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Vol 2 Chapter 412: · "The immortal **** of Yunshangcheng."

Although I already guessed the identity of the gods,


But when he really saw those eyes that were exactly the same as his own, Su Mingan still felt the cold rising from the tail vertebra.


Like being targeted by the world, endless malice surrounded him, like sea water irrigating his consciousness.


"The immortal **** of Yunshang City—!"


Looking at the pair of dark golden eyes exactly like his, Su Mingan suddenly burst out laughing.


"It seems that I guessed right - the immortal **** of Praia? You really played a 'big chess' game!"


He was proud of his speculation.


Perhaps, he was also feeling sad for Su Rin's past actions.


Heaven is blessed with divine light.


Beneath the magnificent church, a silver-white cross stood behind the god. He was standing on the high church steps, and the church bells were ringing melodiously.


The pure white radiance sprinkled on the god, and his face did not look very clear.




Nuoer shot decisively - before he came, Su Ming'an had already told him what he was going to do.


A white, flash-bang-like circular object was thrown by him and exploded in front of him.


This is the "Dispelling Fruit", which can forcefully dispel all illusions for a short time, including the shielding of the god's appearance.


Under the dazzling light, Su Mingan narrowed his eyes and looked at it with all his strength.


The dazzling light burned his eyes, and the burning pain rose in his pupils, but he did not close his eyes, he supported those two heavy eyelids, and endured the stinging pain caused by the light——


next moment,


Under the dispelling of the light, he finally fully saw the appearance of the gods.


As expected.


"How could that be?" Lin Yin, who was busy slashing people, paused, and the shocked expression could not be restrained from appearing on her face.


"..." Lu Shu's slashing action stagnated.


"Sure enough." Su Ming'an stopped.


"Being in power can bring so much trouble. The role of Su Rin... it's really whoever likes to play it."


He said.


There was emotion in his tone, but there was no regret or sadness.


The movements of several people paused slightly.


they saw,


Under the white light, what gradually appeared in the eyes of several people, the legendary appearance of the gods in Yunshangcheng——


He has black short hair that reaches behind his ears, a gentle smile that rises slightly at the corners of his mouth, and a pair of dark golden eyes that are always bright.


He and Su Mingan who was looking at him... or Su Rin,


The looks are exactly the same.




[The Kraken is still singing softly, and the singing is gentle and moving:]


[“—My guest, why are you unwilling to take my advice? You can deceive the people of Praia, as I said, and send them to the dead city, while you stay in the safe general city. Raya, enjoy a long life and rule this land."]


[But her guest is sighing softly. 】


[“…But this approach is wrong.”]


["Since I want to go back with your power, I will naturally lead them to the future."]


["You have given me... a long life, not afraid of the power of the soul clan, not afraid of the body of poison gas, and the ability to cultivate a 'Petri dish'."]


[“Then, I will use these abilities to board the city in the cloud and find a suitable way to save my hometown-why does it float in the sky, why is it not afraid of storms, I will use this An indelible body, answers above the city."]


["Don't do this." The Kraken was incomprehensible to her guest's behavior: "You will endure a long and lonely life like me."]


[Facing the sea monster whose body is gradually cracking, and staring at her dark eyes, Su Rin smiled. 】


["With the homeland I want to watch, I will never be alone." He said. 】




[——The third memory stone, "The Siren and the Young Captain Su Rin"]




Su Mingan previously thought that Su Rin, who came down from Yunshang City, was the first generation, Michael was the second generation, Kaia was the third generation, and he himself was the fourth generation.


But now, it seems that his seniority has to be delayed by another generation.


The Su Rin who came down from the Cloud City and was fortunate enough to return to Praia——


It is clearly the second generation.


More than 60 years ago, Su Rin himself, who boarded Yunshang City with the airship.


...and has become an immortal god.


Sixty years ago, when the airship arrived in Yunshang City, everyone knew the fact that "gods do not exist", and when they were about to die from poisonous gas——


Su Rin took a preparatory plan that made him extremely sad.


