Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 342: "Man is not a purely rational animal"

Su Mingan watched this scene calmly.

He is thinking about the current process with the attitude of an absolutely rational gamer.

...First of all, no matter how things develop, Ellas must not be spared just like that. Ellas has seen everything here, and Soul Hunter will definitely be prepared for the situation on the Soul Clan side, and they will definitely intervene in the feast at sea.

...he thought of a better way to handle it.

"Archerev," he said.

Archerev leaned on his cane, looked at him with a smile, and waited for his order.

In the silence, Su Mingan's eyes were fixed on Ellas.

He was silent for five seconds, and switched to the bright state for safety. Then he approached Archerev and said softly.

"Transform Elrath."

His voice was very low.

He thought of this plan.

At present, the only thing that limits him is the number of resource points in the night link - it takes 5,000 resource points to transform a human, and 1,500 resource points to be confused. It is precisely because of the lack of resource points that he cannot transform El Russ, and then control him.

But I can't transform myself... someone else can transform.

The only difference is that he is a transformation without risk and no sequelae, but there is a great risk in the transformation of someone else from a high-ranking soul clan like Archerev. Also, maybe Ellas wouldn't listen to them even if he was transformed.

...but it's fine.

Because he happened to have a skill called "Confusion".

As long as the other party is a soul clan, as long as he has 1,500 resource points, then everything is not a problem.

Although the game of Su Rin's identity is difficult, the opportunity is clearly given to him. As long as he controls it well, he can completely create a "control" situation.

When Archerev heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

"My transformation is at risk. In this way, he will not live long..." He replied softly: "And my strength will also decline for a period of time."

"It's okay." Su Ming'an has no sympathy for Ellas, no matter whether the other party can live long or not.

Moreover, what he wants is only "control", not absolute combat power. As long as the leaders of the two major factions listen to him, even if the two of them can't exert any strength, he can guarantee the dominance of the feast at sea.

Archerev nodded, suddenly reached out his hand, and plunged into his own heart.

The blood flowed out and dripped in his hand, and he quickly approached Elras.

Seeing this scene, Ellas also realized something, and immediately struggled violently.

A dazzling white light flashed from his body, which suddenly shook the Sevia who was pressing him.

"You're crazy, Su Rin - you really want your grandpa's efforts to be wasted, you know how much your grandpa did for Praia..."

He roared, his body flashing light.

"Playa doesn't need you." Su Mingan looked at him: "Su Rin said it."

Ellas was stunned for a moment.

The next moment, Archerev, who was beside him, swayed, and his cane was instantly clicked on his forehead.

Ellas's figure slammed back, and a white mist rose, completely covering the area.

"Ding dong!"

[The battle situation is detected, and the boss battle mode is entered. 】

[Current boss (Elras), combat power: 3000]

[Our comprehensive combat power: 4000 (values ​​are not directly added)]

[Winning rate comparison: 95%]

The moment Archerev's cane touched Ellas, Sevia followed.

The dazzling white light exploded inside the church, like a rolled up pale dragon.

Sevia stretched out her hand, and the white light rushed away like a waterfall, hitting Elras with all her strength.


The red chairs of the church were blown to pieces, and the white light intertwined into a large light and shadow. Su Mingan squinted and suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of crisis.

Without hesitation, he directly activated the energy suppression skill.

He felt a pain in his abdomen, and a blood line shot up behind him.

【HP-2180! (Combat power suppression! Physical resistance! Penetration!)]


The blood-stained silver bullet fell to the ground.

Su Mingan took a half step back, his face pale.

Bright red blood gushed out from the penetrated body, and his clothes were dyed red.

His Noah's Chain's damage transfer ability can only be used on players, and there's no second player here at all. He could only take this blow hard.

Even if the energy suppression skill was activated immediately, the opponent's bullet was too fast, and the energy suppression just forced the bullet to deflect the direction from his heart to his abdomen.

