Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 304: "Let's try?"

Facing the flickering sword and the corpse of the deputy captain on the ground, Elena nodded again, not daring to let out the air.

Su Mingan retracted his sword and walked towards the side of the ship.

The crew watched the scene in shock.

They never imagined that the status of hunter and prey would be reversed.

This young man looked inexplicably harmless, did not wear the Soul Hunting Medal, and was even lying in a lifeboat. Anyone would think that this was an extremely cost-effective robbery, and there would be no danger at all.

... Who knows that this is attracting a tiger wolf.

Su Mingan saw a chair on the side of the boat, he sat down and closed his eyes.

The sun shone on him, drying his damp clothes.

After the Att blew up, he really couldn't find a chance to save it.

The ship's self-destruction program was started when Austin found out that he was a soul clan, so it meant that his last save point had passed the time for the program to start.

The Att was doomed to sink, unavoidable.

But fortunately, the interests of this ship have also been swept away by him, and there are no more clues. The only useful thing, the Stone of Att, was also taken away by him.

It's just that those special crew members died, which is a pity. However, after reaching the sea city, he could not drive them, and it was not a loss.

...It's just a group of players who stayed on the boat scolding motherfuckers.

They didn't understand until they died, how this pearl of the sea, which was reputed to be unsinkable, fell.

At the last moment when the ship sank, Su Ming'an had a good insight into human nature.

Because the location of the last hidden lifeboat, only he who has mastered the entire map of the Att will know. These people, who thought they had no room for survival, screamed, roared, and cried. They ran to the deck and to the roof, thinking that they could avoid death, but they could only be buried in the sea with the ship.

Although the lifeboat was gone, there was still a swimming ring.

Even though the chances of surviving in swimming circles are slim, people still scramble for these swimming circles like mad dogs, pulling out knives and stabbing each other for this. Father and son cannibalism, moral kidnapping... All kinds of human beings look extremely cruel for a while.

But he couldn't save him alone.

He didn't even have time to save Ming.

The moment he boarded the lifeboat, the big waves sank it, and it was still the straps tied to the lifeboat, so that he would not be pulled away by the waves, and the lifeboat floated up.

In front of nature, people seem extremely insignificant, even the first player is no exception.

He also doesn't know whether he can be strong enough to have the opportunity to face the natural disaster after experiencing the dungeon.

But one thing is true.

that is,

this copy.

... it really is hell.

Even if the player takes the Yat, it doesn't give people a chance to control the ship, and they have to blow themselves up and make the player disgusting.

But fortunately, it doesn't seem to push people to the Jedi.

After Su Ming'an boarded the lifeboat, it showed him the direction to the sea city, allowing him to arrive safely.

And with a stone of Att and a letter of proof from Soul Hunter, he already has an unparalleled advantage.

Whether it is the Soul Hunting Medal or the Soul Clan Heart, it can be exchanged for Faction Contribution Points.

According to Lu Shu and the others, the Soul Hunters of the Sea City are not strong, and they have not seen the existence of S Rank.

The amount of contribution value he currently holds will not be less than any other player.

Now it's all about who you are...

He was sitting in a chair thinking, and suddenly saw a stack of fruits brought over.

Elena, who smiled brightly, carefully held him a stack of fruits, as if showing her hospitality.

This female pirate is also able to bend and stretch, even if her deputy captain was slashed with a sword, it still looks like nothing has happened, and she can even offer him the only fruit resources on board.

"Fresh fruit." Elena smiled flatteringly: "You must have eaten nothing on the lifeboat, come and eat some fruit, we also have good Lent wine here..."

Su Mingan glanced at the fruit plate. There are fruit slices similar to apples and pears in it, and the watery slices look shiny and attractive in the sun.

On the ground aside, the silent crew cleaned the **** floor and put away the head of the deputy captain Carol.

The scene looked ridiculous.

"You eat." Su Mingan said lightly.

Elena's smile froze.

"How can I, this is the best fruit, we prepared for the most honorable guests..." She forced a smile.

With a "swoosh", the blade touched her neck.

