Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 410: "You are here at last, despicable one."


[I heard that the priest Van Dylan 300 years ago released white doves before the church was burned down. 】

[He did not hide or escape in the fire, but instead sang hard, saying that he had already run to heaven with the white dove and gained supreme freedom. 】

[——The first memory stone, "The Legend of Van Dylan"]


The lights flickered in the dark passage, and the cold air floated around.

At this time, the four were walking in the dark underground passage, and Noel walked in front with a lamp.

After the sea feast was over, the teleportation formation leading to Yunshangcheng opened in the Church of Light. As the only victorious team, they already had the qualifications for teleportation.

Wearing the heart of a tulip on their chests that can withstand the poisonous gas, the poisonous gas will no longer be an obstacle to their instant death.

The copy has reached the final moment, and it is also the most critical moment.

After walking through this passage, the eyes suddenly opened up.

At this moment, the teleportation formation that bloomed with white light was in front of the four of them. The sunlight slowly poured in through the colored windows of the church, and even the scarlet carpet looked shiny.

The oil painting hanging behind the cross depicts the priest flying white doves in front of the church, and the flames swaying on the gorgeous church behind the priest. The color outlines his desperate and intoxicated look.

Su Ming'an did not rush into the teleportation formation, but stood in front of the painting, thoughtful.


[However, the knights of the church saved Van Dylan from dying in the fire. The immortal Van Dylan should have been happy because of this, but he was unhappy all his life]

[He said that his soul had already returned to the kingdom of heaven, leaving only the body frozen by the world. 】

[——The first memory stone, "The Legend of Van Dylan"]


"Ah, I'm really exhausted these days."

The carefree Lin Yin casually found a mahogany bench in the church and sat down. Along the way, she has been vigilant if there are any weird players who will make **** at this time.

But perhaps it was because Su Mingan's methods a few days ago frightened them, and no fools attacked at this time.

"Before entering the final stage, let's exchange information." Lin Yin said while leaning back on the chair.

She was really tired these days. In addition to running around to collect clues, she also had to prevent players from sneaking up on her. As an occupant who could never die, she scared herself enough.

"Su Ming'an, at present, you probably know all the information on my side." Nuoer put down the lantern in his hand and briefly explained his gains in the past few days.

For example, he rescued a group of players who were almost killed by the princess, for example, made good relations with some nobles, and learned some secrets of the royal family decades ago.

Lu Shu also opened his mouth and added some stories about the Central Library, such as the legend of the Kraken, the logs and oral accounts of the crew members who went to sea.

Several people are powerful players, and the clues they said are all in place. Even if their identities are not at the heart of the Praia storm, this history and contradiction can be roughly restored. Even, Nuoer put forward a conjecture about "Su Rin has many generations", which is something Su Mingan has not said yet, he actually restored it by himself, and even found Michael's background story.

For the general perfect customs clearance, their progress should have been 100 percent.

But obviously, they still don't know anything about the most important things, such as Yunshangcheng and the **** of Yunshangcheng.

The clue is stuck at this last point.

After listening to the team's summary, Su Mingan was thoughtful.

"Well, I basically already know the overall situation." Su Ming'an said: "It's just some conjectures, which still need to be verified."

"The overall situation? Including the gods of Yunshangcheng?" Lin Yin was a little surprised.

"Include." Su Ming'an said.

Lin Yin's mouth gradually became an "O" shape, which looked very exaggerated.

In this team, she acts as a "glue", so that Nuoer and Lu Shu are not too tit-for-tat. Therefore, in some situations, her behavior will be extraordinarily exaggerated, appearing quite funny, in order to ease the atmosphere...

Of course, Su Ming'an would not be happy.

"Actually, if it weren't for my identity as 'Su Rin', we must dig out the whole situation of the dungeon. At the moment when the Kraken siege ends, we should have completed the customs clearance perfectly. As for exploring Yunshang City or something , are unnecessary additional content." Su Mingan said: "Su Rin's identity has affected our team. Our ability is enough to end this dungeon the day before yesterday."

He had long seen that the puzzles of the seventh world were not difficult.

