What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 372 First Level Priority, Amazing Efficiency!

Power grid upgrade project?


Lin Fan blinked and couldn't help sitting up straight: So fast?!

Suddenly it is necessary to upgrade and transform the power grid and power facilities across the country? coincidence? No such coincidence!

It is not uncommon for power upgrades to be carried out in the past, but most of them are divided into regions and districts. Let alone the whole country, even a province, a city, or even a district cannot be carried out at the same time!

Because the project volume is too large, the cost will be very, very high!

Generally speaking, it is where there is a need for upgrading and transformation, and where it will be moved.

But now, it is suddenly necessary to upgrade the national power lines, and it happens to be a few days after the completion of the artificial sun and the confirmation of the feasibility of the inverted Tiangang array?

There's no chance of a coincidence.

So, the action of the Residents' Happy Life Department is faster than I thought, but... that's fine.

Lin Fan was happy.

The sooner the spiritual energy recovers, the sooner the real cultivation can start...

Of course, sooner rather than later!


While Lin Fan saw the news.

The electric power departments in various regions across the country have already acted crazily at the first time! Efficiency, efficiency, or efficiency!

Because, the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life issued a death order!

City C.

Power grid executives gathered together.

A large number of experienced engineers and related practitioners were also represented.


The boss of the power grid in City C waved his hand: Our burden is here!!!!

According to the request of the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life, the whole country must upgrade and transform the power system in the shortest possible time at all costs!

Including hardware and software facilities, all must be upgraded!

The urgency has even reached the 'level 1 priority' standard! Everyone is familiar with this standard, right?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present gasped for an instant.

Level one priority?

What's the meaning? !

This has almost reached the wartime standard. Simply put, no matter what happens, this matter must be given priority!

Full priority! ! !

But here comes the question, why should the priority be given to the transformation of the power grid?

What are the problems and secrets in this that we don't know?

The engineers and practitioners present were all stunned: Boss, what happened? Why are you in such a hurry to upgrade our power grid?

I don't know about other places, but the power grid in our city C has just been upgraded, and it is completely within the normal range. Even if it is used for another three to five years, there is no need to replace and upgrade...

The boss looked straight: I don't know why exactly!

However, what we have to do is to obey the arrangement of our superiors. We will do what the superiors say, and we must do our best to do our best. That's enough!

Next, I will arrange the work details!

This power grid upgrade project is different from every previous one. This time, we will strengthen all high-voltage lines, and we must use special high-voltage lines uniformly equipped by the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life...

Not only that, but we also have to pull high-voltage electricity in some places where we didn't have substations and high-voltage electricity supply before, and this time it is also required to use the ground wire...

Speaking of which.

The boss was a little confused: Speaking of it, I don't understand why.

In the past, where high-voltage electricity was needed, we had already deployed it, and our city C power grid department also needed its own various plans and big data analysis.

However, the places they gave that must be equipped with high-voltage lines in the shortest possible time are basically barren lands, deep mountains and old forests...

Which places need high voltage electricity?

Speaking of this, the boss was dumbfounded.

When he said that, many industry representatives present were full of question marks.

In the deep mountains and old forests, pull high-voltage electricity?

Do you still have to go on the ground?

What are you doing? Is this going to build a spaceship in the deep mountains and old forests?

It's amazing!

I don't understand at all, what's going on here...

It always feels like something big is about to happen...

They whispered, and everyone couldn't figure out the situation, but it was because of this that they felt even more confused and horrified.

This sudden, confusing order, and it's still a 'level one priority'... It's really hard not to think about it.

Seeing that everyone was chatting more and more intensely, the boss also reacted, and even coughed dryly: Okay! Everyone, don't think too much!

Since the above arrangement is like this, it is natural that they have their intentions. What we have to do is to obey and try our best at the first time, that's all!

And this time, they not only made a request, but also gave us detailed drawings!

We don't even need to measure too much, just compare the lines and drawings they gave, and after confirming that they are correct, start construction immediately!

For us, it's not too difficult!

