Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 352: · "Sea Feast"

The latest website: "I hope so." Su Mingan said.

"Now I have given up all the clues in Wangcheng, quit my job, and came here in vain, otherwise I will not be able to participate in the feast at sea." Nuoer smiled: "Leader of the soul clan, you must protect me."

"..." Su Mingan didn't speak.

He was still thinking about last night's night copy.

That illusory sand table that brought together the battle between the two armies...

After a moment, he responded to Noel.

"No problem," he said.

Just then, the door opened.

A black-clothed youth and a red-clothed girl in a blizzard walked in.

"Here?" Su Mingan said.


Lu Shu put the black knife in his hand on the coffee table on the left, and Lin Yin began to complain:

"...This ghost weather is really speechless. It was a hot day just now, and it became so cold in a blink of an eye."

They were seated on the sofa, and next to the fireplace, Sevia and Archerev were still sitting quietly, and Zia stayed outside, saying that he hated the comfortable indoor environment.

"Everyone is here." Su Mingan came over. Suddenly Noel spoke:

"There's another one."

"Another one?" Su Mingan suddenly remembered that there was another guy named Mo Wen in the team. Lu Shu said that this was a clue-type player, but it seemed that this person had been following Nuoer in this dungeon.

In the team chat, this guy has also been very silent, as if he dare not speak.

He looked at Noel.

"I can't get in touch with him anymore." Noel said: "On the fourth day, he and I were separated. He said he was going to the Great Library in Praia Central to find clues, but he couldn't come back. There is no movement. But one thing that can be confirmed is that he is still alive, after all, the avatar is still on. I guess, it may be that he has entered some special levels where messages cannot be sent out. "

"The Great Library?" Su Ming'an also remembered this place. Many players in the channel chat also went to this place to find information, but they didn't seem to encounter any so-called special levels.

When the opportunity arises, they can go and see.

He sat down on the sofa and waited for twelve o'clock.

In the channel chat, the players also seemed extraordinarily quiet. It was suggested that people and residents could hide on boats by the sea, so that they could avoid the feast at sea.

But more people are asking for a team.

Players have roughly understood the situation of the dungeon. They know that if the key "sea feast" is avoided by them, then everyone will definitely usher in an unsolvable garbage ending.

Escape is shameful, but it does work, and players do have the option of hiding all the time.

But in addition to those who choose to hide, there must be someone to support the mission of the copy, and someone must stand up and face the key information of the copy.

Otherwise, just like Minghui in the Fifth World, no one will complete the Innate Awakening Formation, and most of them will be finished together.

Perhaps due to the atmosphere of the imminent war, even the singing and dancing stopped, Christmas is coming to an end, and the real time is approaching the 26th.

At the critical moment only a few minutes away from twelve o'clock, someone knocked on the door of this room.

Su Mingan opened the door and saw a familiar person.

Next is the scene of the meeting between the top leaders of the two major forces in Praia.

...even though this supreme leader is actually the same person.

Standing outside the door is Shadow.

"Exchange something." Shadow gave him the shotgun, the passive potion from the central soul hunting exchange point, and the weapon.

Su Mingan drank the passive potion directly, and a new system prompt appeared in his ears.

This time, the increase in attribute points was not as strong as when he drank the first bottle. Perhaps drinking two bottles in a row would have a weakening effect. His physical strength increased by two points, strength by two points, and spirit by three points.

Although the growth of attribute points is not high, the passive skills awakened are very powerful.

"Ding dong!"

[Awakening Passive Skill: Magic Cutting]

[Magic cutting lv1: When the enemy's directional spell skills designate you, your slash may directly cut off the opponent's spell skills. The success probability of slashing is directly related to your slashing direction, strength, and your strength points.

Skill usage requirements: Holding weapons or props that can be used for slashing. 】

"Ding dong!"

[Because the player has the "Portability Weakness Insight" (Purple Level) skill, this passive skill has evolved! 】

[Magic Cutting · Change lv.1: When the enemy's directional spell skills designate you, your slashes may directly cut off the opponent's spell skills.

