All of them whispered softly, saying 'unintentional loss'.

No way, who dares to speak up?

In case of being punched, I will be cold!


Don't dare to speak loudly now, but not necessarily later.

One of them rolled his eyes, coughed dryly, and said softly: By the way, although Dr. Page has volunteered to be the first test subject, the more test subjects, the better!

I don't have any skills, so I can only be an experimental subject. Moreover, I am obese. From the perspective of weight, Dr. Page injected five milliliters, and I should inject eight to ten milliliters.

While talking, this guy put a meridian tie on himself, and then started to inject needles.

Leave me alone, everyone. Pay more attention to Dr. Page. If possible, take some blood samples and do further research. I have no other skills. I can still inject myself.

By the way, let the contact person come in and dispose of the corpse. It's always a bit uncomfortable... Huh? No!

His body cells should still be active. Isn't this a perfect Petri dish for the Flower of God? We can use his corpse to grow the Flower of God~!

He is a 'chicken thief' and cruel.

Dr. Page is a skinny old man who became a superman after injecting five milliliters. I am at least twice his weight and younger than him. I should be able to handle ten milliliters of injection, right?

Once I resist, wouldn't I hang him casually? !


Before everyone had time to stop him, this guy had already injected himself with ten milliliters.

When other people see this, how can they bear it? !

Even the 20 members of the 'conservative faction' can hardly calm down now.

Dr. Page succeeded first.

Now, there is another guy who injects himself first...

Once he also succeeds, wouldn't there be two supermen?

Moreover, if I accidentally provoke them...won't I be beaten to death by them? !

Even after being beaten to death, there is no place to sue and reason, because they are 'unintentional mistakes', they have just become 'supermen', and they can't control their own strength...


Right team, right!

All of a sudden, everyone became active again.

The more experimental subjects, the better.

I don't have any skills, I volunteer myself as a research object...

And I.

I'm one of them too...

They all began to prick themselves with needles.

Who wouldn't give himself a needle and inject the flower of God? Even if the needle is not accurate...wouldn't it be enough if I get two more needles?

Besides, who doesn't have a flower of God in his hand? Everyone was cultivating just now!

Mass injection campaign starts now.

If you are bold, inject yourself with ten milliliters, eight milliliters, if you are timid, five milliliters...

At the same time, unknowingly, their volume increased again.

The astonishment and panic on Dr. Page's face gradually disappeared, replaced by an extremely irritable expression again.

at the same time.

When his gaze swept across the corpse covered in blood and internal organs, there was always an unbearable longing in his heart.

He licked his lips, and with difficulty controlled himself to look away, no longer looking.

But the smell of blood seemed to be intensified countless times, and it couldn't stop drilling into his nose...


All attention.

In the monitoring room, Mousse looked solemn, turned on the special military radio, and turned off the microphone in the laboratory, and then said: Pay attention carefully!

Once they have problems and become uncontrollable factors...

Kill immediately!

The results have appeared!

The acquisition and cultivation of the Flower of God, as well as the entire research process, I have seen in my own eyes, and there are video backups.

He believes that even with a different group of people and a different laboratory, they can be cultivated again soon.

Therefore, he was not worried that there would be problems after killing these people.

On the contrary, what he is worried about is that the flower of God is not mature enough. If there is any abnormality, if it is not dealt with in time, the longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be.

Therefore, he issued this order.

Immediately, he observed carefully...

The clock is ticking.

Soon, everyone reacted one after another, but they didn't lose their minds or anything else.

They are so excited!

Everyone is cheering and jumping for joy, and at the same time, their body shape has not changed in any way, or their appearance is exactly the same as before.

But their words made Mousse's excitement more and more intense...

I feel so excited!

Me too!

Ah, it seems that my strength is improving.

Look, I easily broke the corner of the table!

I can break this stainless steel shelf with one hand?!

Flower of God, this is definitely the key to a whole new era for us, it's fantastic!

Ah... really comfortable...


They were amazed and jumped up and down.


Mousse then saw a group of 'supermen' 'playing'.

All kinds of jumping up and down, even 'destroying' to test one's strength, etc., again and again...