If it wasn't for Su Rin's skills that confuse Sevia and Archerev, allowing them to help him fight, Ellas is simply an existence that the current players cannot defeat.

Seeing that Su Mingan was injured, Sevia rushed into the electric light with a sullen face, but her footsteps suddenly stopped.

"...the people are gone."

He looked at the blankness inside.

Beside him, Archerev put down his hand, and his stick touched the ground with a crisp sound.

"After all, he is the leader of the soul hunter, and he should have a lot of good things with him. If he wants to escape, he can escape... Huh?" He said here, suddenly turned his head suddenly, and looked in the direction of Su Mingan.

This gentleman, who has always been slow, showed a look of consternation and panic for the first time.

Su Mingan sensed something was wrong, and quickly shot out—


It sounded like a crisp glass shattering.

The dancing white silver snake entwined from the blade of the amber knife and moved straight forward as if it were about to smash the air.

The figure of the blond man suddenly appeared in front of Su Ming'an with this shattering sound, and blood-red figures jumped out of his head.

【HP-548! (Weakened! Space Fragmentation! Condensation!)]

Elrath's sudden appearance did not threaten him.

With this knife, Su Mingan activated Amber's condensation skills.

[Active Skill (Condensation): In the next attack, the effect of "Space Fragmentation" will be attached, extra slash damage will be applied to the enemy in front of you, and the effect of "Destruction Power" will be increased to the items in front of you. The strength of the effect is directly related to the player's spatial skill level. Cooling time of three minutes. 】

The air seemed to spread out in front of his eyes, the scene shattered like glass, and a twisting transparent light spread over the man.

The damage of Su Ming'an's knife is not high, but the fluctuation range is extremely wide, as if the knife had struck a powerful spatial vibration.

On Ellas' body, the Soul Hunter uniform was torn apart by the "spatial shattering" effect, revealing large scars on his upper body. Most of them were claw wounds—the proof left on him before the souls died.

At this time, his eyes were almost red, as if he had lost his mind with anger, and a silver blade was cut straight towards the top of Su Ming'an's head—

Su Mingan felt an extremely piercing pain in front of him.

The silvery brilliance lit up in front of his eyes, and there was a stinging pain from the cold wind of the blade in front of him.

This knife is too dazzling and too sharp, as if condensing the spirit of the opponent.

Ellas is desperate to cut at him, preferring not to run, to put his life on the line, but also to cut this last knife.

The cold wind blew across Su Ming'an's face, he took a slight step back, and the pain with a slight weight suddenly touched his forehead—


A loud bang.

Thin scars congealed on his forehead, like a blood-red hole.

...but the pain didn't go any further.

Not far away, where light and shadow meet, Shadow is standing at the door.

He was wearing a pure black mask, the space twisted around him, and the mana bar had been completely emptied.

Yingyuan released a space shock that exhausted all mana, forcing Ellas to stop the knife.

【HP-1080! (weaken!)】

The blood-red numbers jumped up on his head, and Ellas's always gentle expression became almost hideous.

Despair gradually filled his eyes, and he looked at Su Ming'an as if he were looking at his father's enemy.

The next moment, Sevia and Archerev followed in an instant, the electric light pressed against his back, and the cane slammed into his back.

The smooth porcelain stone in the hall is flowing with bright red blood.

Ellas fell to the ground.

The veins on the back of his hands were exposed, and he still held his knife tightly.

There were some slight nicks on the knife, and the surface of the knife was covered with a layer of bright silver light, which was a bit dazzling in reflection.

Su Ming'an narrowed his eyes and took another half step back.

"Su Rin-"

He heard the other party's roaring voice.

The always stable and shrewd soul hunter leader let out a hoarse roar on the ground like a trapped beast.

He seemed extremely angry.

Su Ming'an didn't know why Ellas was suddenly so angry, but he would not give him another chance.

He took the blood bottle, drank half of it, then opened the clothes and poured it on his stomach.

There was a bullet penetration wound there, which was extremely serious. If it wasn't for Ming's good physique, he would be lying on the ground now.