Cold sweat fell from Elena's forehead.

She still didn't see how the other party drew the sword.

This is too fast.

"Either, just eat this plate of fruit." Su Ming'an said, "Or, I'll cut your head and put it in for you."

When his words came out, the barrage was terrified.

【I rely on. 】

【? ? 】

[Brother Ming An has learned badly? ? 】

[These words actually came out of Brother Ming An's mouth? I'm not surprised that it was Lu Shu who said it, but what Brother Ming An said is too fierce...]

[The Tree Treasure Hobby Association expresses its strong condemnation. 】

[I have always seen the first player speak softly and amiably to the npc (?), and this is the first time I have seen him so threatening]

[These pirates are not good people, right... I just heard them say they want to kill people and eat meat, and the female pirate even more, her eyes are terrifyingly cold. Think about how Su Mingan would have fallen if he were not the number one player, but a weaker player...]

[So we can only see the well-behaved NPCs, because the ill-behaved NPCs are gone (dog head.jpg)]


Elena showed some despair.

Under Su Ming'an's gaze, she ate the fruit on the plate one bite at a time.

After a while, she fell directly to the ground, like a beach of soft mud. Clearly there is a drug in this enticing-looking fruit bowl.

Su Ming'an was too lazy to pay attention to the tricks of this group of people.

He can't drive this kind of boat, even if he understands the driving skills of the Att. The way to drive the Att is much simpler than this kind of boat. This boat must be driven by this group of people.

Although it is not impossible to sit in a lifeboat, the speed of the lifeboat is too slow. If you really strolled around so slowly, the perfect customs clearance would have been robbed long ago.

This is a pirate's fast ship, faster than ordinary merchant ships, suitable for rushing.

He looked out at the sea, and vaguely saw the shadow floating in the sky getting closer.

If it was the first time he looked at the city in the cloud at a 30-degree angle to the horizontal, it would be almost above his head now, and it should be very close to the city on the sea.

Su Mingan raised his head and asked a young man with low eyebrows who was cleaning the body.

"How long will it be?"

"About two o'clock." The young man responded, not daring to look at him at all.

two hours.

Su Mingan glanced at the system time. It was nine o'clock in the morning. It should be noon when he arrived at the sea city. Noon on the third day of the opening of the dungeon.

He floated in the lifeboat all night before he found such a boat.

Before, Elena and the others looked at the sea, trying to find a fat sheep with a boat. As everyone knows, Su Mingan is also looking for them. It can only be said that the two are destined. Unfortunately, Elena's pirate ship was met by Su Ming'an.

And remembering the eyes that Elena and others looked at him at first, Su Mingan also realized the horror of the superposition of his charm S+ attribute and the identity of the person in power.

Originally, the charm of A-level was not very obvious, and once it jumped to S+, charm seemed to become a permanent passive skill. He often saw some NPCs staring at him blankly, and their attitudes became very friendly.

Even a pirate like Elena only wanted to take him to the sea city to sell at a high price, and even stay by his side as a male pet, instead of killing him or becoming a slave immediately.

He didn't doubt that if Su Rin looked bad, or the player possessing him was Charm E, Elena would throw him directly into the slave cabin.

Charisma S+ should become increasingly useful in some scenarios.

Helps him negotiate with some difficult NPCs.

He drank the free boiled water he brought, and felt a little relaxed looking at the scenery of the sea.

The crew took a direct detour to him, not even breathing.

They ignored the captain on the ground, as if they were afraid of offending him.

After a while, it seems that the effect of the anesthetic has receded, and Elena on the ground began to speak:

"Hey, I said..."

Su Mingan glanced at her and continued to drink water.

"Boy, are the nobles of other empires as good-looking as you?" Elena opened her mouth and came.

Su Mingan ignored her.

"...It seems that his eyes are so clear, like a young man who has not grown up, but he does things so ruthlessly." Elena muttered: "Blind this face for nothing."

Su Ming'an still ignored it.

If what he did just now was considered ruthless, that Elena who slapped the crew's heads off with a slap would be a devil.

