What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 828 Relying on the mountain to fall, relying on everyone to fall (W word)

The underworld?!

Lin Fan's expression suddenly became extremely serious.


Shi Huang's eyes were gloomy, and he did not preemptively strike, but just stared at the terrifying crack, as if waiting for the opponent's next move.

At this moment, there is a new change in the crack.

Two terrifying 'searchlights' appeared, countless times stronger than any searchlight Lin Fan had ever seen, no matter in size or brightness.

Even, in terms of size alone, it is almost the same as the two eyeballs of the real dragon.

Two white, blazing rays of light shot out from the crack, breaking through the turbulent flow of the endless space, and then piercing through the endless darkness, shooting fiercely towards the underworld!

The target of the other party seems to have been selected, which is the underworld!

When those two 'searchlights' shone, it seemed that everything could not be hidden, and everything was presented in front of each other.

At this moment, the entire Kunlun was shaking violently, and all the creatures who paid attention to this scene felt their scalps go numb, vaguely aware that something was wrong.

Because, there is an extremely strange atmosphere spreading.



The golden fairy Gao Lang's heart beat violently: This is definitely not the breath of those big Luo Jinxians, at least, it's not the big Luo Jinxians on the bright side.

An expert hidden away? Or...

From unknown places?

Not just him.

The other fairy families who chased them to the vicinity of the underworld also felt extremely troubled. I don't know how many people had numb their claws and felt something was wrong at this moment.


not good!

Meng Tian led a million ghost soldiers and ghost generals, so he was quite confident at first.

But when those two searchlights came down, he felt extremely bad, as if everything had been seen through, and he and all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals were all exposed to the other party's eyes!

It seems that everything has been seen through, and there is no way to hide even the slightest bit.

These guys, could it be...


At this moment, the two sides looked at each other, both feeling bad and troublesome.

However, the immortals were surprised and uncertain, and their eyes flickered one after another.

Seeing this scene, Meng Tian's expression suddenly turned ugly. Obviously, the other party has made a decision, and no matter how you look at it, it is a decision that is not good for the underworld.

These guys...

Are you planning that no matter who the other party is, as long as the other party makes a move, they will take advantage of the water?

In that case...

Be the first to strike first!

Who is General Meng Tian?

How many victories did you fight with the first emperor? He almost lost his memory, and he had a particularly keen grasp of the situation.

Now, the opponent has made it clear that they may make a move at any moment, and what they are waiting for is nothing more than 'Dongfeng'.

If it really gave them the wind, they would definitely make a move without hesitation. At that time, they would be more passive, and it would be better to hold the initiative in their own hands.

In this way, even if they are lost, they will still take the initiative, and the final outcome will not be too tragic.

I have many thoughts.

Thinking of this, Meng Tian made a decision instantly, and immediately prepared to make a move.


Holding the spear high in his hand, he shouted loudly, the wind blows!

Wind, wind, wind!

Although millions of Great Qin soldiers have been transformed into ghost soldiers and ghost generals, they still retain the memories of their lives. They are all masters of a hundred battles, so naturally they will not hesitate at all.

At this moment, they took the initiative!


The dense attack is overwhelming, sweeping in, seemingly scattered, but actually twisted into a rope!

It is different from the alliance of many golden immortals that Qi Zixiao faced before.

Those golden immortals never trusted each other, and the reason why they joined forces was only a last resort, cooperation?

Not to mention the perfect cooperation, but there is a long distance from the passing line. At most, it can only be said that they shot together. How can there be any cooperation at all?

Therefore, under the guidance of Sister A Wu, Qi Zixiao was able to easily break through the weak points of their offensive, and killed Jin Xian one after another.

However, the ghost soldiers and ghost generals transformed by the millions of old Qin people led by Meng Tian almost reached the point of 'communication' when fighting together.

Therefore, even if their individual combat power is not high, under the command of Meng Tian, ​​they attack together, but it is extremely terrifying!


The terrifying attack came overwhelmingly. Although it was in the dark night, with those two searchlights, even if you don't need to perceive it with your spiritual sense, you can still see it clearly.


How dare you take the initiative?

It's really a way to kill!


The immortals who gathered here were all angry.

They didn't want to take the initiative, and they didn't want to be the first bird. After all, the First Emperor was a fighter at the level of the Great Luo Jinxian.

However, they are not afraid of Meng Tian and the million ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

So what if you are well-trained and have a joint attack formation? We have so many immortals, we will pile you up to death!

