That's how Qi Lin's role ended!

Perfect, perfect! Just pass one, Qi Lin's acting skills really are not for nothing!

Chen Sheng laughed and walked over, and patted Qi Lin's shoulder cheerfully, his face was full of satisfaction!

Brother Fang Loon and Grandfather Guan also surrounded him. Who doesn't like young actors with good acting skills?

One pass, don't waste everyone's time, it is simply the crew's favorite!

Props! Check again, if there is no problem, prepare to shoot the last scene!

Have you done all the security work? You must make sure everything is safe!

Director Chen Sheng directed the prop master to check some props. After all, these are matters related to human life, and they must not be sloppy.

Especially when one of these two is Fang Long and the other is the son of the fourth brother!

After waiting for the prop master and staff to check, Chen Sheng smiled.

One of the things I'm most grateful for now is that I followed Fang Long's suggestion and chose you to play the role of Guan Zu! Apart from you, I can't imagine any other appearance of A Zu.

Hearing such a high evaluation, Qi Lin was somewhat embarrassed.

Smiling and scratching his head, he said, Director, you praise me too much.

After hearing this, Fang Loon laughed and said, Good acting skills are good acting skills! Don't say anything else, let's just talk about your honest and honest appearance now, who can believe that you are Guan Zu?

Several people around laughed when they heard this.

After a while, the prop master trotted back.

Director! No problem, we checked twice and found no problem.

Okay! Ready to start shooting!

Director Chen Sheng waved his hand, and the crew started working again, preparing to shoot this most thrilling scene.

Qi Lin walked towards his small team, took the water glass from Lin Xin's hand and said.

Xiao Wu, Junior Brother, watch carefully.


Got it bro.

The two agreed in a low voice, of course they knew what Qi Lin asked them to watch, stunts!

During Qi Lin's filming, the two of them were not idle, and spent the whole day hanging out with action directors, martial artists and others.

Of course they knew why Qi Lin brought the two of them here.

Smoke bridges, wine paves the way!

In just over two months, the two have gained a lot.

Especially Wang Yi, even though he is just getting in touch with these things, but because he has a good foundation in kung fu, he is making rapid progress!

And Xiao Wu is not idle either, Qi Lin or Wang Yi will teach him some practical moves in his spare time, these two months are not wasted.

Qi Lin took a sip of warm water, and led the two of them directly towards the director.

Seeing this, the assistant director and the field director skillfully moved out of their positions.

During filming, Qi Lin would sit behind the director's chair and watch Chen Sheng direct whenever he had no role to play.

At first they thought that Qi Lin wanted the director to add scenes to them, but later they found out that Qi Lin just watched and never made a sound.

In the end, they thought that Qi Lin definitely wanted to learn directing skills, not to mention them, even Chen Sheng thought so.

So as long as Qi Lin is around, Chen Sheng will direct the play and at the same time talk about his thoughts and ideas, which is convenient for Qi Lin to learn.

But in fact, Qi Lin really didn't think about it that way. He sat behind the director's chair just to observe the camera!

What kind of lens, what kind of angle, what kind of light!

These are the things that Qi Lin noticed, but Qi Lin didn't pay attention to them. What he observed is precisely the key to becoming a good director!

Wang Yi and Xiao Wu were also there, but instead of looking at the camera, they focused all their attention on Fang Long and Xie Feng.

Observing the actions of the two and the security measures, this is their purpose.

Brother Fang Loon did not disappoint, such a dangerous scene was passed!

Director Chen Sheng can finally officially announce that New Police Story is finished!

On the second night, Chen Sheng and Fang Long held a grand wrap-up banquet!

All the artists and staff who participated in New Police Story were invited, and the momentum was huge!

Because there are too many people, simply take the form of a buffet.

Qi Lin sat quietly in the corner, surrounded by his small group.

Boss, now is the time, we can participate in the promotional activity of Xiu Chun Knife on June 5th.

Qi Lin rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, What kind of propaganda?

For the interview type, the media are all our own people, so there will be no tricky questions.

Well, let's book the air ticket. Go back the day after tomorrow and visit Uncle Hong tomorrow. You can go to Sister Hua later and ask what kind of gift is suitable for the first time.

Good boss.

He Jiaxin agreed, and began to look for Wang Xiaohua's trace in the crowd.

Wang Yi held a piece of steak in his hand and ate it with relish.

Xiao Wu lowered his head and asked in a low voice: Brother, I found a woman who keeps watching us secretly.

Huh? Who is it?

Xiao Wu didn't make a sound, but secretly gestured in a direction with his fingers.

Qi Lin looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a woman in an evening gown holding a glass of red wine in her right hand, looking at him without blinking.

Qi Lin couldn't help but smile when he saw the other party, he's an old acquaintance!

Director Wang, why are you here?

Qi Lin smiled and got up to say hello. The person who came was none other than Wang Sichen, who had worked with Qi Lin before!

Seeing that Qi Lin greeted her proactively, Wang Sichen couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

My father and elder brother are good friends, so I came with them, but you, the big star, why are you sitting here?

It was only then that Qi Lin remembered that he had heard that Wang Sichen's father was also a director!

Hearing Wang Sichen's question, Qi Lin shrugged.

You know me. I'm not very good at socializing. It's better to leave this kind of matter to Sister Hua.

As soon as Xiao Wu Wang Yi saw that Qi Lin was an acquaintance, he walked aside wisely to prevent the two from talking awkwardly.

Xiao Wu even bumped into Wang Yi's shoulder and said, Brother Wang, look at Brother Qi, there are beauties around you! I'm so envious!

Wang Yi pouted, looked back and whispered.

Where is this? Do you know how many girls were around when Qi Lin was learning boxing at my house?

Xiao Wu shook his head, how could he know such a thing.

At that time, there were more than 100 students in our boxing gym, and only 23 of them were men! The rest were all girls!

Xiao Wu swallowed with difficulty, somewhat disbelieving.

It's not because of Brother Qi, is it?

Of course it was because of him, or could it be because of me? There were too few students in the boxing gym that year, so a few of us went out to distribute leaflets to recruit students. As a result, Qi Lin distributed a total of 100 leaflets and attracted them the next day. Sixty or seventy female students were killed!

Wang Yi's expression was a bit sad and he said: That was the first time I understood what it means to be good-looking and be able to eat!

Little Five: .

There are not many BBs, continue to store up, ready to explode!

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