, and Zhao Jingzhong found the three brothers and asked them to leave immediately.

The three brothers were stunned, not understanding that such a heavy responsibility would fall on their own heads.

And when Zhao Jingzhong gave the reason, the audience was amused.

Because the three of you have this kind of virtue, you are definitely not eunuchs!

On a rainy night, the three brothers came to Wei Zhongxian's residence.

Although Wei Zhongxian lost power, there are still many masters around him.

In order to prevent accidents, Shen Lian planned to send a signal for help, but was stopped by his elder brother Lu Jianxing.

The eldest brother feels that the three brothers have no power and power, and now this is a good opportunity to stand up!

The three rushed into Wei's mansion, but were stopped by Wei Ting, Wei Zhongxian's adopted daughter.

Under the cover of his elder brother and third younger brother, Shen Lian met Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian didn't pay attention to Shen Lian at all, the supervisors of the East Factory!

Jin Yiwei is also within the monitoring range of the East Factory. He knows Shen Lian, Lu Jianxing and Jin Yichuan, and knows what they need most!

Wei Zhongxian lifted off the red cloth on the table, and there were gold particles under it!

Just grabbing a handful of these golds can be worth their 30-year salary!

And as long as Wei Zhongxian is let go, these are all theirs!

Shen Lian, compromised.

He only brought back an unrecognizable charred corpse!

The new cabinet, Han Kuang, was skeptical when he saw this, even though Lu Jianxing took out Wei Zhongxian's waist card.

And Zhao Jingzhong discovered the suspicious point of this corpse, and understood that it was not Wei Zhongxian at all!

So on the surface he excused the three brothers, but in fact he had already figured out how to kill them!

The audience saw the difference here. In this movie, the villain has an IQ! Decent also has its own weaknesses!

In other words, these three brothers cannot be called decent.

The boss wants to be an official!

For money, the second brother put the brother in a deep crisis!

The identity of the third child is even unknown, and no one knows who he was before.

At this moment, the audience really wanted to know what would happen next, did the three brothers take the money and fly away, or were they all killed by Zhao Jingzhong!

The plot is still going on.

Tomorrow will add more, five chapters will be the bottom line

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