Therefore, they never thought that Meng Tian would dare to take the initiative!

But they still took the initiative to make a move.

They didn't play cards according to the routine at all, which made the immortals lose their minds for a moment, and then they lost the initiative.

At least, under this blow, they must defend first, then attack!

However, they did not panic.

Defense is defense, just you chickens and dogs, after we defend, we still have a strong force to fight back!

They all think this way, and they are all doing it this way.


When the offensives of the two sides collided, the roar was heard far, far away.

Attacks, laws, and treasures are stirring in the sky, and the special effects are all over the sky, but even so, they can't cover the light of the two searchlights.

The Great War broke out.

It was at this time that another accident occurred on the other side of the space crack.

found it!

A gloomy voice came, intermittent and inaudible, and one could only guess based on its voice and intermittent intonation.

Create reincarnation privately, break the foundation of my world...

Hell... Destroyed...

Reincarnation when...



There was a huge earthquake in the space crack, and in an instant, those two searchlights seemed to become three, and another light appeared in the middle, even brighter and more terrifying than those two searchlights. The power to destroy the world!

Big Luo!

Lin Fan held his breath.

He was 100% sure that the opponent must be Da Luo, even more terrifying and astonishing than the power of the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace Master when he made a move!


It was an inexplicable attack.

Unable to see directly, difficult to understand.

This made Lin Fan's eyebrows twitch and he felt bad.

Although he is not a Da Luo Jinxian, he already has a lot of experience in the heavens and worlds, and Da Luo Jinxian has seen many people.

However, even those big Luo Jinxians, most of the methods they used were understandable.

Just like a junior high school student who saw a certain mathematics expert do some calculations and deduce some formulas...

He may not be able to understand the calculation method of the other party, but he must be able to know that this is 'mathematics'!

When the palace lord makes a move, it is the method of talisman repair.

When the sword master makes a move, it is the means of sword repair.

Daluo Jinxian of Sun Moon Qiankun Palace made moves, and he used various principles and spells that could be identified.

But the offensive that I saw at this moment, this attack from the crack in space, from the underworld...

Lin Fan couldn't recognize it!

Don't worry.

The First Emperor seemed to see Lin Fan's shock and uneasiness, and said in a deep voice, There are differences between the Yin and Yang worlds, and it's normal for the systems of the two sides to be different.

Although I don't know what kind of method this is, it is still within the scope of Da Luo Jinxian, so don't be afraid!


His whole body was glowing with a strong ghostly aura.

Behind him, there is an unknown number of terrifying horse chains connecting all parts of the underworld, frantically absorbing the power of the underworld to bless himself.

Among them, there are thirty-four of the thickest chains!

They come from the eighteen levels of hell, the six realms of reincarnation, and the ten halls of Yama!

At this moment, Shi Huang's aura was raised to the extreme, and he punched suddenly.


Fist marks are like the sky!

Covering the sky and blocking the sun, shattering the endless darkness, breaking through all obstacles of Taoism, and even part of Kunlun's space was torn apart.

Then, he headed towards the attack launched in the space crack.


The two attacks collided silently and breathlessly.

There was no sound at all, but above the sky, the celestial phenomenon changed by Lin Fan and the condensed night began to melt from the collision point...

It's like pouring a bottle of ink into clear water, and the clear water is quickly polluted.

It's just that the color is just the opposite at this moment.

Terrifying white light erupted from the collision, the white light spread, and the darkness melted and receded.

Soon, night turned into day.

Lin Fan: (⊙o⊙)...

If you touch your feelings, the 'background cloth' I made will disappear right away?

He complained endlessly in his heart, but at the same time, he also paid special attention to the result of this blow.

What he didn't expect was that after the two attacks collided, they melted almost at the same time, as if the forces used by both sides were completely equal and canceled each other out.

That's all...

Dare to break the foundation of my world?

On the other side of the crack in space, that astonishing figure spoke again, with a hint of contempt and disdain, and as he waved his hand, another terrifying attack was about to fall.

The first emperor's complexion gradually became dignified, the foundation of heaven between his brows was shining brightly, and the thirty-fifth thick chain 'went online'.

That is his Yin Tianzi Temple!

But at this moment, the two terrifying searchlights suddenly disappeared, and the figure of the other party also quickly blurred.

Inside the space crack, the space turbulence that had been bouncing was even more intense at this moment.