Whether it is ruling Praia, triggering a siren siege to destroy the city, or digging up secrets more than 60 years ago through libraries and other places, so that it is not difficult to reveal the truth of Su Rin, they can all reach a " Ending", and then complete their respective identity tasks to complete the level perfectly.

However, it is not difficult to say, but there are many obstacles in doing it.

From the overall point of view of the dungeon structure, unlike the previous world dungeons with a single plot line, the seventh world is actually quite complicated.

It is more like a real world, and will develop tens of thousands of different endings with the player's behavior, unlike the reincarnation of Baicheng, the destruction of Mingxi Middle School, and the ritual of Minghui, where there will only be one or two fixed endings .

If players want to use violence or strategy skills to win over NPCs and forcibly occupy Praia, then Princess Tulip will definitely not give them a chance.

If they realize the importance of Su Rin and want to win over Su Rin, they will also be involved in the melee between Su Rin and the princess.

Although Su Rin, who has not been played by the players, will have his own ideas. He will not occupy Praia like Su Mingan, but if he is provoked by the players and has the idea of ​​changing his own rule, The situation would become extremely chaotic.

If Su Rin dies, there will be a new Su Rin to succeed him.

If the princess dies, she will transform into the Siren King and initiate a Siren siege.

If both sides die, the soul of the Kraken King on both sides will be exhausted, and the Kraken siege will still be launched.

If both sides are alive, of course, the princess will do everything possible to kill Su Rin, the "unnecessary outsider", and the struggle is still unavoidable. Even, with the participation of Soul Hunter and Soul Clan, the battle situation will be further chaotic.

This copy, which looks like a world, actually hides too many intricate relationships. Players who don't want to pass the level perfectly can get through it comfortably, but if they want to pass the level perfectly, they must face these troubles head on.

As one of the two cores of the conflict, Su Rin himself and Su Mingan are the people closest to these troubles. He is the heart of the storm.

He couldn't avoid dealing with these things.

But fortunately, according to the law of copy, risk comes with reward.

As a reward, at the end of the Kraken siege, the moment his team was finally victorious, all but him. The perfect clearance progress of all other players is instantly locked and can no longer be advanced.

Now, in the entire ten thousand dungeons, he is the only one who can pass the level perfectly - this is also the advantage of his troublesome status.

The seventh world is the world with the most complicated plot line he has experienced so far. How to consider the chaotic relationship lines in it is the biggest problem for players to face.

"Wait, wait..." Lin Yin sounded a little puzzled: "So far, none of us have actually been to that city, so you have figured it all out? You are... confident to convince that god. ? However, Su Ming'an, you are a disrespectful person who openly betrayed his "principle of reciprocity", your rhetoric of fooling NPCs is useless to a god."

She knew that Su Ming'an was good at attacking and fooling people, but gods and people were two different things. He was not an existence that could be shaken by simple words and emotions.

"No." Su Mingan shook his head.

His eyes were fixed on the painting of the burning church.

"This time, I'm going to use pure reasoning," he said. After thinking about it, he added:

"Of course, if the **** is willing to give me space to speak, I am willing to chat with him. After all, language is the thing that can bring the two sides closer together."

"You already know who the **** is?" Noel said aside.

"Well...if it's not expected." Su Ming'an thought for a moment: "However, I don't recommend saying it here, because I'm not sure whether the 'god' will have other actions after learning my answer, I dare not compare him to previous NPCs."

"Then you don't need to tell us." Noel said understandingly: "The initiative of the team is entirely up to you, and we have not contributed to your main clues. You earned the heart of tulips with all your might, just listen to you. already."

Listening to his words, Su Mingan did not respond immediately.

He removed his hand from the oil painting, took a step, and slowly walked towards the teleportation array.

"...No, Xie Lude earned it with all his might." After Su Mingan said this, he immediately changed the subject: "Prepare to fight, I will enter the legendary formation first. I have the heart of the gods, and the gods of Yunshangcheng cannot directly Kill me, so that you can avoid being killed in seconds at the first encounter... Of course, if you are worried, you can also not follow me to the city."

"How about that?" Lin Yin said, "I haven't shown you my milk volume yet."

