What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 305 Looting the treasure house!

Senior Sister Qian's original name was Qian Xi. At this moment, she could only sigh endlessly in her heart.

That's it?

Is this what makes you so astonished?

Sigh, it means that you started late, at the stage when the witch was running amok, you didn't even have the qualifications to go out of the sect to practice, otherwise...

As a person of the same period as Su Muxue, and also a senior sister of that generation of Taiyi Holy Land, Qian Xi was often pitted by Su Muxue!

In the beginning, their disciples in the Holy Land of Supreme One were all very upright, including her, Qian Xi.

However, as time went by, Su Muxue cheated more and more times... Before he knew it, he understood some 'methods'.

For example at this moment...

What's so surprising about that?

From Qian Xi's point of view, this is nothing more than basic exercises, but his juniors and younger sisters are so surprised...

Then if they met Su Muxue alone, wouldn't they be so tricked that they didn't even know their father's name?

Sure enough, God is fair!

At the moment when he passed through the magic formation and entered the treasure house of the Sansheng Auction House, Qian Xi was deeply moved.

These younger brothers and sisters started very late, and they are not even considered members of our generation, but they came from behind, surpassed many brothers and sisters of my generation, and achieved the position of elder...

But, although they have good cultivation talents, their knowledge is too shallow. It's fair, it's really fair~

The major holy places actually accept disciples every year.

But... Could it be that a new generation of disciples appears every year?

Of course it will!

Generally speaking, the scattered disciples are counted as the previous generation. Only when this generation of disciples really grow up and begin to take over many important positions, as well as the position of the Holy Master, will the gate be opened again to recruit A large wave of disciples.

And this wave is the 'next generation'!

And because the seven holy places check and balance each other, the succession time of each generation is not far behind...

For example, Qian Xi, Su Muxue and others belong to the same generation, and after them, the scattered disciples recruited before Qi Zixiao's generation are counted as the previous generation.

At this moment, the juniors and juniors brought by Qian Xi are the 'previous generation' disciples recruited here and there.

It's just that later on, he had better talent and higher achievements.

But they really don't know anything about Su Muxue...


Inside the treasury.

Qian Xi looked around, and there was already a mess nearby...

Good things are taken away.

Looking far away, you can still see that many people are grabbing treasures, and there is even a scramble...

You must not reveal your identity.

Qian Xi's spiritual sense transmitted voice: Spread out, take as much as you can, and then leave before the others, do it immediately!

Yes, Senior Sister!

The four of them split up and acted immediately, and Qian Xi started her 'treasure hunt' with enthusiasm.


At the same time, in the central position of the treasure house, Su Muxue had Lihuozhijin in one hand and Waterjinzhiyan in the other.

Lihuozhijin is a kind of metal shaped like fire, it seems to be burning at any time, it is very strange.

The flame of water and gold is even more peculiar, it looks like water for a while, and metal for a while, it changes in thousands of ways, but in fact, it is a kind of flame!

It's here!

Su Muxue threw both of the strange objects to Qi Zi Fan, and then smiled: Next...

boom! ! !

Before Qi Zi Fan could open his mouth, Su Muxue's true energy exploded, rolling wildly in the treasury.

Wherever she passed, all the treasures flew towards her...


Qi Zi Fan's eyes twitched.

However, this is not the end!

After taking away all the nearby treasures, Su Muxue didn't run further away to snatch other treasures, but punched the ground suddenly.


The entire treasury trembled suddenly, countless runes made up for it, and even the entire Three Saints Auction House trembled.


Qi Zi Fan was puzzled.

Such a big movement, wouldn't it be discovered?


at the same time.

The expressions of the other monks who entered the treasury also changed drastically.

not good!!!

That lunatic, he actually made such a big commotion!

It must have been discovered, let's go!

Don't panic, he hasn't left yet, what are we afraid of? Let's keep an eye on him. If he leaves, we won't be too late to keep up!



Qian Xi's complexion changed slightly, and he instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

She was sure that no one present could understand Su Muxue better than herself.

This witch is not afraid of anything, and it's normal to act mischievously, but often, she is the one who gets the most benefits, and others are the ones who take the blame!

Everyone, brothers and sisters, quickly move closer to me, don't be greedy!

She transmitted sound transmissions to her four younger brothers and sisters.


At the same time, a huge earthquake came from Sansheng Auction House.


The owner of the auction house, Dongfang Jianyuan, who was enjoying the female cultivator's shoulder pinching, squinted his eyes and stood up immediately, his eyes widened, and his complexion changed drastically: Not good!

Someone trespassed on the treasury!

Where are the guards, quickly block the auction house, open all formations, and make sure not to let the thieves leave!