It directly caused the space crack to shrink rapidly, and that offensive was also blocked outside the space crack...

This is just the beginning!

There was an unwilling roar from the other party, and then the space crack was completely closed and disappeared.


A muffled sound came at this moment.

Accompanied by unbelievable roars, and the sound of the flesh being cut apart...

Gao Lang was cut in half by Meng Tian, ​​his body was split into two, his lower body was unable to fall down, but his upper body was still alive, his face was filled with horror and disbelief.

How could this be!?

Hmph, Jinxian? That's all!

Meng Tian was excited and chased after him wantonly.

At this moment, the Xian family discovered that the crack in space had disappeared, and the 'leader' they had expected suddenly disappeared.

And the first emperor has already freed up his hands...


No more battles!


They receded like the tide, running fast.

But on the faces of all the immortals, there was incomprehensible obstinacy and unbelievable arrogance. They have collided several times just now, and they have never gotten any benefits!

On the contrary, he was injured one after another, and even Gao Lang, the strongest here, was cut in half.

But how is this possible? !

They can't understand.

Damn it, Meng Tian's own cultivation is no more than this, how can he be so powerful?!

The same goes for those ghost soldiers and ghost generals. Almost none of them have ever become immortals, but the power when they join forces makes me tremble with fear. Why is this?


Even if they ran a long distance, they were still terrified, and they couldn't figure out why this happened.

This is completely different from what I imagined!


His Majesty.

Meng Tian led the ghost emperors of the five directions back, and happened to meet Shi Huangdi who had lost all his means, and he couldn't help saying with a hint of excitement: Fortunately, the last general did not disgrace his fate, and those immortal families have all been repelled.

Furthermore, none of our soldiers were injured or injured. Instead, more than a dozen members of the Xian family were beheaded. Their souls have been detained and await His Majesty's punishment.


After hearing this, Emperor Shihuang was also slightly surprised: You...

How did you do it?

He has the combat power of Da Luo Jinxian level, and he can roughly judge the difference in combat power between the two sides with a glance of his divine sense. After all, he also knows ghost soldiers and ghost generals very well.

Before the start of the war just now, he paid attention to it for a moment, and concluded that Meng Tian and the others would not have any advantage, but they would not lose too badly either.

At least, there will be no problem blocking the opponent for a while, and the casualties will not be too great.

But the result was exactly the opposite.

There were several collisions, but no one was injured or injured. On the contrary, more than a dozen of the opponent's immortals were beheaded?

Meng Tian rubbed his forehead, a little confused: I don't know either.

It's just that when we made the move just now, it seemed that all our soldiers, including me, our spells, offensive power, and power have all increased a bit, and the magnitude is not small!

That's why I caught the opponent by surprise.

But why such things happen, I'm also at a loss.


The First Emperor frowned slightly.

Just now, I was fighting against the Da Luo Jinxian from the underworld, and the opponent's methods were very unfamiliar, so naturally I didn't dare to be careless, so I didn't pay any more attention to your battle.

Otherwise, there may be some eyebrows.

It can increase your combat power by a part. If you can master such means, it will be of great use!

Hearing their conversation, Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, guessing in his heart: No way?

The way of black and white, still have this effect?

He tilted his head and thought for a while, then interjected: I have some ideas, try it?

How to try? Meng Tian asked back.

Lin Fan smiled and said: Simple, you attack Shi Huangdi with all your strength now, let Shi Huangdi feel it, and after a while, you attack again.

Meng Tian looked at the First Emperor. Although the latter didn't know what Lin Fan meant, he nodded slightly.

Your Majesty, that would be an offense.

Meng Tian made a move and hit with all his strength.

Naturally, Emperor Shihuang couldn't be hurt, and the latter blocked it easily, and said: It's almost the same as your usual combat power.

Meng Tian was a little embarrassed and said, Indeed.

Not urgent.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, worked out the magic formula and used the way of black and white to recall the dispelled 'darkness' again.

Nuo was a big Kunlun, and turned into a night state again.

Many unknown creatures: (O_O)???

what happened? !

Why is it still dark today?


Are day and night only a few minutes apart now?


When the darkness shrouded, both Meng Tian and Shi Huangdi looked at Lin Fan. The former was astonished, but the latter suddenly said, It really was your method.

Control day and night?

That's right.

Lin Fan didn't make it too clear, and instead said: General Meng, you try again?

