Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 271: · "Heart for the first player!"

If it is said that the flow of people just now was the surging waves in the sea, hurried past his eyes.

So what he feels now is like seeing the Milky Way hanging down from the Nine Heavens.

Not only chaotic, crowded.

...and the noise hurts the eardrums.

"—Damn it, I heard it right!"


"God Noel just shouted...Su Ming'an?"

"It's not the same name, it's definitely—"

"Quick! Minasang, quickly search the people around you, quickly arrest them, and send a photo of them—"

The people around them all turned their eyes to the left and right like searchlights, looking for suspicious candidates around them.

And a man with a cloak and a faceless face is particularly obvious in the faceless crowd.

It turned out to be only a little obvious, but now when Noel shouted, it was like hitting all the spotlights on him, and he felt like a light bulb for a moment.

It's like being in a star chasing scene in an instant.

One after another line of sight, frozen in an instant, he met countless eyes that seemed to glow.

Although he probably knew that if he exposed his identity in such a place, he would inevitably usher in the same effect as falling into a lake with piranhas, but when this scene really appeared...


Beside her, the girl with the card issued another scream that penetrated her eardrums.

...you have so many husbands!

Her figure suddenly rushed over like a bear, and at the same time, a sudden boiling scream sounded.

"I rely on—that's right!"

"I took a screenshot, I took a screenshot, and putting it on the forum will definitely add a bunch of points!"

"Tear off clothes, I must keep at least one piece of clothes—"

At first, hearing these screams, Su Ming'an didn't feel any sense of crisis.

It wasn't until he felt like there were countless piranhas preparing to devour him that he realized something was wrong.

The cloak was exerted from all directions, and the fabric let out an overwhelmed groan, as if it might crack in the next instant.

"—Sect Master! Lighthouse Sect Master, please say something! Su Ming'an, please say something!" An old 2D Yuan wearing glasses roared.

"It's true, it's true, it's the one on the screen! Ah, ah, I see it alive-"

"—Dedicate your heart to the first player!!" Such a voice came out of nowhere, and then, many people started to shout.

"Offer your heart!"

"I will always like Su Ming'an!"

"Don't shout, don't shout, you'll frighten the child."

"Player number one, you have to give ~ some ~ energy!"

"Let's unite! Fuck the Boss Rabbit! Fuck Edward!"

The voices in my ears were getting louder and louder.

Su Ming'an obviously felt that his standing position was getting smaller and smaller, and it seemed that countless people were coming towards him.

In the face of over-enthusiastic crowds whose attitudes could even be called "presumptuous", he was a little dazed.

...He remembered his experiences after the end of the First World.

He remembered that at that time, the crowd was far from as crazy as it is now, and many people stopped by.

At that time, when they saw him raising his sword and approaching the fountain, most people didn't get close. They just kept watching, screaming, and taking screenshots from a short distance away.

but now……

This group of people is like a group of piranhas. Their words and actions are full of aggressiveness. They are like brain-burning fans whose brains have been scalded. They can't wait to jump up and hug him and tear off a piece of clothing. They feel satisfied.

Seeing that the girl was about to pounce on her, Su Ming'an instantly took out his sword, and the Sword of Yarman appeared in his hand with a scabbard.

The world of the Lord God does not allow direct attacks. This sword will not cause damage, but a small amount of pain and knockback effects will not be less. The girl instantly became a rolling gourd and smashed into the leg of the person behind, like rolling a bowling ball, and a bunch of people fell down where she hit.

Su Ming Anqie is in the Ming mode, and when the 66-point power with professional bonus comes out, this blow is like overwhelming. He held the hilt of the sword, his body was pulled and driven by the system action, his body rotated, the sword light flashed in the scabbard, and the crazy people around him instantly fell in a ring.


More than a dozen pieces of black cloth fell to the ground, and his body was torn to shreds. Su Mingan simply took off the cloak.

He originally thought that this group of people should calm down and see his hostility. Unexpectedly, those who fell instead screamed again.

"Sword of Yarman - it's the real sword of Yarman! It's completely different from the imitations in the cos store!"