Many things were destroyed, even scientific research equipment, but Mousse didn't feel distressed at all, instead, he smiled brighter and brighter.

What is it to destroy some instruments?

This is a group of supermen!


It is a completely different concept for a person to become a superman after being injected with the Flower of God, and for a group of people to become superhuman after being injected with the Flower of God!

one person?

Too accidental to represent anything.

But thirty-nine people became 100% superhuman after being injected, which is very illustrative. Although it cannot 100% prove that the flower of God can transform everyone into superhuman, at least most of them will not have question!

Isn't this exciting?

But soon, changes appeared.

Mousse found that they were no longer excited, but many people showed signs of irritability one after another.


They stopped one after another, stopped being noisy, and the entire laboratory gradually became quiet.

As a result, their irritability gradually disappeared, and at the same time, excitement reappeared on their faces.

We made it.

They started talking again, no more sabotage, but at a much lower volume.

Dr. Page, no wonder you couldn't help but shoot just now.

Yeah, now it seems that God's Flower has a side effect, that is, it doesn't like noise. We can study how many decibels of noise will make us feel annoyed.

This is indeed a side effect, but it is not a big one. We can solve it by wearing noise-canceling headphones, and it can also be quieter.

Yes, if we talk like we are now, there will be no problem.

Come on, let's continue our research...

Well, now we are all supermen, and unlike the female corpse, we can't remove any tissue, so we can proceed to the next step of research.

Yes, and we really need to study how to allow us to bear more flowers of God, so that we become stronger and stronger, even stronger than that female corpse!

I don't think it's a matter of bearing more flowers of God. After all, the flowers of God will divide themselves in our body and continue to infect. Maybe we need a certain amount of time for the flowers of God to completely infect them. Then, after a period of time, the flowers of God will Flowers make us stronger?

Even if this is the case, there must be a way to speed it up.

Well, technology is our productivity. This is where we have an advantage over immortal cultivators. Everyone, let's get started!


They started working again.

This time, they stopped slapping the female corpse's attention, and started torturing themselves instead.

Pull out hair, draw blood, cut off skin, muscle tissue, etc., and start doing research.

Then, exclamations continued.

At the same time, they didn't waste that corpse.

A group of people licked their lips and divided up the corpses, taking advantage of the 'activity' and directly using them to cultivate the flowers of God.

All of this, Mousse saw in his eyes and felt comfortable in his heart.



He got up and said to the people beside him: You guys watch here, report any problems immediately, and at the same time, if there is an uncontrollable accident, shoot at any time!

Yes, Mr. Vice President!


Mousse left the monitoring room, but did not leave the base directly. Instead, he came to the laboratory, opened the door, and chatted softly with everyone for a while.

Originally, he wanted to chat for a while.

But he found that, for some reason, after he entered the laboratory, the eyes of these experts always swept over him, which made him feel nervous.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave quickly.

However, before he left, he took a copy of God's Flower that he had paid attention to for a long time...


After returning to their own villa.

He closed the door tightly, found suitable tools, and prepared to inject...

Hehe, Superman.

It's time for people with superpowers to appear in our Eagle Country, and I'm the first one to make it public!

Several of them injected themselves with ten milliliters. My body is stronger and I work out every day.

Fifteen milliliters, should be acceptable?


Mousse put his heart to one side, and inhaled fifteen milliliters of the Flower of God into the syringe. Seeing the clear water of the Flower of God, he gradually showed a wanton smile.

I... definitely can!

Injection, let's go! ! !

Mousse's heart was not at peace.

Although they didn't say it, I can also guess that the flower of God can definitely strengthen the human body in all aspects and make me a superman. It must also become stronger in that aspect...


No one knew how uncomfortable Mousse was.

He looks strong and works out every day, but in fact... he has long since died.

Because he is rich, rich, and handsome, when he was young, he would not talk about courting women every night, but as he grew older, it is almost difficult for him to even lift a pole now!

Why do you spend a lot of time and energy on exercising when you are so busy every day? To keep in shape?


In order to regain their glory!

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