After Meng Tian sensed it slightly, his face showed excitement: I feel it, that's how it feels, Your Majesty, I'm offended!


He shot again, and his offensive was obviously improved a lot.

After Emperor Shihuang took it, he immediately came up with the answer: It's only 30% stronger than before!

in this case···

He looked at Lin Fan with burning eyes: Does the night you created actually have such a big bonus for ghosts?!

I didn't know before that. Lin Fan shook his head lightly: But at present, maybe it is so?

No, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

The First Emperor pondered slightly: Even if all of you increase your combat power by 30%, you won't be able to repel the immortals so easily, and even kill more than ten immortals.

If I'm not mistaken, this 'dark night' not only has a bonus to 'ghosts', but also has a certain restriction or attenuation effect on 'humans'.

Lin Fan blinked, his head was buzzing.

Can it still be like this? !

Doesn't that mean that I am now a 'BUFF'?

When the night falls, you set a dark tyrant buff on ghosts, and a weak debuff on people?

Or, am I now a 'war halo'?

Once the war starts, I will be responsible for opening the halo?


Lin Fan suddenly had a thought: If night has a bonus to 'ghosts', then during the day, does it have a bonus to people? Or does it have a 'weakening' effect on ghosts?

He pinched the formula again, the darkness subsided, and the day came...


Many creatures looked at the sky that had turned from black to white with dazed and bewildered faces, their heads buzzing.

Is it daytime again? !


try again?

Lin Fan looked at Meng Tian, ​​but saw that the latter's complexion was gradually becoming ugly: The bonus has disappeared, and... I feel a little weak at the moment.

He shot again, and Emperor Shihuang quickly gave an answer: It's attenuated by 20 to 30 percent compared to the first time.

At this moment, Emperor Shi Huang's eyes were a bit complicated, and when he looked at Lin Fan, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Fan was a little excited, but at the same time, he felt it silently, but found that he couldn't enjoy this kind of 'bonus', and couldn't help being confused.

Am I not human?

Or, the state of day will only weaken ghosts, but not strengthen 'humans'?

Just at this time, the empress woke up slowly.

Lin Fan immediately said: Empress, why don't you give it a try?


The empress looked blank.

After a while, the empress tried it out, and came to the conclusion that it was strengthened! And probably between two and thirty percent.

And, the night does weaken.


Okay, ruthless.

Lin Fan sighed lightly.

Is the method of feeling oneself really an 'auxiliary halo'?

But why? !

I am clearly the main C, how can I become a support after just playing around? This foundation of the way of heaven is a bit too much, isn't it? !

If that's the case, if I make another one later, and that one happens to be 'defensive' again, wouldn't I still have to become a meat tank + support?


After a short exclamation, Shi Huang waved Meng Tian down.

In Nuoda's Yin Tianzi Hall, only the First Emperor, the Empress, and Lin Fan were left. At this moment, the three looked at each other in horror.


The first emperor spoke first to congratulate the empress.

It's just a coincidence.

The empress looked a little strange: Actually, I'm a little ashamed to say that I went to that water area just out of interest. Seeing the beautiful scenery there, I wanted to take a bath.

Who knows...

That's how I picked up the foundation of the way of heaven.

Lin Fan: ...

First Emperor:···

There is such a good thing? !

Both of them showed the expressions of 'beautiful boy speechless', and then they all showed envy.

Thinking back to myself, how dangerous is it when you get the foundation of the heavenly way? Almost all the scenes of enemies all over the world.

Moreover, the process of obtaining the foundation of the way of heaven is not easy, and it takes a lot of danger.

But empress, just took a shower and picked it up? ? ?


Lin Fan took a deep breath and decided not to think about it anymore, otherwise he would die of depression. He muttered, Which nine ways are you?


The empress's cultivation level at this moment is already in the realm of a real fairy, and there is a strange charm in every gesture.

Even if she didn't use it deliberately, she still has the feeling of charming all beings.

A demon?

Lin Fan nodded slightly, and then said: Witches, ghosts, demons, gods...


The two emperors looked at Lin Fan's eyebrows at the same time: Your second way?


The two were silent at the same time.

A person with two foundations of heaven?

If this is spread, it will definitely cause chaos in the world and a great war will start.

Especially, in the underworld at this moment, there are four foundations of the way of heaven~!

If this gets out...

The First Emperor's heart trembled.

He suddenly realized that even if he had great strength in the underworld, he might not be able to hold it!


