What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 569 Actually, We Are Blood Race!

Mousse's heart suddenly twitched.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the person who was responsible for delivering food to them, but at this moment, he had turned into a corpse, with teeth marks all over his neck and even his hands.

This scene is a little scary.

But Mousse is no stranger.

Tooth marks? !

Thinking of the women he had bitten two days ago, he was shocked at first, but quickly realized...

This should be one of the side effects too?

Want to bite?

Is this a big side effect?


But Mousse is really not afraid.

If you want to bite someone, but not yourself, what is there to be afraid of?

But this matter cannot be exposed, because it is enough to prove that the Flower of God is a semi-finished product that is far from successful...

It seems to be a bit troublesome.

He whispered: This side effect, I'm afraid...

In fact.

They don't even know that, as the first generation, they are actually very advanced existences. They can retain human consciousness and thinking, but they have some instincts.

Under normal circumstances, however, these instincts can be restrained.

Of course, if it is under abnormal circumstances, there is no restraint.

Why were several food delivery people bitten by them?

Because, one of them had his hand cut, bleeding out, and it smelled like blood!


Someone was unoccupied and took a bite.

In this case, even if they are the first generation infected with the Flower of God, they must not be able to bear it.

Ever since, these people suffered disaster.


Mousse frowned slightly: Why didn't anyone notify me?

I told them not to notify first.

Dr. Page glanced at him, and said: It seems that God's Flower still has some flaws. It hates the sound that is too high in decibels, and... wants to drink blood.

And, did you find out?

Find what?

Mousse was puzzled.

Dr. Page didn't say much, he just opened his mouth and parted the corners of his mouth.


He spoke.

At the same time, a pair of fangs appeared in front of Mousse. Under the light, the pair of fangs shone like jade...

You probably haven't grown it yet? Maybe the time hasn't come yet?

Dr. Page and the upper lip, the fangs are no longer visible.

Moston's face turned pale with shock, but he was never too panicked. His expression remained unchanged: ...No one else?

However, it's impossible for me to have it, and I haven't been injected with the flower of God.


At this moment, everyone looked at him and sneered.

We are the same kind, do you think we can't feel it? We smell you, and we don't have the instinct to drink blood!

Mousse frowned, knowing that he couldn't hide it, so he stopped talking.

Then what do you think?

This problem, whether it is big or small, is a sequelae, but we can bear it, but the public may not be able to accept it.

I will definitely not accept it.

Page shook his head, emphasizing: Because, if we inject a large number of people with the Flower of God, they will transform into 'Superman'.

That means more and more ordinary people will be bitten and sucked blood.

Which ordinary person do you think would be willing?

Silly beep would be willing to see this happen!

Mousse muttered inwardly.

Ordinary people are not mindless animals. Knowing that you may suck your own blood after transformation, you still smile and watch your transformation?

are you crazy!

But the current problem also needs to be solved. Resident Evil... This kind of thing, although it will not become the end of the world like a movie, if it is properly controlled, it must not be ignored.

And this is when we show the flower of God.

Give me some, I will transform with my confidants, and then go to solve this biochemical crisis...

Resident Evil?

Page and the others pondered slightly.

But soon, Dr. Page shook his head again: I don't think it's necessary.


Because I am a more noble existence now, zombie? Some of these lowly creatures exist, and can they also show our status?

Mousse felt that he was getting more and more confused about the situation, so he couldn't help asking, What do you mean?

Seeing my fangs, don't you understand?

Paige snorted twice.

In your memory, what creature grows fangs, loves to drink blood, hates noise, likes elegance, and at the same time, is infinitely powerful and fearless of swords and guns?


After a brief astonishment, Mousse came back to his senses: Suck, vampire?!

Too ugly.

Dr. Page smiled and shook his head: You should say... blood race.

Yes, Bloodline.

The others smiled.

Some people even grinned, revealing their half-grown fangs: You should be there soon, at most one day later than us.

So we are the blood race? !

Mousse was a little confused.


Isn't the flower of God extracted from the saliva sample of the immortal cultivator? Why did it turn us into blood race?

We have discussed and analyzed!

Dr. Page waved his hand, and his expression gradually became excited: What kind of immortal cultivator?!

Who said this is a cultivator?!

