What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 353 Sure enough, the deity feels better

Qi Zixiao has watched quite a few movies. For example, she remembers watching a movie about robots called I Robot.

Among them, those robots have three 'big restrictions'.

Then, countless branches and small restrictions were born on the three major restrictions.

Of course, in the movies those big limits are called the Three Laws.

The first law is: A robot shall not injure a human being, or do nothing while seeing a human being endangered.

The second law is: a robot must obey the orders given to it by humans, and must not violate the first law.

The third law is: Robots should try their best to ensure their own survival and safety, but they must not violate the first and second laws.

These three laws seem to be very perfect, enough to ensure that robots will not harm humans, that is, 'will not bite the Lord'.

However, here comes the problem.

What if the robot encounters the police and shoots the robber?

To save or not to save?

Whether to save or not, you have to violate the first law!

Because rescuing the robbers is likely to hurt the police? Do not save? Then you stand by and watch people hurt people.

Or, what should I do if I encounter domestic violence?

Two people compete in life and death. To save one, you have to kill the other. Doesn't this still violate the first law?

This is BUG!

And in that movie, because of a similar problem, the mastermind of the robot 'evolved' and became a big boss!

In Qi Zixiao's view, there is no bug in the universal restriction template handed down by the powerful people in the world of cultivating immortals.

Because I have never heard of anyone whose avatar was disobedient or did something wrong.

This is enough to prove the problem.

But I have to add some of my own restrictions on the basis of these restrictions, which must avoid the existence of logical conflicts!

And if the logic conflicts...

That's a big bug!

Can't make a big deal out of it!

At this moment, Qi Zixiao found that his way of thinking was more and more like the modern people on the earth...

But she didn't see anything wrong either.

After all, relatively speaking, the theory on the other side of the earth is indeed more concise and clear when used to solve this kind of 'bug' and 'logic conflict'.

So, what's the limit I'm adding?!

At this moment, Qi Zixiao believes that he should first list the restrictions he wants to increase, and then compare them with the general restriction template one by one to find out the clauses with logical conflicts and modify them.

Because me and that guy wear each other every three days, so...

Qi Zixiao whispered, and at the same time confirmed the first restriction that he wanted to increase.

When that guy controls the body of the deity, on the premise of not harming the interests of the deity, the status of the avatar is equal to that of the deity, and can make any decision 100% on behalf of the deity.

This restriction was the conclusion Qi Zixiao came to after thinking about it for a long time.

Since the main purpose of refining the avatar is to 'stalk' and keep an eye on Lin Fan so that he can't mess around, then he must be given enough authority!

Under the general template, the avatar's 'attitude' towards the deity will not have any problems, so power can be delegated.

On the premise of not harming the interests of the deity, whenever the deity is not around, the avatar is the deity!

This article is necessary, otherwise, with the restrictions of those terms, even if that guy did something bad, the avatar would not dare to restrict the deity...

Isn't that just useless?

Besides that, there is one more thing.

Qi Zixiao's eyes were burning: Don't expose the interpenetration between me and that guy.

Then, Qi Zixiao's brain hole opened...

Don't undress in front of that guy!

Don't let that guy have any intimacy with anyone of the opposite sex!



A total of fifty!

They were all restrictions related to Lin Fan, directly breaking through the thirty-six restrictions on Lin Fan that she had thought at the beginning!

After listing all of them, Qi Zixiao began to compare them with the general restriction template one by one, find out unreasonable items and logical conflict items, and then make corrections and changes.

This search is a full day!

After all... there can be no mistakes in this matter, otherwise, if something happens, it will be a big deal! Don't play tricks!

In the middle of the night, Qi Zixiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The restriction is complete, Sister Awu, can we start refining now?


A Wujie reappeared again: I will teach you the method of refining mortal bodies, and you can gradually advance according to the method of refining.

Remember, don't act too hastily.


After receiving the mortal body refining method taught by Sister Awu in his mind, Qi Zixiao was about to start, but suddenly paused: Sister Awu.

How long will this whole process take?

Could it be that that guy suddenly took over when I was halfway through refining?


Sister A Wu replied: If it is another incarnation outside the body, it may take a long time, because most of the materials used have some special powers, such as various famous 'immortal gold' and so on.

But after the mortal body is successfully refined, it doesn't have any power, just like ordinary mortals! Although the materials are more precious, they are easier to refine...

Based on your current cultivation, it will be enough to succeed within two days.

That's good.