Lin Fan didn't know what the two of them were thinking, and pondered slightly: Speaking of which, I once had some guesses, but so far I haven't confirmed it.

He once speculated with Qi Zixiao and Sister A Wu.

Because in the era of the heavens and the world, it was widely circulated that the foundation of the twenty-seven ways of heaven were the immortals of the nine paths, the ancients of the nine paths, and the gods of the nine paths!

And if a person utters forty-five words in a row, he will be warned by the way of heaven.

In other words, if you say fifty-four words in a row, you will be struck by lightning and condemned by heaven.

So at that time, they were speculating whether some of the foundations of the eighty-one ways of heaven were harmful to many worlds? !

Or is it because of some other reasons that the Heavenly Dao is afraid, fearing that the world will know more than forty-five foundations of the Heavenly Dao? ! For example, when the foundation of the Dao of Heaven in a world is greater than forty-five or fifty-four, will it be detrimental to the Dao of Heaven?

If it is the former, it can be confirmed now.

Because now they have witches, gods, ghosts, demons, and the foundation of the way of heaven.

In the time of the heavens and the world, the most widely circulated are immortals, ancients, and gods.

And from this we can learn that immortals, ancients, and gods must be harmless, but what about witches, ghosts, and demons? !

That adds up to six!

According to Lin Fan's idea.

If they go back to Earth now and communicate with Heaven, they will probably be able to confirm whether the first guess is correct.

If it is correct, then, among the two ways of ghosts and demons, at least one of them will be resisted by the Dao of Heaven, right? After all, it is known that immortals, ancients, and gods will not be 'harmful', so if other things are harmful, then analyze from the point that 'greater than forty-five' will be condemned by heaven.

Among witches, ghosts, and demons, at least one of them will cause problems, but Wu, Lin Fan has already resonated with the heavens, which proves that even if it is harmful, it will definitely not be a witch!

After expressing these thoughts, Lin Fan said again: And if it is greater than forty-five or fifty-four, it will be detrimental to the way of heaven...

The foundations of the Dao of Heaven that we currently have should all be able to resonate with the Dao of Heaven.

However, this is just my guess, and the possibility of other reasons cannot be ruled out.

After hearing this, the first emperor and the empress were both silent for a while.

They are also analyzing and thinking.

Of course, Lin Fan concealed his time travel, as well as the information about Sister A Wu and Qi Zixiao, but only expressed his guess about the foundation of the way of heaven.

Although it is not necessarily correct, your guess is well-founded and worth a try.

After a while, Emperor Shi Huang thought it was feasible.

The Empress also nodded and said, Not bad.

Although it seems that the foundation of the way of heaven is of great benefit to us, we still need to understand a little bit about how the way of heaven is.

So, let's take some time to go back to the ancestral land and try to resonate with the heavens?

However, the movement is not small. Can you... Emperor Shihuang hold it?

Shi Huang's face shook.

Immediately snorted: Why am I afraid of it?!

Can you bear it?

Man, how can you say no? !

What's more, I am still an emperor through the ages...

Lin Fan glanced at him and said, With my halo, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

Shi Huang's expression was slightly relaxed.

Yes, if you add 30% combat power to yourself...

Then give those big Luo Jinxians who can threaten him a 30% reduction?


After a short period of relaxation, the First Emperor said speechlessly: Caizhen didn't feel the increase in combat power just now. Your way of black and white should be ineffective against the combat power of the Daluo Jinxian level.

Lin Fan: ...

Um, if you want to say that...

You have to think about it carefully, after all, there is still the underworld.

Yin Realm. The First Emperor whispered: That side has obviously paid attention to the problem, and learned that it is because of the existence of the underworld and reincarnation that caused all this to happen, so they want to destroy the underworld, shatter the reincarnation, and let everything return' On track'.

However, the right track they think has never been the real right track. Only the destruction of the underworld and the six paths of reincarnation are the 'right track' since ancient times!

At this moment, it is not a matter of arguing 'on track or not'.

The empress thought about it: They will definitely not let it go, maybe it won't take long for them to make a comeback.

This is the first time Yinjie has made a move. Perhaps because I don't know much about it, it was very hasty. After only one blow, I was forced to stop.

But this time, they already have an understanding, and if they make a move later, they must be fully prepared. By then, I'm afraid...

The first emperor's complexion gradually became serious.

Although he is confident, he is not arrogant, and he will not foolishly think that he and the underworld alone can fight against the entire underworld!