"I've always liked the first player—"

"It turned out to be the feeling of being cut off. It's a pity that it doesn't hurt much. It would be great if it was in the game copy..."

"A real person, a real person—Ming An, mother loves you—"

The card-issuing girl scored three times and almost stepped on the others and rushed over.

Su Mingan lowered his eyelids.

At this time, he saw a lot of people.

A girl with a hairpin, a handsome young man in casual clothes, a sturdy man in a white undershirt, a fashionable girl in a pink dress... children, young people, middle-aged people, middle-aged people... The eyes they look over at this time are a pair of pairs, Like a flame, the fiery temperature almost engulfed him.

They were infected with extreme excitement and willingly mixed in with the crowd.

He stood in the crowd, holding his sword, watching them stand up again, watching the crowd coming in like a tide behind him.

This scene is completely different at the end of the first world. As if the air was ignited by fire, all he could smell was the smell of gunpowder coming from all directions.

He sighed, and the space shifted.

The place where Noel is located is extremely high, and he moved twice in a row before stepping on the black crow's back.

He still got out of the crowd and went to the sky.

"—Why did you run away, I rely on..."

"Take pictures, take pictures, I looked at the forum and someone has already taken the lead..."

"Ming An! You must go on, don't care what other people say nonsense, mother will always love you-"

There were screams one after another from below. There were men and women, old and young. Su Mingan instantly remembered his speech at the opening of the World Game. At that time, those who were watching him also had a dazed and endless line of sight.

Noel sat aside, holding his cheeks, looking at him, with a round block in his hand.

After seeing him come up, Noel laughed and patted the black crow on the back, and the black crow started to fly.

The violent wind blew across Su Ming'an's cheeks. He quickly grabbed the bird feathers below and barely sat on the black crow's back. There were regretful voices from below, and some people began to scramble for the black rags on the ground.

That scene was like a piranha gnawing at flesh and blood. The figure of the person was the surging water, and the black cloth was the flesh and blood left behind.

The world chat has exploded at this time, and many people are coming to "visit the Holy Land", and the space teleportation array constantly displays the transmitted white light.

Su Mingan turned his head to the side and stopped watching this scene.

"How do you feel?" Noel asked him with a smile.

"not too good."

"Not so good? Those are the people who love you."

Su Mingan sighed and said nothing.

"Strange." Noel said: "I thought you would be very happy to see this scene. Those touts at the World Forum, those words... I feel my scalp tingling when I see it. If those people treat me, they are just idols. , the pursuit of stars, to you... I feel that it is already like a belief in a god."


"not happy?"

"It's really not a good experience to watch one's very ordinary things being embellished by others and made into a video that is praised by others, and then watching those audiences resonate with emotions and intoxicate themselves." Su Mingan said.

Noel: "I heard someone has formed a church about you."

Su Mingan shook his head.

"People's so-called belief is an equivalent exchange. When the believers cannot meet their requirements, the balance of this equivalent exchange covered with a layer of belief will tilt, and people will emerge to be deceived and betrayed. Anger is like a failed deal. They will turn this anger into harm to the other party, whether it's demolishing temples, destroying statues, persecuting other believers, promoting anti-god rhetoric... or taking action on the gods themselves. These are very important It's normal. Because people are used to harvesting, once they don't get paid, they are prone to psychological imbalance." He said: "So, I would prefer that their love for me is maintained to a level that is not excessive."

"What they want is the unity of interests - they can accept your ascension to the gods, but not your out of control, and some people can be their gods, but they have to put on their shackles." Noel said.

Su Mingan listened and laughed.

"God, am I worthy too?"

He looked down at the back of his hand.

The two curved lines, holding the water drop pattern surrounded by the middle one, are like a half-open flower.

And the new stripe, representing the fifth perfect clearance, formed a straight line along the rhizome of the flower, extending from the center of the back of his hand to the top of his wrist.

This is the new change on the back of the hand at the end of the system announcement.

He saw the scene below.

With the flight of the black crow, the crowd below is also surging, it seems that they have to be like them to the end. However, soon, he saw a series of strange buildings - it turned out to be a long series of city walls.

"Where is this going?"