She clenched the priest's staff in her hand.

Today, it is rare for Lin Yin not to bring her machete.

"Okay." Su Ming'an nodded: "Don't worry. When I really saw the god's appearance, everything should have been settled."


Su Mingan stepped into the teleportation array one step at a time:

"Let's go."

The light shines.

Milky white light quickly enveloped his body.

When he boarded the final city, he remembered the story Su Rin told Saya in Su Rin's memory stone.


[——Van Dylan wrote this oracle with a broken heart, so that he who has already flown into the kingdom of heaven will pass it on to people through the body, the kingdom of heaven still exists, and he will write the honorable name for the great people...]

[In extreme despair and struggle, he wrote the Oracle. 】

[He imagined that the deceased self had ascended to the kingdom of heaven and coexisted with the gods, and this body on the ground was his messenger, who wanted to compose glory for the world. 】


[He wrote a glorious name for himself in the kingdom of heaven, and delivered an oracle for the body of the mortal world. 】

[——The first memory stone, "The Legend of Van Dylan"]


Su Rin's memory stone was not regarded as a drama by Su Mingan, he wrote down almost every scene.

This story that Su Rin dictated, he remembered sentence by sentence at the time, and he can still restore it today.

It is impossible for the memory stone to present him with completely useless memories. This story contains the biggest content of the final decryption.

So, combined with previous clues, the moral of the story is...

"Ding dong!"

A system prompt sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

[Congratulations, you have completed the mission of the ruler: reach the coordinates (256, 835, 1350)]

... the mission of the ruler?

Sure enough, the mission of the ruler that appeared from the very beginning of the dungeon was to get him to a specific location in Yunshang City.

The reward of the first-order ruler is to forcibly improve the NPC's favorability, and the second-order reward is to have negotiating qualifications with any NPC. I don't know what the reward of the third-tier ruler will be.

The white light gradually faded, and he opened his eyes.


A faint sound scratched the side of his ear.

In front of him, it is still the familiar city in the cloud.

It seemed that it was still snowing here, and the icy chill rushed towards him through the protection of the heart of tulips, making him feel cold even in his bright state.

The white light gradually faded away.

The towering tower and the glittering golden dome of the church appeared in front of his eyes.

Two armored men with weapons stood guard in front of the church, like sculptures.

The ground is like white jade, not like **** magma like the Demon King City in the night instance. There were no exploding sparks around, only snowflakes falling.

Compared with the Demon King City, which was full of evil and blood and was born in the fire, this real Yunshang City is more bright, holy, and solemn.

... more like a city where "gods" live.

It's just that it's deserted here.

It does not have the slightest breath of human life, like a dead city frozen in time.

It is completely different from the rumored city where half the people lived more than sixty years ago.



At the moment when Su Mingan stepped here, on the wide platform, soul-like people began to appear.

He saw many acquaintances.

Sacrificed soul hunters, or soul clans killed by people.

Compared with the group of puppets in the night copy, they look a lot more alive, their limbs are real, and their expressions are vivid, except that they still look like manipulated puppets, they are more rigid than that. The puppets are much more like humans.

Su Mingan knew that this was the "Demon King", that is, the soldiers of the gods.

They are formed by the condensed beliefs, they are direct fighting forces belonging to the gods, and they are condensed energy aggregates, but they are not real life.

In this cloud city, there are no living people.

The soldiers will guard this - "Demon King City", and kill Su Ming'an - the "brave" who dared to fight.

Su Ming'an noticed that a line of shining small characters appeared on the heads of their group.


【Despicable ones of the kingdom of heaven】





[The following is not the text]

(Seeing someone in the book group showing off piracy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is really unbearable, and I declare it in the text.

The base camp of this book is APP. There are extras and illustrations here. I have basically no income in other places, including web pages and major reading software.

I understand that the funds for students are not sufficient, so the anti-theft is not opened, and there is room for everyone to read.

But if you really like it, please come to the starting point to support me in writing, instead of promoting piracy as it should, thank you (ノへ ̄、)

This paragraph is less than 200 words, no money, subscribers don't have to worry, I love you. )

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