The Yin Realm and the Yang Realm correspond to each other. It stands to reason that the combat power of the two sides will not be too far apart. In other words, the opponent's Da Luo Jinxian should be approximately equal to the Yang Realm.

Infer from this strength.

If the other party is fully prepared and then attacks the underworld, can you and the underworld stop it?

The probability of being blocked is really not high.

Perhaps, there is no need to be too pessimistic.

Lin Fan thought about it, and said, I watched the whole battle just now, so I have a guess, I don't know if it's right.

What guess? Shi Huang asked.

Lin Fan asked instead: Let me ask one thing first, how far can you tear apart the Kunlun space, or how long can you tear?


The First Emperor seemed to understand, and quickly said: The space of Kunlun is far more stable than Xingchen Muye, or even some powerful cultivation planets.

Even Da Luo Jinxian can't tear a large area, and it's hard to maintain it for a long time.

As for a space crack as huge as just now, it is absolutely impossible for only one Daluo Jinxian, not even three or five!

What's more, they are tearing the space apart from the endless distance? This is even more difficult!

Not only that. Seeing that the first emperor understood, Lin Fan smiled and said, They have to maintain it for a long time, and let the Da Luo Jinxian level offensive come through the cracks in space. Isn't this as difficult as going to heaven?

Even if they attack with all the force of the world, as long as the underworld is in Kunlun, it will be difficult for them to succeed.

Even if we go all out, it should be... most of the power will be used to maintain the space cracks, and it will not cause too much harm to the underworld.

So, I guess, the next time they make a move, they should give up such thankless methods and start attacking step by step between the Yin and Yang realms.

Lin Fan's speech speed became faster and faster.

Because when he said these words, he thought of more and more.

Not only for the first emperor and the empress to analyze, but also for myself!

I think, maybe I guessed what the calamity is this time!

He glanced at the first emperor and the empress with dim eyes: It's just, why did you come to the conclusion that... the person who should be robbed is me?

From this point of view, the person who should be robbed should be Emperor Shihuang, right?

First Emperor:···

Empress: ...

After a short thought, they gradually came to their senses, and then they all showed surprise.

Lin Fan's words were very clear and well-founded!

Kunlun's space is too stable, and it is not easy for Da Luo Jinxian to tear it apart. Even if it is torn apart, it is already pretty good because of teleportation or something.

It is really unrealistic to tear apart such a large space rift from an infinite distance, maintain it for a long time, and even break out a war of the Da Luo Jinxian level through the space rift.

Therefore, the next big war is indeed likely to be a step-by-step, step-by-step fight.

Start from the underworld, attack the yangworld...

The ultimate goal is to reach Kunlun, destroy the underworld, and destroy reincarnation.

And once this battle breaks out, it will be a battle between Yin and Yang, definitely a super meat grinder, a flesh grinder.

It's not an exaggeration to call this kind of big battle a 'quantity calamity', right?

Of course, if the Yang Realm directly coerces, allowing the Yin Realm to attack, and kills the hinterland Kunlun, and destroys reincarnation, that's another story.


From the current point of view, it seems that I am more in line with the statement of the Ying Jie person?

Because the war started because of reincarnation, and now I am the one in charge of reincarnation...

Shi Huang blinked his eyes and his brain was buzzing.

In just a short moment, the amount of information is a bit large!

Not only did he vaguely guess what the calamity was, but he also came to such a conclusion?

Something makes sense.

The Empress spoke suddenly.

The First Emperor glanced at her, and she said again: However, I can trust Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng's deduction technique.

And at that time, you have not yet been born, and the secrets of heaven have not been deceived, so the probability of making mistakes is even smaller.

So, if the calamity is indeed a battle between the Yin and Yang realms, then something will inevitably happen during this process. As a result, you are the one who 'responses to the calamity' and the key person!

Only then did Shi Huang look away.

Lin Fan remained silent.

In fact, he himself knows best whether he is a person who should be robbed or not.

The interpenetration with Qi Zixiao actually explained this point to a large extent, and Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang's special push back picture for themselves even drew their own body and Qi Zixiao's soul.


Zombie Limited Edition Ji Chutong came against the long river of time to protect himself...

All of these have explained their own 'importance'.

In the period that followed, something was bound to happen.

But what is it?

Could it be that I obtained more than ten foundations of the Dao of Heaven in Kunlun based on the clues I got from the period of the Heavens and Myriad Realms?