Qi Zixiao nodded, then took a deep breath and started refining.

Using the five-color divine light as the thing that carries the soul...

She whispered, and took out the five-color divine light, and five feather fans with different tail feathers floated in the air, bursting out with extraordinary light.

Imprint the 'restrictions' with the non-stained relic to ensure that nothing will go wrong, no dust and no dirt, and will not be polluted by evil methods.


The Wugou relic lights up, and all the restrictions that have been formulated are 'entered' into it.

Using a large amount of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to refine the essence of the five elements to form a mutual generation trend.

Wood makes fire, wood first!

A large amount of wood-attributed materials flew out of the storage bag, and then were successively smelted by Qi Zixiao with his own fire, and finally, it became a large mass of essence, floating in mid-air as a 'spare'.

At this moment, Qi Zixiao suddenly had a strange feeling.

Why is it like cooking on the other side of the earth, preparing certain ingredients and putting them somewhere for later use?

It's really similar.

Amidst the muttering, fire-attributed materials flew out and were also refined.

Then earth, metal, water...

When all the materials of the five attributes were ready, Qi Zixiao used his true energy to control the essence of the five elements, and arranged them in a circle in the air in the order that the five elements were born together.


The critical moment has arrived!

Next is the most critical moment.

Sister A Wu stared at the side, and reminded softly: Don't act too hastily, otherwise you may waste amazingly valuable materials.

First of all, use the method of mutual generation to let the five elements grow together and live endlessly, simulating chaos and yin and yang...

Then, gradually integrate them. After the fusion is successful, you can refine the mortal body.


Qi Zixiao solemnly responded, with a high degree of concentration, and then gently waved his jade hand, driving a trace of the essence of the wood attribute, injecting it into the essence of the fire attribute!


Wood makes a fire!

The ball of fire attribute essence immediately began to surge, and even started to burn, getting more and more prosperous!

But at the same time, the essence of the wood attribute is constantly being lost, being 'absorbed' by the essence of the fire attribute.

Next, fire will produce earth!

Same operation.

Extract a trace from the fire attribute essence, such as using a water pipe, continuously inject the fire attribute essence into the earth attribute essence.

The essence of the earth attribute began to grow, but the essence of the fire attribute did not decay, because the wood attribute has been selfless dedication.

Then, Native Gold!

Jin Shengshui!

Water gives birth to wood...

All are the same operation.

In the end, the five elements are born together, endlessly.

However, the wood attribute is undoubtedly the one with the highest consumption, so it is impossible to start refining the flesh immediately, because the essence of the five attributes is not balanced.

In this process, it is also necessary to control the 'flow' between the concentrated attributes, so that the five elements can be born together, and wait as much as possible.


It's now!

Sister A Wu reminded her.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qi Zixiao immediately pinched the magic formula with his hands, muttering words in his mouth, and the essence of the Five Elements, which are born together, also began to approach each other, until... they came into contact with each other and merged!

Then, it began to transform into a human form.

The head and limbs gradually condense into shape.


With a soft drink.

The Wugou relic rushed into it, occupying the position of the heart!

Then, her face was extremely solemn, and she used all her mind.


The essence of the five elements has been completely fused, and with the arrival of the last step, it will start to condense immediately!

You can think clearly about the appearance?!

Starting from the feet, the essence of the five elements gradually turned into a 'body', but at this moment, the face was still blurred, so Sister Awu asked this question.

Just be the same as my deity.

Qi Zixiao did not hesitate.

In her opinion, since the deity and the avatar can remember and figure it out... and she has been given the authority to be the deity when she is not around, then there is nothing wrong with looking exactly like her deity, right?

After all, at the moment when the memory is figured out, what is the difference between the avatar and the deity?

Not to mention that I can recover that part of the soul at any time, so the difference between the deity and the avatar is really not that big.


After several hours, the avatar condensed and formed!

Since it is a 'controllable' form, the avatar can hardly find any flaws...

The same beautiful face as the deity, perfect figure, white and delicate skin... But at this moment because there is no 'soul'.

So the avatar looks sickly pale.

And... the avatar has no clothes.

Looking at the nearly 'perfect' mortal body that has been successfully refined, even Qi Zixiao, the 'initiator', can't help being a little 'crazy' at the moment.

A Wujie: ...?

Seeing A Wujie's astonished and puzzled expression from the corner of the eye, Qi Zixiao was startled, and in embarrassment, even transformed into a body of clothes for the avatar.

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