Those who boarded this airship had half of Praia's life, which was an extremely terrifying number of deaths.


The astronomy students he is familiar with, his engineering subordinates, his deputy Gerry who chats and chats with him...


The mother holding the child, the gray-haired old man, the passionate soul hunter, the deeply emotional golden married couple...


He knew, he didn't know, all the people.


Since, everyone is destined to die here for the sake of saving resources and for the sake of the overall situation.


Then—he wouldn't make their deaths worthless.


He will - arrange their ending properly.


He will - enable everyone to work hard for a "tomorrow".


So, he watched the people he loved, with the hatred of being deceived, being poisoned alive in front of him.


Then, with the help of the siren soul on his body, he absorbed the lives of all the dead, devoured their souls and the great malice before death.


With this incomparably powerful power, on this cloud city platform that already has basic energy, he has achieved an eternal, immortal, powerful 'god' who can shelter the hot land below. .


He delegated oracles, guided the inhabitants, caused hatred, provoked wars, and made people live under malice and hatred.


He gained power from malice and built a barrier that could forever shelter the entire Praia from the storm.


He used different means to train the next generation to help him deliver the oracle's heir. He let the heir go down with the Kraken soul to develop believers other than tulips.


In the long sixty years, his strength has become stronger and stronger, and Praia has changed a lot.


It gradually appeared... The enchantment to resist the storm, the blessed soul hunter, the pope who set up the cloud city teleportation array, the bright knight who guarded the faith, the "sea feast" that regularly creates hatred and attracts outsiders...


All the elements, in Su Rin's hands, turned into chess pieces that dominated the battle situation. He properly arranged all this, guided people's struggle and hatred, and continued his power to support the enchantment.


After all, death and disaster will not let everyone go because of the "righteousness and benefit" dispute.


Considering the overall situation, this is the best way to keep most people alive.


The continuation of Praia is built on the sacrifice of generations.


Only in this way can the struggle and hatred keep their tribe alive.


Only such a death—



Only then can they regain their dignity.




It is difficult for Su Mingan to describe how he felt when this conjecture was confirmed.


So much so that when he saw the true appearance of the gods, it was difficult for him to restrain his emotions.


From ancient times to the present, "God" is more like a combination of human wills, an existence that is omniscient and omnipotent, satisfying the desires of the ethnic group.


Why there is lightning, there is wind and rain, because of God.


Why the land will produce food and the plants will grow naturally, because of God.


Ignorance and desire run through people's history, and unexplainable phenomena and concepts are attributed to them in myths and legends, and added to the gods they created.


For tens of millions of years, people believed that all their actions and decisions were under their control, however, in fact, due to the heavy burden of life and harsh natural conditions, many people did not even have a life of their own.


... Then, some people are naturally guided by belief and begin to seek "freedom".


Desires from their veins, from their uncivilized parts, made them start to have sustenance.


...Su Rin satisfied them in their confusion.


Before the terrifying natural disaster that was enough to destroy the entire ethnic group, he took the role of "leader" with his mere personal power and gave them direction.


He became famous in advance and became a great engineer known to the whole island, and then took on the role of "god", fabricating the deeds of the gods in Yunshangcheng, leading people to the city, bearing their death and hatred, and imprisoned here forever.


He took the initiative to cause war, guide hatred, use the heir to develop the "principle of reciprocity" between the two races, colluded with the Kraken, and deliberately launched the Kraken to attack the city during the peace of the war, in order to arouse the blood and anger of the people of Praia.


He established people's beliefs and made people believe-the lie that "there are gods in Yunshangcheng".


With this ridiculous lie, he deceived everyone, including everyone he loved, including the unknowing and exploited Princess Tulip.


He deceived the whole world.


...so that he could gain enough faith power.


...so that the defensive barrier he built could continue smoothly.


...so that most people can get permanent peace in it.