Maybe it's related to life experience, causing this group of people to be ruthless, but they are really not good things.

"Hey, are you an aristocrat?"

Elena slumped on the ground for a moment before speaking again.

"Aristocrats are not all idlers, raising flowers and playing birds." Elena said: "How can there be a guy like you who can use swords well. You are like a freak among the nobles."

"What happened to your boat? How did it fall into a lifeboat and the boat overturned?" Seeing that Su Ming'an had been silent, Elena kept talking, and it seemed that she was indeed very interested in him.

"The boat overturned... Then you shouldn't be able to go back." She kept saying:

"It is estimated that you can only go to the sea city to seek life like me. But your skills... it is not bad to sign up for a soul hunter. I heard that the conditions for recruiting soul hunters there are not strict, and I can go there. "

"Well, but I don't want to go. After finally regaining my freedom, I naturally have to fight the sea. Whoever goes to work hard and fight to death with that terrifying race."

"...You should have a good family before. Looking at your clothes, you look like high-end goods, like a fat sheep."

"By the way, do you know how to arrange flowers to make tea? I heard that noble families teach this. Although I don't know how useful these skills are, these skills are not as useful as my mother's sailing, and we can't survive at all..."


"Hey, talk to me."

"It's hard to find someone with a wink, but it's actually a freak, and he took up the old lady's boat... It's really bad luck."

Su Mingan drank the water in his hand.

Drinking and drinking, he suddenly heard such a sentence from the noisy woman underground.

"Hey, kid."

"Be my man." Elena said suddenly: "I like you very much, let's try it?"

Su Mingan choked.

He put the water glass aside.

"I have long heard that Praia folk customs are open," he said.

As early as in the team chat channel, he saw that Lu Shu and others had been harassed by more than a few locals.

Some want to pull them into the flower shop, some propose marriage directly when they come up, and some even pull people away when they reach out. All kinds of daring acts of showing love make them hard to guard against. This group of natives is like a group of creatures that live and die, trying their best to court during the day, as if the sun can't be seen after night.

"What's the shame in pursuing the person you like wantonly and boldly, in this precarious world?" Elena snorted: "This is my mother's ship, and the crew members are all bought by my mother, what my mother likes to do, just do it. What. You came to my ship, that's my person, I'll pursue it, what's wrong?"

"I chopped your mouth off again." Su Ming'an said.

This pirate didn't seem to take her status seriously, even at this moment, his mouth was still so hard.

"Enough." Elena grinned, barely showing her thumb: "I like you."

Su Mingan ignored her.

He got up from his chair and looked out to the sea.

It seems that there are many large and small shadows traveling on the sea.

After a while, he confirmed that it was the same boat as them.

Medium merchant ships, large cargo ships, small passenger ships, and even airships, jet skis…

All kinds of water transportation equipment, traveling on the sea, lined up in a row to enter the port.

He saw a piece of land.

The city in the cloud, which was already close to the head, is now completely covered by the head.

The sun shines through the shadows of the city in the cloud, and the sea appears sparkling.

Su Ming'an ordered people to lower the gray flag, so as not to be mistaken for a pirate ship.

Amid the muffled cheers of the crew ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the small fast ship slowly entered the port.

Praia's water transportation does not seem to be particularly strict, and there is no special person to check her identity. Elena, who barely escaped the control of the anesthetic, showed a boat certificate to the uniformed personnel standing in the water pavilion, and was released, and the boat was searched. no one.

Clippers traverse the large waterway, passing various ships parked on either side.

Breathing in the fresh air of Praia, Su Ming'an saw people in bright clothes, carrying pottery pots, fruits, and all kinds of salted fish, walking through the alleys extending in all directions on the land.

Splashes swept the boats, and hard-working people were starching their laundry.

Blood flowed out from the clothes, and the body covered in white cloth was dragged away by people laughing and talking.

Praia is the city of water.

Water is the soul of Praia.

At noon on the third day of the opening of the dungeon, Su Mingan arrived at this beautiful city that was exceptionally fresh and clean during the day.

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