Weakness Insight will assist your slashing angle to increase your chance of success in cutting the opponent's spell. Once you directly slash to the red circle of this spell, your cutting success rate will be at least 50% (regardless of the difference between the enemy and yourself) (lucky B+ plus become!)】


good skill.

Although this skill is only effective for directional spells, it is invalid for AOE large-scale attacks.

But in fact, many legal players are still keen on rubbing fireballs and ice arrows. This slashing spell skill can make this group of mages break their defenses instantly.

And the bonus of the weakness insight skill surprised him even more.

He has always felt that although this skill is very useful in finding clues, it is not very helpful in combat, at most it increases the probability of critical strikes. But now, it seems that this is a versatile general-purpose skill that may have a chain effect in subsequent collocations.

With the same purple level, there is also his space skills. So far, the actual combat effect of space vibration has been very large, and few players can eat a shock with a large range and high damage. With the subsequent upgrade of space skills, there should be space skills other than space displacement and space vibration.

As for the annihilation skill, he has little expectations for it. After all, it was only a blue-level skill at the beginning. For combat, it was mostly used to increase the sharpness of the blade, and it was not too pioneering. .

...but he couldn't give up this skill.

Because once the critical moment comes.

This precise and fast skill will become a knife that he stabs at himself quickly.

It will save him from missing out on troublesome ways of dying, and also reduce some pain.


After delivering the things, Ying quickly left.

Under Su Ming'an's decision, most of the local soul hunters who could be commanded were not evacuated. When the rules were released, he might have to command these people.

Time passed slowly.

When the second hand slowly pointed to the top, all the waiting players heard an extraordinarily distant bell.


The sound of the bell came from nowhere, it seemed to penetrate the walls and snowflakes, ringing in everyone's ears, and everyone was shocked.

At this time, a brilliant golden light appeared in the direction of the church in the southern district.

It seems that there is a golden bridge connecting the church and the sky. Everyone who raised their heads saw this illusory and transparent bridge. In the wind and snow, it hung like a strip in the sky and was dyed into a golden Milky Way.

"—Welcome, all the contestants, to Praia. On behalf of all the inhabitants of Praia, I welcome you."

The Pope's majestic voice sounded at this moment.

"The 36th 'Sea Feast' is about to begin. Those of you who have exchanged your qualifications will become the participants of this feast."

"——There are 3,309 participants in this competition! The specific rules for this year's sea feast will be released below."

The sound penetrated the wind and snow, covering the entire island, and the players who were still singing and dancing threw away the wine bottles in their hands.

They reacted differently.


"More than 3,000 people, a little bit."

In the midst of the wind and snow, the girl standing above the clock tower raised her head. The light sprinkled on her long hair that fluttered slightly, and she seemed to be one with the snow scene behind her.

A silver long sword appeared in her hand, and as a violent snowstorm tore through the clock tower, her light body disappeared in place, as if blending with the wind and snow.

"...I thought there would be more. Do these timid guys still like to hide on the boat?"


The smell of alcohol floated, and in the room surrounded by colorful lights, the bald man drank the vodka in his hand.

The wine bottle was shattered all over the place, and there was a bartender's body covered with blood and a broken head. The beautifully made-up girl fell to the ground, her clothes torn to shreds.

The bald-headed man seemed to have not seen these corpses, drinking wine in the blood, and showing a public smile while drinking:

"Do you think it's absolutely safe to hide on the boat?" He stared in the direction of the port with a gloomy gaze, licked his lips, and seemed to be looking forward to it:

"...These 'fat sheep' have raised you for so long, and it's finally time for me to harvest. I hope that the strongest guy won't hinder me..."


A wealthy businessman in the casino stroked the wrench on his finger. He looked worried, as if he was worried about something.

"Hopefully I can gain something..." He sighed slightly.

In front of him sat a smiling middle-aged man in black. The man wore a black dome hat, and the cards in his hand fluttered from his fingertips.

