Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 368: "Kaya, are you back?"

Su Mingan approached the two, and suddenly found one of them was very special.


It was a somewhat hunched figure, with silver hair fluttering slightly in the wind, and the black cloth on his body looked extremely thin.


Beside her, stood a tall figure, like a young woman.


Su Ming'an's footsteps, which were not deliberately soft, caught their attention, and they turned around.


The silver-haired old lady among them was Garde, and it seemed that she hadn't left yet.


"..." Garder's eyes were a little blurry. The corridor where Su Mingan was without the lights turned on, it was very dark, and she couldn't see who was inside.


But she vaguely saw a figure.


"...Kia? Are you back?" she called softly, with some expectation in her voice.


Su Mingan walked out of the corridor.


"It's me," he said.


He didn't know who the old lady was called.


Thinking of her past... She should recognize him as the old man of her family.


Perhaps at night, people will miss the past and become more sentimental. In such a seemingly silent night, Garde may have thought of her unforgettable lover.


When the airship in the cloud left more than 60 years ago, Su Rin and the young and beautiful Garde caught a glimpse of each other and felt good in their hearts.


But it was only a glimpse.


Su Rin threw her bottle of Chen Mi wine containing the girl's blessing and admiration into the water, leaving behind the love that should not have grown in his heart, and left Praia with the meaning of sacrifice and death. , has never appeared in the public eye since.


Even when Su Mingan returned to Praia sixty years later, Garde only recognized him as Su Rin's grandson.


Time is like a carving knife, which can easily turn a young and beautiful girl into an old lady who has experienced vicissitudes of life.


Time passed quickly in ordinary life, and in the process of being tempered by a carving knife, it seems that Garde met a new partner and gave birth to a son and a daughter.


...It turns out that her new partner, the husband who rose to Cloud City to look for medicine more than 30 years ago because of his meritorious service, is named Kaia.


Seeing Su Mingan walking out of the dark corridor with blood all over her, Lele, the granddaughter next to Garder, immediately became vigilant. She quickly took out the knife hidden behind her and pointed the tip of the knife at him.


After all, Su Ming'an just killed several people just now, and now she is still covered in blood, Lele is afraid that this guy will take action on her grandma.


"Lele, put down the knife." Garder immediately scolded her granddaughter: "He rescued me and is our family's benefactor."


Lele could only withdraw the knife.


Garder raised his eyes.


Su Ming'an could see the vicissitudes in her eyes.


The wind and snow fell on her silver hair.


In her eyes, a slightly turbid circle of pale white condensed, and there was no such girl's joy that appeared in Su Rin's memory stone.


Looking at the grown-up granddaughter Lele beside her, all she sees in her eyes is her love for the child...and her optimism for the "grandson of Su Rin's family" in front of her.


The still young Su Rin stood in front of her, but she was old and didn't know about it.


The emotion in her eyes was only the gratification for the younger generation.


"Sorry, just now I thought I saw my old man, Kaia." Garder smiled: "Kid Su Rin, why did you get on the boat? The feast at sea should have already begun."


"I'll come to inspect the boat." Su Ming'an said, "You didn't leave?"


Seeing that Garder's house was empty, and there were only drying racks left at the door, he thought the old lady had already left.


"No, the feast has started recently, and there are no ships that can leave." Garder smiled: "Actually, it doesn't matter if we can't leave. The Pope made a promise that when the feast is over, he will Jiajia will be sent to Yunshang City with the winning team, so that her illness will be saved, maybe we can watch her go up during the ceremony..."


Su Ming'an frowned.


"What's the matter? Boy." Garder asked.




Su Ming'an turned around: "Then I'm leaving."


He knew that what the Pope told was just a lie.


In the last week, he had seen the appearance of Yunshangcheng. There was no city and fireworks, but it was a dead church.


There was no one alive inside.


The gods should exist, but people from more than 60 years ago... should not have survived except Su Rin.


But if you don't give Garde a hope, it would be tantamount to killing the bereaved old lady again.


She has already watched his husband go and watched his son die. Does she want her to watch her daughter die on the hospital bed again?


After all, he is not Su Rin himself, and Su Rin doesn't actually have any responsibility for Garde.


Just a passerby.


In order to restrain him, Eternal Life also reduced the shadows passing by him.


In this long river of time, these people are just destined to flow through the water around him.


Su Ming'an quickly disembarked.


The shore was still crowded with people at this time.


He even saw someone holding a glow stick and a custom light sign with his name on it. He didn't know where this group of people got these things.


...it's like chasing stars and chasing madmen.


Seeing his figure emerge from the deck, the people below started to shout like crazy:


"Come down, come down—"


"Damn it, it's alive, hurry up to take pictures and videotape!"


"How come the people on the boat are like sleeping to death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not catchy?"


"No one dares to get on the boat, and no one can contact the people on the boat... Doesn't it mean that the competitors cannot get on the boat, otherwise they will be punished by the gods? That's why Su Mingan dared to go up."


"Player number one, don't go! Talk to us, we want to hear your lighthouse--"


Among the crowd, a girl jumped up suddenly and let out the fireworks in her hand.


The fireworks rose into the sky, bursting out a line of fiery English, on which was an undisguised big "love".


She looked at Su Ming'an with a flushed face, as if she had fulfilled a big wish.


Su Ming'an watched this scene coldly, without any fluctuations in his heart, as if he was completely separated from the excitement of the people below.


As early as in high school, as a part-time up host, he actually had a dream of being sought after and being able to sign at large exhibitions.


Being liked, supported, and sought after, young children may have had such exciting fantasies.


But since the beginning of the world game, after his fantasy came true, and after seeing these people who liked him like crazy, his emotions gradually became indifference.


Somehow, even the most exciting things can't make him happy.


Even speaking on a high platform is more like acting and work for him.

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