With the power of one person, while fighting against the endless natural disasters, he also fought against the will and beliefs of countless people, making them "superstitious" in him.


The concept of "the existence of gods in Yunshangcheng" was thoroughly deepened by him until no one knew it, and no one knew it.


There are even serious sects, fanatical believers, and loyal knights.


——He created a "God" in the true sense.


Although, no one will know who this "God" is.


He stayed here forever, always watching the battle in Praia, sending generations of people to die with his own hands.


...and above the sky, watching his relatives who are thinking about him hopelessly grow old, his lover getting married and having children.


He departed from his native land, sent letters in the sky, and wrote the honorable names of others.


He is suffering from eternal loneliness that is completely different from Princess Tulip.




["I heard that the priest Van Dylan 300 years ago released white doves before the church was burned down."]


[“He did not hide or escape in the fire, but instead sang hard, saying that he had already run to heaven with the white dove, and obtained supreme freedom.”]


[“His body that was imprisoned in the mortal world wrote a glorious name for himself in the kingdom of heaven.”]


[“Since then, he has seen the meaning of dormancy and pain—his body must exist to transmit brilliance.”]


["Saya." The young Viscount turned around with a smile. 】


[Sunlight gently strokes his black hair, and in his dark golden eyes, the vicissitudes of time seem to be locked. 】


["...Do you want to live forever?" he asked. 】


[——The first memory stone, "The Legend of Van Dylan"]




In the crowd of soldiers, Su Mingan gradually approached Su Rin.


As a "god", Su Rin looks no different from ordinary people.


He stood there quietly, staring at Su Ming'an who was fighting with a look of extreme stillness.


Suddenly, Su Rin said:


"My heir, you don't seem surprised to see me."


Su Ming'an said, "I'm not surprised that the **** is you, Master Su engineer."




"Golden Rose." Su Mingan said concisely.


There are many clues, but the simplest one only needs one.


In the night level, the original demon king had only a golden rose beside him. His other soldiers were gradually developed from Golden Rose.


At the very beginning, the isolated and helpless **** of Cloud City and Princess Tulip who had been staying in Praia, the reason why they were able to get in touch with each other was just because their siren souls were of the same origin.


Therefore, Golden Rose became the first soldier under the Demon King—because in the beginning, only they could communicate with each other.


Su Rin even deceived the princess and did not tell her the true identity of the god.


In the true sense, he deceived the whole world.


Su Rin didn't delve into this topic, and seemed to just mention it casually.


He seemed to be more interested in Su Ming'an.


"Su Ming'an. I have heard your story. You are the strongest among travelers from another world. As the 'strongest', you should face a situation similar to mine." Su Rin's voice was shallow.


"No." Su Mingan chopped down the soldier next to him with a sword: "You are a great man, I am not as good as you."


He said it sincerely.


Ordinary students who are lucky enough to get power, and great engineers who can be imprisoned in eternal loneliness for the group. He knew how to compare.


Even though Su Rin's achievements were born from the lives and hatred of others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For Su Rin, Su Mingan has no idea.


He just thought it was... ridiculous.


Ridiculous about his own situation and the difficulty of perfect customs clearance.


"Ha ha ha ha……"


He really laughed.


The moment he ascended the city of Yunshang and confirmed his guess, he had already realized that he had fallen into a cycle that could not be broken.


This cycle has existed since the moment the copy was opened.


He holds the heart of a god, and the gods cannot kill him directly.


...and Su Rin is a god.


This means that, according to the cause and effect of time, once he kills the god, the "Demon King" last night will also be obliterated, because the "Brave" successfully kills the "Demon King" in the future, he will be directly obliterated.


But if he doesn't kill the **** in front of him, then the game will not end, and he has not achieved a dungeon-approved ending - which means that he cannot complete the level perfectly.


Whether he kills or not, there is no way out for him.


... This is also the reason why he suddenly laughed when he saw that the **** was Su Rin just now.


At that time, he had already thought of such a completely stuck ending.


This is an inescapable closed loop.

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