"Don't worry." The black hat said gently: "Your information is very useful, please rest assured, Princess Tulip will protect you."

The rich businessman nodded.

"But I'm still worried, that person named Su Rin..." he said.


In the west area, the bonfire was burning in the cave, and the people wrapped in black robes were looking at the golden light of the church.

Then, he bowed his head and gently kissed the silver cross on his neck.

Behind him stood dozens of residents with numb expressions, like puppets.

The fire shone on their faces, in their empty eyes.

"May the gods bless me..." The man in black robe said softly, he pulled down his hood, revealing a splendid blond hair.

There was a feeling of compassion in his eyes, as if he was missing someone: "...and you, the player favored by the gods.

I still remember your interpretation of my story.

May we continue to meet in the next struggle. "


In the splendid room, the girl holding the plush bear stepped on the head of the maid who was kneeling below, as if playing.

The handmaiden's body was trembling, her forehead was dripping with blood, the bright red blood spilled all over the ground, and even her hands were traces of tattered skin.

Beside her, there was a stack of spilled snacks, and the fragments of the plate shattered and stuck in her knees.

"Kneel! Keep kneeling! Don't look up! Kneel until your knees rot! I'll forgive you if it rots!"

The girl was very interested as if she was playing a game, and repeatedly kicked the maid's head with a smile, screaming loudly with a flushed face while kicking:

"Kneel down! Don't look up at me, or I will burn you, I will definitely burn you!"

The maid did not dare to resist, her head was deeply pressed to the ground, and her facial features had been kicked and twisted.

The blood mixed with the creamy treat, and the girl giggled.

Suddenly, the girl raised her head.

She heard the distant bell.

"Has it started?" She suddenly jumped off the bed and ran barefoot to the window.

Her feet stepped on the broken glass, but the glass could not hurt her in the slightest. She ran all the way to the window, resting her hands on the window, and looked at the exceptionally bright golden light to the south.

"It's started! It's started!"

Flames burst out of her body uncontrollably.

"Is someone finally playing games with me?" Her eyes were very bright.

In her live broadcast room, the bullet screen is also encouraging her, and the style of the bullet screen here is very different from other places.

In other words, each top player's live broadcast barrage has their own characteristics.

[Lovely little Bonnie, you will definitely win a game, I promise! 】

[Bonnie is so cute...I mean, Bonnie is very strong. So please don't say anything worrisome, Bonnie will never lose, even in the same dungeon. 】

[That maid just now is really abominable! She dared to knock over little Bonnie's dessert, and she couldn't relieve her anger even by killing her. 】

[No one can offend little Bonnie who is a 'flame girl', she should be the strongest in the element system, even Aini who also plays with fire is no exception. 】

[Why do you guys have such a strong sense of sight... it seems that I have seen it somewhere...]

[The world rankings are not accurate at all! Guys with low combat power can also rank in the front, what is going on in this world! 】

[Should go to the base of the hiding guys and catch a guy who can cook back. How could Bonnie's Christmas Eve be without turkey and pudding? 】


Bonnie's eyes brightened.

She looked up at the golden light in the sky, with a smile like a child craving for Christmas presents.

It's just that what she longs for is not the game consoles and dolls that children like, but the blood and corpses of people.

The World Game made her what she is now.

The barrage is the catalyst that makes her more stereotyped.

She opened her arms and smiled happily, as if embracing the wind and snow outside the window.

Behind her, the plush bear fell to the ground, and the two dark glass eyes began to glow red.

"Quick, everyone is fine... Let's start this game with me."

Her voice rose.


"Starting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the warm room, Nuoer suddenly made a sound.

He stood up, the cane in his hand touched the ground, and the blue light flashed in front of him.

Outside the window, golden light began to burst in the sky, falling down like meteors.

At this moment, a giant blue panel appeared in front of every qualified player.

The players raised their heads.

A line of small white characters slowly emerged on their panels.

These are the specific rules for this "sea feast".


【Rule 01: ... 】

reading room

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