What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 571 A 'posthumous photo'

If you can't control it, it will be embarrassing for your mother.


From the video I received, those 'uncaged zombies' are obviously much weaker than me, even if they are out of my control, I'll beat them to death.

Don't be cowardly!

Mousse quickly calmed himself down, but at the same time, he noticed something else.

So he hurriedly called the lab back and got in touch with Dr. Page.

Mousse? Have you finished?

...How can it be so fast? I'm still on my way. I'm calling to tell you that Bob and the others probably guessed what the lab researched, so they will send someone over.

You know what to do, don't you?

Don't worry, although you are a capitalist, we also have the heart to be a capitalist. Now that we know that we are the first generation of blood...

Then how can it be possible to increase the number of blood races at will?


Hearing this, Muston felt relieved, and after hanging up the phone, a vague smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Bob is no fool.

Nor are the others. After knowing that they and those 'zombies' are actually blood clans, they will definitely think about whether they found something on the 'corpse of a cultivator' these days.

But so what?

Now that I have a united front with Page and others, others want to come in? Yes, but it is impossible to become the same 'first generation' as people like myself.


Mousse was quite looking forward to giving Bob a sip, turning him into his offspring and making him more controllable.

Because, once he becomes under his own control, wouldn't the entire capitalist income protection union have to act according to his own orders and ideas?



Why should I eat him? That guy is ugly like a ghost, can't I be the president by myself?

Even if I don't want to do it myself and think it's too troublesome, can't I bite a beautiful woman to sit in that seat?

If you have something to do with a beautiful woman, if you have nothing to do with a beautiful woman, isn't it delicious?

The more Mousse thought about it, the more comfortable he became, and the deeper he thought about it, he narrowed his eyes for a while.


at the same time.

Bob is dumbfounded.

He wants to swear.

Fake! What does Mousse mean? How could he be a vampire? If he is a vampire, I would be an angel and God!

Is he kidding me? Or...is this all real?

While cursing, Bob couldn't help but frowned and pondered. Although he disagreed with Mousse's statement and was very depressed, he had to seriously consider the possibility of this matter.

Perhaps...you'll know only if you've seen it.

But what if he wants to control me and give me a bite?

If it's really a blood race, he only needs to give me a bite, then I will become his descendant, his puppet, and be controlled by him...

What should I do?

See you, or not?

For a while, Bob was in such a state of confusion that he really didn't know what to do.

Because the two have known each other for many years.

In fact, everyone knows the bottom line.

It's like two children who came out of the village together. They both slept together with their buttocks naked when they were young. Who doesn't know who?

In the end, one of them suddenly said that he was the first-generation blood race, so awesome... How could the other person believe it?

The most depressing thing is that during this period of time, my madness has made people look for superpowers, including blood vampires.

As a result, the other party is by your side, but you didn't tell yourself until now?

This is simply deception. To some extent, it can even be said to be 'green' yourself!

Wait, did he become a vampire recently?

..., the corpse of the immortal cultivator?!

Bob wasn't stupid either. He quickly thought of some problems and began to contact the laboratory to find out the specific situation, and even brought various weapons.


Bring garlic, silver utensils, etc. as weapons, and besides, get me some garlic and silver utensils at once!

Now that we know they are blood races, of course we need to get something that can restrain them.

And at this moment.

Bob suddenly received a call from his subordinates...

It was from the Navy Department.

Mr. Bob, I have some important news for you.

What news, tell me quickly!

Bob was a little depressed.

are you crazy?

When the fuck is this? Zombies are out, Resident Evil! It might even be blood riots, you know?

Is there any other important news that I care about? !

The nuclear submarine we sent to Zizhu Island...


Bob was startled, and when he heard the beginning of this sentence, he immediately knew the seriousness of the matter, and couldn't help interrupting the other party's words happily: Is there a big discovery? There is very, very, very good news?


The other party was also dumbfounded.

Are you a fucking fool?

Can't you tell that my tone is as solemn as a dead person? You're still here asking if it's good news?

Is that your tone when your mother has good news?

On the contrary, Mr. Bob, I have to remind you that instead of good news, we have a very, very, very bad news!

Oh, what a shit!

Bob curses.

what news?

The other party is even more depressed, don't you interrupt me, haven't I finished talking a long time ago? There's no need for you to ask a second time, making it seem like I won't say anything?