Even so, a distorted pain was raging inside the body, and even the effect of automatic blood recovery stopped.

The wound healed extremely slowly with the help of the blood bottle. He pulled down his clothes and frowned slightly as he looked at Ellas who was still calling his name on the ground.

"I hear you," he said.

Ellas' roar paused for a moment.

Then, a strong sadness that others could feel, appeared on his face.

"...Su Rin." His roar stopped, and there was only a final sound in the hall.

"I heard." Su Mingan said.

"...For sixty years, it's always been you." Ellas looked at him.

"It's always been me." Su Mingan said.

Aside, Archerev has moved.

His hands were still stained with blood, and his steps were a little weak, and he was approaching Ellas step by step.

"I once regarded you as my belief in becoming a soul hunter." Ellas stared at Su Ming'an: "Unexpectedly, you will hate the faction so much."

Su Ming'an: "I don't."

He is not dissatisfied with this situation, and said that these are just for the progress of the strategy.

"Su Rin, the battle of Praia is never a black-and-white battle... I understand that." Ellas: "But it needs to be, so I let it be. Whether it is killed by the soul clan ...killed by the enemy...or killed by an alien invader.

"Whoever wins this meaningless victory in the end. Hatred is Praia's food, struggle is Praia's soul - and we need that.

"Whether it's reasonable or not, whether or not someone will be hurt by it.

"In the end, only the individual is injured, and the entire Playa will continue."

"So no one has ever done anything wrong." Su Ming'an said.

"If you really want to have it." Ellas looked at him: "It's you who tried to change the situation - Su Rin, although I don't know how you came down from Yunshang City, but you shouldn't come back - Praia no I need you again."

Su Mingan laughed.

...no need for Su Rin, is it the best for Praia to maintain this stalemate?

Su Rin's return must have his purpose.

"Elras, with a soul-hunting leader like you who is so smart, trying to 'teaching' at the expense of others' lives, your people will never have the courage to follow.

Even if your plan is successful and Garde dies, I won't listen to you - let alone Sheludd, who is one step ahead of the tide, your so-called 'reasonable' is actually quite a failure.

There's no need to shake me with this statement, you lack the courage to break things. "

Listening to his words, Ellas was silent for a moment.

When he spoke again, his voice seemed a bit sluggish:

"...So where do I come from this courage to break the deadlock? From more sacrificed soul hunters, innocent children, or those corpses that have lost their souls?"

Aside, Archerev walked to Ellas.

He squatted down, and the blood from his heart floated up in his hands, glowing with a layer of radiance.

"From me." Su Ming'an said:

"It came from Su Rin, who was in control of the situation."

He wanted to try to shake the other party by chatting, so that the resource points needed for confusion were reduced.

However, Ellas didn't seem to be shaken in the slightest.

He couldn't shake a rather determined soul hunter.

“…I stir up fights, I create hatred, I issue missions against each other to awaken the blood that has been dormant for a long time,” Elrath said:

"I'm not sorry or sad about it because that's my job.

"Friendship is forbidden, friendship is forbidden, intermarriage is forbidden... There is no emotion or fluke between the two races, because this is an absolute contradiction in the food chain.

"Humans don't have feelings for pigs and dogs. Although this analogy is too self-deprecating, the same is true for souls.

"There can never be coexistence between the two races. Even if there is a rescue hero from Praia returning, it will be the same.

"Because people are not purely rational animals. Anyone can be condemned for their emotional bias.

"Su Rin, you controlled the soul clan and sneaked into the soul hunting camp to transform me, I know what you want to do.

"...but you can never do it.

"You can't break this situation. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

He paused for a moment.

Archerev's blood floated before his eyes.

At the moment when it was about to float to his lips, the corners of Elrath's mouth overflowed with bright red blood.

"...because only struggle and death can restore our dignity."

He said.

The look in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his voice became subtle.

Archerev withdrew his hand:

"...He committed suicide."

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