Send someone to report to the city lord that someone is stealing treasure and requesting to block the Three Holy City.

He roared, and at the same time, rushed out instantly, galloping towards the treasure house, the speed reached his own limit!

at the same time.

Inside the Sansheng Auction House, there are also hundreds of streams of light rushing in all directions instantly...



Su Muxue gritted her teeth: The best thing should be hidden here. I will open the restriction. You can take as much as you can. There is only three breaths. After three breaths, we will leave immediately!

Qi Zi Fan: !!!

What else can I do?

Do it!

Under Su Muxue's bombardment, there was a crack in the ground where there were no clues at first. Through the gap, dozens of unknown treasures can be seen at a glance!

Quick, take as much as you can!

Su Muxue urged.

Qi Zi Fan's thoughts changed sharply, and at the same time, he was also a little scared.


This is robbing the treasure house of the Three Saints Auction House in the Three Saints City!

And now he is still making such a big noise, in case he gets caught...

However, these treasures do look very attractive!

Then... let's take more or less?!

Five-color divine light!

Give it to me, brush!

This guy talked about taking more or less, but in fact, he directly used the five-color divine light...

These treasures are not so easy to get!

They are all extraordinary things. With Qi Zi Fan's cultivation base, it's not bad to be able to take away one or two of them in just three breaths of time.

But with the five-color divine light... that would be different.

Just for a moment!


The various treasures in the 'basement' suddenly shook, and then lost all light, and were swept out by the five-color divine light...

So fast?!

At this scene, even Su Muxue was stunned, and then with a face full of excitement, she grabbed Qi Zi Fan: Let's go!

call out! ! !

In an instant, Su Muxue's speed increased to the extreme, turned into a white smoke, and rushed towards the exit...


we have to go!

Qian Xi, who had been paying attention to Su Muxue, and the hundreds of monks all reacted, but Su Muxue's speed was too fast!

Qian Xi was fine, she knew that the person was Su Muxue, and she also knew how fast Su Paopao was, so she was mentally prepared.

But the others were all thinking that when Su Muxue ran away, they would also follow...

But now here comes the problem!

Su Muxue had already run away, but they couldn't keep up!

this moment.

No one dared to covet treasures any more, and tried their best to run away crazily!

Su Muxue took Qi Zi Fan to escape from the first echelon.

The five people including Qian Xi belonged to the second echelon. The five of them had a higher level of cultivation and understanding of Su Muxue, so they ran faster.

But others are miserable.

Even if they tried their best, they were still far behind, and it was difficult to keep up...


The green-haired old man roared angrily: They run so fast, they must want to use us as scapegoats!



In an instant, he was covered in green light, and then...

The ground suddenly burst one after another, and countless grass leaves and grass roots emerged like a magic whip, entangled other monks crazily.

Damn it, green light old thief, you?!

what are you doing?!

Tear! ! !

Others shot wildly. Naturally, these grass roots and blades cannot trap them, but they can prevent them from escaping and slow down their speed...

Dead friends don't die poor, everyone, I'm sorry!

The green-haired old man laughed, and the speed is faster...

Do you think the old man has to work hard?

Pooh! The old Taoist practiced for tens of thousands of years before transforming into form, and he worked harder than anyone else.

Yes, I can't outrun them, and I may become a scapegoat, yes, but... as long as I run faster than you, then you will be the scapegoat~!



In the crowd at the back, someone jumped up, and with a terrifying body, he went straight to the back and came first!

All the bright green weeds and grass roots were ignored by him, and then he rushed directly to the side of the old green-haired Taoist, and he just raised his hand and punched him!


The green-haired old man's expression changed drastically, he was filled with shock and anger!

He had clearly sensed carefully before that those people behind him were not as good as himself, but this person's performance was too frightening, and he was able to ignore his own obstruction, and his speed was faster than his own? !

He didn't have time to think about it, the terrifying punch came to his body, and he could only frantically resist...

boom! ! !


This punch was too terrifying, it directly punched the old green-haired Taoist from front to back, a huge fist entered from the back of the chest, and pierced through the chest.


The green-haired old man sprayed green blood wildly, it was his 'grass juice', which was equivalent to the 'essence blood' of a cultivator, and it was extremely precious!

But at this moment, it didn't dare to let go of a fart. It screamed and used the thrust of this punch to speed up its escape...


At the same time, Qian Xi and the other five people finally arrived at the 'entrance' that Su Muxue opened earlier. Just as they were about to rush out, Qian Xi suddenly stretched out his hand to stop the others.

Don't panic!

You follow me to shoot with all your strength, and then rush out, don't hold back!

This...why is this?

The other four were all puzzled.

What about escaping, you let us do our best?

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