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly...

If there is a day when I own more than a dozen foundations of the way of heaven by myself...

I'm afraid that if there is no battle between the yin and yang worlds, I will be chased and killed by countless immortals in the yang world, and I will be the enemy of the whole world, right?

Even if there is no calamity, because of my own existence, I will create a calamity every now and then!

And the most terrible thing is that in the plan I set, the next thing I should do is to collect the foundation of heaven, the more the better...


Lin Fan was a little dumbfounded.

This is not good!

If this is the case, wouldn't he be finished?

Something big is going to happen in the future!

The person who should be robbed?

Just tie yourself up and cut it off? Where is this person who should be robbed? It is clear that he is looking for death!

But according to the conjectures of myself and my saintess, the mastermind behind all this is to let my couple collect as many foundations of heaven as possible, so as to achieve some goals.

Combined with the terrifying methods of the black hand behind the scenes, it is not difficult to deduce that even if you want to do the opposite, it is useless not to find the foundation of the way of heaven...

I'm afraid I'm going to throw the foundation of the way of heaven directly in front of me!

Combined with the empress to get a 'demon', and this suspected power of time correction...

Mom! ! !

Lin Fan's mind was a little confused.

He thought a lot.

The empress was 'rectified', obtained a foundation of the way of heaven, and exposed, this is the process of correction.

And if there is no external help, the empress can be said to die...

But with my own help, coupled with the existence of the first emperor and the underworld, these are variables, so so far, the empress has been saved.

Also, maybe a person who possesses the foundation of the way of heaven is already a 'variable'? If something is 'modified' by a variable, will the power of correction appear again?

If so...

It's more dangerous for my mother!

According to Lin Fan's understanding, if everything is regarded as a program, then the rules of the origin of heaven and earth that governs the program may be a combination of a manager, repair software, and anti-virus software.

The established history of the empress has been changed, so there is a problem, and the repair software (power of correction) is launched to try to fix everything.

It's a pity that the repair software was blocked by viruses (myself and Emperor Shihuang), and the repair was not successful...

Well in this case.

Is it time for antivirus software?

in the case of! ! !

Then wouldn't my mother be even more endangered?

This is too dangerous, right? !

Make it clear that you want to keep me cool, this is it?

Lin Fan's scalp was numb, he scolded his mother in his heart, and then muttered secretly: No, I want to save myself, I want to live!

What the hell...

His mind was still spinning sharply, and his eyeballs kept rolling, analyzing all this back and forth, looking for any methods and conditions that would be beneficial to him.

Eventually, he came to some conclusions.

First Emperor.

This guy opened his mouth, waking up the Emperor Shi Huang who was still in deep thought: What do you want to say?

We have to make some preparations in advance! Lin Fan said solemnly.

Tell me. Both the First Emperor and the Empress looked at him.

First of all, I think we should announce the secrets of the yin and yang realms. However, whether the reincarnation part...is also disclosed is still to be discussed.

As for why I suggest this, it is because if the underworld shows its tyrannical strength from the very beginning, and says: 'We are not here to fight you, we are only here for the reincarnation of the underworld, you quickly disperse '...

What do you think will happen to those big Luo Jinxians in our Yang Realm?

The empress' complexion changed slightly: If the opponent is strong enough, and shows amazing strength from the beginning, I'm afraid...

There is a high probability that it will not be blocked. Shi Huangdi's face darkened.

It's nothing to do with yourself. If the opponent is weak, it's fine. But if the underworld shows amazing power from the beginning, maybe you can drive straight in without fighting.


Lin Fan nodded: That's what I'm worried about.

How to save yourself?

Of course, it is to preserve one's own strength and strength as much as possible, and keep getting stronger.

If the first emperor and reincarnation were destroyed, wouldn't our side lose a battle force of Daluo and the entire underworld?

The top priority is to save the underworld!

Even if there is a war, it is necessary to let the yin and yang worlds fight head-on, instead of the underworld being sold by the yang world.

Although Lin Fan felt that even if the Yang Realm wanted to sell it, there would eventually be a war between the Yin and Yang Realms due to some 'inexplicable' reasons.

However, you have to guard against it!

You can't pin everything on the illusory 'luck', or the black hand behind the scenes who might make a move, right?

It is best to rely on the mountains and the mountains, and rely on everyone. It is best to rely on yourself.

It is better to have your own than to have your father and mother!

There is nothing wrong with preparing yourself.

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