Under the comfort and order of the boss, all the representatives of the industry fell silent.

Then, the task was issued.

In short... arrange the task first!

Everyone...replace the grid center and power system in the main urban area in batches!

For the problem of insufficient manpower, we can temporarily hire private electricians and temporary workers to let them handle some relatively unimportant things.

At the same time, the high-voltage lines in various deep mountains and old forests are the most important, and they must be completed quickly and well.


The quality must not go wrong!!!


at the same time.

It's not just city C!

The entire Huaguo, and almost all local power grid companies, are in a state of confusion + enthusiasm...

In the end what happened? !

No one knows!

All I know is that an order came suddenly from above, 'level one priority', and it must be completed quickly and well!


High voltage lines?

Your own is too hot, the superior directly provides the latest super high-voltage line, and it is a super high-voltage line that has never been released before!

The kind that leads the world!

Of course, whether it is really leading the world is a question mark.

Because generally speaking, no matter whether it is a country or a company, it will not reveal its most advanced technology at will, and it is usually used to 'squeeze toothpaste'.

So no one is sure if other companies, countries, etc. have better and safer high voltage lines.

But judging from the high-voltage lines that have been disclosed so far, this time, the high-voltage lines provided directly by the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life directly hit the world!

The smallest resistance, the highest pressure, the strongest stability...

Judging from the high-voltage lines that are now open all over the world, it is simply invincible!

It seems that there is no weakness at all, and it can push everything horizontally!

Not only that!

The Department of Residents' Happy Life also directly provided detailed 'maps' and design drawings!

Accurate to the 'second' of east-west longitude and north-south latitude!

Where to run the line, how deep to dig, and where to end, it is almost the same. This made the power grid leaders and staff in various places collectively confused.

Who is the place? !

Why do the people above have a deeper and more understanding of our local area than we do? !

What the hell is going on!




But that's the truth!

Under such circumstances, the national power grid upgrade project is also in full swing...

In various regions, more than one area has a power outage every moment!


economic development Zone?

High-tech Zone?

The loss of a power outage for an hour is extremely huge? !

What is it with us? !

Our tasks here are already 'level one priority', so how much do you lose? !

No matter how big the loss is, it must be done at any cost!

It is also because of this that the speed of upgrading and transformation of the State Grid is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But not many people know that what seems to be a normal power grid upgrade operation actually hides a huge secret!

Those high-voltage transmission points hidden in the deep mountains and old forests will also play a vital role in the days to come.


Greenhouse area.

When Lin Fan wobbled over, Old Chen came over immediately: Did you get in touch there?


Lin Fan shook his head lightly: It looks like it's already started?

Why don't you contact yourself?

Lin Fan really had some guesses.

He estimated that it was probably Lin Zixiao who frightened the leaders of the residents' happy life department. After all, she...has a bad temper, right?

It is estimated that there is nothing important, and they will not contact themselves.

What's the big deal?

At least they don't need their own help to arrange the power grid, and that's true...

Ask a Jindan stage monk to help arrange high-voltage lines?

Of course, there must be help, but how? You can't ask Lin Fan to help dig a hole, can you?

Although his digging speed is definitely faster than that of an excavator...

But who dares to let him dig a hole?

It's started.

Old Chen said: The team of experts over there has already contacted me, and they have verified the Tiangang Formation, Spirit Gathering Formation, Transformation Formation, and Guardian Formation.

Moreover, they directly used almost all supercomputers to simulate the most suitable deployment location and formation base division in the shortest time at any cost.

It's much faster than calculating and pondering by ourselves.

Hearing this, Lin Fan couldn't help but nodded.


How efficient will it be when the official decides to do one thing, and at any cost?

Moreover, as far as the officials are concerned, they have really considered too many things. Many things actually have plans. If necessary, they can directly take them out and modify them a little, and they can start implementing them immediately!

For example, the control of the country's terrain...

How detailed is the official control?

That is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people!

Know how to arrange the array, and then use the existing data to analyze and verify repeatedly...

Terribly efficient!

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