"New World Station, I deliberately spent a few points to surround the station with a city wall to prevent someone from rushing in and blasting it." Nuoer smiled.

Su Mingan glanced at the city wall that was glittering in the sky: "It should take a lot of points."

"Well, yes, in order to completely build the New World Guild, I spent nearly a quarter of my points on it."

"Compared to you, I'm more like a hands-off shopkeeper."

Su Ming'an had forgotten how long it had been since he had seen his own guild.

He sometimes even suspects that he has been dismissed from his position unknowingly, but when he opens the interface, the information on it is still good.

【Guild Name: Lighthouse】

[Guild Rank: Gold (Guild World Ranking: 1/249807) (assessed according to the comprehensive strength of members)]

【Number: 39809/40000】

[Management: (President) Su Mingan

(Vice President) Aini, Mizushima Kawasora

(Minister) Hubert, Avril, Alauddin, Kadi, Burris...]

[Average combat power of the guild (excluding casual players): 598]

[Deputy level for casual players: Level 4]

[Guild resident:

Trading Department (2/2), Minister: Kim Min-ho

Ministry of Finance (3/3), Ministers: Bra, Nata, Nickloo

Administration (1/1), Minister: Great

Resource Area (3/3), Minister: Cole

Military Zone (3/3), Minister: Liu Jiahe

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1/1), Minister: Marjorie

Ministry of Information (1/1), Minister: Hubert


【Personnel information:……】

[Resource distribution: (coordinates), (coordinates)...]

[Guild alliances: Kunpeng Chamber of Commerce, Alliance Watch Group, Dragon Country Yangtze River System, Ancient Wu Family, New World Guild, World Tree Guild...]


Su Mingan just glanced at it, and saw a lot of things he couldn't understand, as well as a series of familiar names.

Although the guild has no substantive role, it is a platform for players to communicate and cooperate, and many sub-professional players rely on it to survive.

Over time, many departments have also been established to maintain the order of players in the world of the Lord God.

As early as when he became the president, he knew that he had no time to manage these things, just a name. As long as he has his name, this is the best promotion point. Sure enough, even if he did nothing, look at this. The situation guild is also functioning well.

"You're right not to manage." Noel said, "I need to manage...just because I have a group of trustworthy and capable friends behind me. Your goals should be more long-term, and these people's own joint struggle... It shouldn't affect you."

Su Ming'an faced the wind and listened to Noel's words, and saw the black crow gradually drive into the New World Guild's residence.

At the start of the world game, there is a problem with energy.

The oil, electricity, coal, and gas that were originally on Zhai Xing were not brought. Due to the lack of resources and the shortage of experimental equipment, people have no way to produce some new energy. Now people use the same energy as electricity, which is supplied by something called resource stone.

Among them, the production of the car was successful. It can be powered by resource stones. Although the energy consumption is far greater than the normal situation, it can barely be started.

But the production of aircraft has created a hindrance.

Perhaps due to the influence of certain rules, this large-scale transportation device cannot be activated by resource stones. Even barely moving cars require a lot of energy.

So now it's more people riding bicycles on the streets. And the car is basically not seen in other places except the service area controlled by the large organization. Even the United Group, when they held the Human Self-Saving Conference, held a small meeting to support the scene.

Humans seem to have been beaten back to the last century at once.

Instead of cars and planes, there are all kinds of strange pets. Many people who are good at horseback riding can show their skills, and sometimes you can see horses galloping on the streets.

And those figures who are riding giant dogs and unicorns~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are big guys. At this stage, very few people own a riding pet, let alone a flying pet.

Su Ming'an was still thinking, when he watched a panel being turned in front of him.

"The seventh world information." Noel said: "Look at it."

Su Ming'an's eyes froze slightly.


【Seventh World·Sea Feast】

[World type: Open world with specific coordinates, large copy world with 10,000 people. 】

[Key props: none]

【Key points of customs clearance: open type】

[World elements: ideal, ethnic group, righteousness, survival, death, divinity, purification, sleep, shackles of the world]

[“The old, the past, it can be reshaped by struggle.”

"—In the cycle of this world, death will restore our dignity."]

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