...our submarine, lost contact with us.

What is losing contact?!

Bob frowned: What's going on?!

Before that, nothing happened. Although we were attacked by a lot of beasts, our armor is hard enough, so nothing happened.

But, they suddenly said that they flew up, and then... they saw the immortal cultivators from Huaguo.

And then, we lost contact.


Bob couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled angrily, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

Why are you an immortal cultivator again?!

Contact the Residents' Happy Life Department immediately, I want an explanation!

But... we drove there secretly, this...

I don't care. In short, I want to make a statement. I am such a big submarine, how can it still disappear? They must have hidden it!

And our soldiers!

other side:……

Immediately, immediately, contact them!

The other party: ..., yes.


The Resident Evil in Los Angeles is even more terrifying.

According to preliminary estimates, at least 20,000 people were eaten.

Many people who escaped are calling the police and posting related videos, photos, etc. on the Internet.

In the beginning, it only caused waves in their country.

At the same time, many people expressed disbelief.

But as more and more people said that this is their own personal experience, there are even deadly video hosts who went to shoot live videos, but after being gnawed...

People believed it.

The entire Eagle Country fell into panic.

Everywhere people are running for their lives.

But at the same time, more people are frantically hoarding guns and ammunition...

Of course, there are not a few people who hoard grain.

At the same time, huge problems broke out in their public security in a short period of time, such as some low-level personnel...

No money, no way to store food and weapons, but the biochemical crisis is coming, if you don't prepare, you can only die, what should you do? !


Although the current biochemical crisis is only raging in one block of Los Angeles, the entire Eagle Country has already 'actively responded'.

A biochemical crisis has caused many families who are not wealthy...a lot of color TVs, game consoles, mobile phones, luxury clothing, bags...


At the same time, other forces and countries are also actively responding and assessing the state of affairs.

imperial capital.

Ten leaders of the Residents' Happy Life Department gathered together. On the seat, there was a tablet computer, and the video was turned on, and his head emerged on the tablet computer.

At first glance...


The leader suddenly burst out laughing.

The originally serious and dignified atmosphere suddenly became a little...funny.

why are you laughing?

The seventh deputy leader was puzzled.

Because the leader glanced at him just now, and then... laughed out loud.

It's nothing, that's right, it was too serious just now. From our point of view... If you don't look at it seriously, you don't seem to be playing a video, but it's more like a photo placed there.

The seventh deputy leader was taken aback: ????


He reacted with black lines all over his head: You mean to say, that is my posthumous photo?!

...Ahem, you said it yourself, I didn't say it.

Seventh deputy leader: ...



The second deputy leader hadn't noticed this problem before, but when he was reminded by the leader at this moment, he looked at it a few more times, but couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, but he still jumped out to smooth things over.

The matter is urgent now. It's really not the time to joke. Just talk about it.

Let's discuss first, how to deal with the biochemical crisis in the Eagle Country. Our people there have also sent back news that the Amway Biochemical Crisis really broke out, and its strength is much stronger than the zombies in the film and television works.

It's just strange that these zombies don't seem to like meat?

But no matter what, we always have to deal with it. We must not take it lightly, and there must be no problems...

It's natural.

The leader nodded, but still couldn't help turning his eyes to the seventh deputy leader: Ahem..., reduce the number of international flights. Everyone who comes back from abroad must undergo a comprehensive physical examination to ensure nothing goes wrong!

Strengthen border patrols to prevent smuggling.

Let Liu Gang and the others work harder...

Normally, a show of hands is required to issue an order, but now, it is really unnecessary.

Things were almost arranged, when suddenly a call came, and it went directly to the cell phone of the second deputy leader.


Hey, the second deputy leader listened for a while, and then smiled lightly: No hurry, no hurry, General Smith.

We didn't see any submarines, wait!

Then, he suddenly changed his face and said angrily: It's simply unreasonable! Protest!

Seriously protest!

On the 30th, the last day, more and more people are working hard, and the Silver League and the Golden League are like queuing up...

But Huanyan still said the same thing, don't waste that money, it's not worth it, and we will be very happy if we can support the genuine version.

Let's do our best, just listen to the destiny, good night, sweet dreams.

By the way... I have a holiday tomorrow, I'm going back to my hometown, and I'm going to pull out a tooth, treat a disease or something, and I'm quite busy.

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