In my opinion, they are clearly our ancestors, and they are the real powerhouses in the blood clan!

It's just that for some reason, he fought against the immortal cultivators of Huaguo, and finally lost and died.

But she is still our ancestor. We...should maintain incomparable respect and humility to our ancestors, and pray to our ancestors to guide us on the way forward.

Mousse: ...

What the hell? !

The more I talk, the more I talk about it, so what am I going to do now? !

Return blood ancestors?

How did the immortal cultivator become the ancestor of the blood race?

But if it wasn't for the ancestors of the blood race, why would the flower of God multiplied by the virus in her saliva turn us all into vampires? !

This is so...

At this moment, Mousse has already admitted the fact that he is a vampire.

after all……

His own behavior is really similar to that of a vampire, not to mention that they have all started to grow fangs, and they have even grown them completely.

Isn't this a vampire?


Dr. Page laughed again: We are noble blood races, and only blood races are our kind, human beings? Let's die if we die.

And the appearance of low-end creatures like zombies just brings out our nobility, doesn't it?

Wait until they make a fuss again, if they can't control it, we'll take another shot.

Just relying on our forty 'supermen' here, are you afraid of any biochemical crisis?

At that time, we will be the 'Soldiers from Heaven', we will be the nemesis of disasters, and we will be the saviors of the world!

But before that...

Page pointed to the camera: Study the video, and destroy it all quickly, so that no one can know how we became a blood race.

Let people think that we are the noble blood clan~

Then, the most important thing is to immediately build a high-quality coffin for our ancestors. Putting it here like this is disrespectful to our ancestors.

Mousse: ...


What the hell is this god turning, god unfolding?

It's completely different from what I thought!

I'm here to get the flower of God, and then take someone to pretend to be cool and suppress the zombies, okay? As a result, he suddenly accepted the fact that he was already a blood race, and he also ignored human beings, who are two different creatures at all...

The most ridiculous thing is that Te Niang's zombie also appeared!

Thinking of this, he suddenly frowned: The blood race has appeared... where are the angels? Could it be...

When everyone heard this, their faces were not very good-looking.

After all, angels are enemies with blood races. If there are angels, they must do it.

So, can I do it myself?

I'm afraid it will be difficult!

So... we can't expose it in advance.

Dr. Page emphasized.

But at this moment, Mousse's phone rang.

After connecting, before Mousse could speak, Bob's jealous and excited voice came out: Mousse, don't talk, listen to me!

We now have definite news that it's not Resident Evil, on the contrary, those people are probably vampires and vampires!

I'm on my way now. If possible, I will cooperate with them. When they help deal with the cultivators, they help resist the target of the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life.

How is your research going?

Is there any breakthrough?

After listening to Mousse, everyone was dumbfounded.

Dr. Page and other experts, who were swearing and confident, were also a little confused, and they were all dumbfounded.

This is fucking crazy!

Neuropathy or what?

What are you doing against us? !

Dr. Page, in particular, was so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood.

My mother just spoke, so keep a low profile and don't expose the fact that we are blood races. After all, we are still weak and cannot be discovered by the angels, otherwise we are likely to be wiped out by the angels...

But in the blink of an eye, in less than two seconds, you told us that there was a group of 'blood clan' doing trouble outside, and it was misunderstood as a biohazard?

Slap in the face!

Your uncle, I just said that you don't need to worry about this Resident Evil, okay?

Now it seems that don't care about it? Not only must it be taken care of, but it must be taken care of, and it must be taken care of as soon as possible!


Ah, I... I see, our progress here is limited, President, you deal with the matter over there first, and I will call you later.

The phone hangs up.

Mousse's complexion changed slightly.

And Paige and other experts also gradually reacted, their eyes drifted away from Mousse with unkindness.

We have never left the laboratory, it is impossible to spread the flower of God, and as far as we know, in the past few days, the only person who has left the laboratory is you, Mr. Moose?

Mousse's complexion was also a little pale. At this moment, why hasn't he reacted yet? !

This motherfucker is obviously something I made up by myself! ?

I... I didn't give the flower of God to anyone else.

Then you bit someone?

Mousse nodded helplessly.

Did you bite?

Bite, there are quite a few! There are seven other pretty girls in the bar.

Courtesan, the bus kind...

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