
Hey, having said that, you people's servants are really good, unlike those policemen I met before, shouting and shouting and showing off their power.

Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and call someone, I'm already starving to death.

The workers on the salvage ship who were resting spoke one after another, and then yelled for their own ship to come back for lunch.

After working for a long time, although nothing was fished out, the physical strength put in was real. Therefore, after hearing the call, several boats all sailed towards the shore immediately.

But at this time, Wu Guodong winked.

One of the policemen immediately understood and said with a smile: Oh, the food is here, I won't wait for you, I'm really hungry today, I'll take a box first.

Hey, take them all.

Wu Guodong nodded in agreement.

The rest of the police also stepped forward one after another, took a lunch box, and then dispersed...

However, they are also very particular about their 'positioning'. They seem to walk somewhere randomly and find a place to start eating, but in fact, they vaguely form an encirclement circle.

Qi Zixiao knew about their arrangement, but he didn't intend to take part in it. After grabbing a box of lunch, he ran to the lake, faced the lake, and opened the lunch box.

Simple two meat and one vegetable, or a big pot dish, the taste can only be said to be average...

It smells...

She licked her lips, feeling her appetite whet.

Although the taste of instant noodles is good, but eating too much is really greasy...

Boxed lunches may not be considered a good thing in modern times, but... but Qi Zixiao has never eaten it, so after trying it for the first time, he naturally thinks it is not bad.

From another point of view, there is more smoke and fire.

She had never eaten such 'normal' food.


Qi Zixiao began to paw at the food.

The same is true for the policemen, but while they were eating, they kept looking around from time to time, especially the beard...

Although Wu Guodong told them not to look too deliberately, but since he knew that something might be wrong with him, how could he not look?

This is similar to the Sharingan in Hokage... Everyone knows that they can't look at each other, but how many people can really control themselves not to look at each other's eyes? !


Since the boat on which the whiskers were on was the furthest away, it was also the last one to land.

Oh, the sun is very poisonous today!

Who says it's not? I'm almost getting bald.

If I hadn't given you a lot of money, I wouldn't have come!

I heard that the bottom of this lake is not very flat...

A few shirtless 'hercules' got off the boat chatting and chatting one after another, and the bearded man walked last. At first, he was very indifferent.

But after walking a few steps, he realized something was wrong...

What's wrong? He didn't say much, but he always felt that he was being watched by someone!

Therefore, the bearded man slowed down and walked last, frowning and looking at the policemen.

At first glance, nothing seems wrong.

One by one, they were scattered all over the place, eating the boxed lunch in their hands.

But take a closer look...

Beard found a problem!

The 'position' of these policemen is too abnormal!

Although judging from the two days of contact, I know that these policemen are very talkative, but when they eat, they mostly get together in twos and threes. It has never been like this before, everyone is in a different direction...

This feeling is like... an encirclement!

The bearded man's heart trembled, and then he made a decisive decision, turned around and ran away!

grass! This guy is too vigilant, can he find this? !

Wu Guodong cursed angrily in his heart, and at the same time, he threw away the lunch box and rushed up: Stop him!!!

Xiao Li! Stop it!!

The bearded man is very particular about the direction he chooses. Although there are policemen 'blocking the way', that direction is a forest. Although it is not dense, it is also good for hiding. If he rushes in, it will be difficult to catch him!


The policemen all threw away their lunch boxes and rushed over. Among them, Xiao Li stared at the bearded man with a solemn expression, ready to strike at any time.

Is it still necessary to check? ! Just based on the reaction of the beard, there is definitely something wrong with him!

So fast!

However, soon Wu Guodong and the others discovered the problem. The bearded man ran so fast that they couldn't catch up at all!

Therefore, all the hope in the future rests on 'Xiao Li'.

Xiao Li was also unambiguous, and directly took out a pair of handcuffs, cuffed one end to his hand, and then rushed towards the bearded man who was already approaching.


The bearded man didn't panic at all, instead he grinned grinningly: Get lost!

His shoulders sank violently, and then, like a bison, he slammed into it fiercely!


There was a muffled sound, and Xiao Li didn't even have time to let out a scream, he was knocked away directly, and fell to the ground grinning his teeth in pain, unable to get up at all.

not good!

Wu Guodong knew something was wrong, so he drew his gun immediately, but the bearded man had already reached the edge of the woods, and he would be able to enter in the next second, it was too late.

damn it!

Wu Guodong felt annoyed: Hurry up, contact the headquarters immediately and send someone over to say that we found Qiu Shufeng, and we must catch him this time!

By the way, call an ambulance, Xiao Li is injured.

Others, follow

Halfway through the order, Wu Guodong was stunned and froze in place.

Because, a seemingly thin figure blocked the entrance of the forest...

Lin Fan?!

Boy, get out of the way, you can't stop him!!!

Wu Guodong was in a hurry.

Xiao Li, an armed police officer, was blown away in an instant after graduation. He has received professional training. What can Lin Fan, a skinny college student, do?

I'm afraid it wasn't directly hit to death!

However, 'Lin Fan' ignored him at all.

He just blocked there, frowned slightly and said, You can't go.


The bearded man's speed did not decrease, his eyes were full of disdain, and he rushed over like a bull.


Qi Zixiao stretched out his hand.

At this moment, although it is Lin Fan's body, because of the soft body, the skin is more delicate and white than that of ordinary women.

In addition, Lin Fan's frame is not too big, so he looks extremely thin and weak...

run? !

Qi Zixiao was angry.

Where are you going? !

I'm still waiting for you to be caught and claim the bounty, but you want to run away? If you ran away, wouldn't my bounty be wasted? !

The bounty was wasted and no money was made, wouldn't that guy look down on me even more?

If I only use his money but don't make money, then don't I owe a favor? !

Therefore, Qi Zixiao didn't even eat, and even ran to block the way.

It is also because of losing the lunch box that Qi Zixiao is now...very angry.

You seek death!

The bearded man sneered even more, seeing from a distance that he was about to make contact, he still didn't slow down and rushed towards him crazily!

The bearded man at the moment didn't have the slightest worry at all. As a Lianjiazi, if he could be stopped by a mere boy, then he wouldn't have to mess around!

It's Children's Day, happy holiday!

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