Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 162: ·"Sing before my grave" (Thanks to Dancing the Rain, Orange Wind, Not

[NPC (Chenyang), favorability: 60+5+5+5…]

[NPC (Chenyang), favorability: 100]

[Current favorability rating: Together through thick and thin]

[Note: The current favorability has reached (friendship line highest)]

[Note: The highest favorability has advantages and disadvantages, please proceed with caution. 】


Su Mingan was quite surprised.

He originally thought that Hui Shuhang's basic favorability score was 50, and Shengqi's basic favorability score was 95.

As a result, this commander who seems to be in a high position in the revolutionary army and speaks very rudely has a basic favorability level of 60...

Higher than Hui Shuhang at the beginning?

Obviously the two sides are opposite camps, and they are both in high positions, but this favorability is so outrageous.

He suddenly heard the system prompt:

[Identity information has been automatically supplemented. 】

[Get admiration and new identity readme:

"On the day when I was ten years old, when I learned that His Majesty wanted to push me to the altar, I felt that I couldn't sit still."

"He seemed to be too confident and looked down on me too much. He agreed to all my requests, provided me with all the experimental materials I needed, and even when I said that I would recruit students and open a lecture hall, he also promised me - what a Stupid, I don't know how he sat in that top position for so long."

"I was cruising around and took the opportunity to contact a lot of people from the revolutionary army, taking them as students. I introduced some people into the laboratory and secretly told them about the next steps of the talent awakening experiment."

"In addition to my blood, they can conduct subsequent experiments independently. After I die, they can also use my dead body to complete the entire experiment."

"Chen Yang, the great commander of the revolutionary army, is a good person. Although he has an awkward temperament, he studies very seriously."

"Although he always said that I was a soldier and wanted to assassinate me, but I could see that he was just a mouthful. In fact, he revered me too much. Don't think I didn't know that he often prayed for me."

"After my death, I hope, he will be the one who will spread the results of the experiment across the continent."

"I'll go to sleep, maybe never wake up again, but my name will be remembered by all - I want all to remember, I'm their hope."]

[Integrity of identity information: 80%]


[You have activated the special status · Continental Master. 】

[Mainland Saint Teacher: As a lecturer who opened a lecture hall in troubled times, taught him to improve his natural abilities, and spread hope, you are respected by both camps. Having mastered the core information of the Innate Awakening Revolution, you can teach the methods in your hands to everyone you want to spread. 】


After Su Mingan read the long list of system prompts, all the clues began to gradually connect.

Sure enough, he guessed right, Qin Wang is an existence that can be scrambled for wherever he goes.

His mood was a bit complicated, because this self-report did make him feel a little uneasy.

This admiration, this guy who died before he opened his eyes... arrogant, conceited, fond of fame, like a child who has not grown up, has always claimed that everyone should remember him.

But everything he did was born for dedication.

He wanted people to thank him, but after he closed his eyes. He wants people to remember him, but only for a name behind him.

He wants someone to sing for him, but a eulogy for him. He wanted people to kneel, but he knelt before his tomb.

All his requests came after his death, and all his gratitude was for his death.

He was born ready to die, and when he walked towards the road destined to end, he only had the land under the tombstone in his eyes, as if he had slept in peace from the moment he opened his eyes.

But before closing his eyes, he wanted to leave his mark.

Short and dazzling, he was like a flash in the pan for 18 years, all in order to change the situation of the entire continent.

Living is the disaster of the world, but after death is the hope of all.

This is a person who is unwilling to bow his head to fate, and keeps chattering for affirmation, selfish and great, so much that he burns himself ardently and crazy.

[He seeks light in the embers he burns. 】

Su Mingan turned off the system interface, he seemed to understand why he would take over the role of Qin Wang in this world.

……A bit like.

But only a little bit.

Admiration for him, born with endless wisdom, born a great man. And he is still a long way from such a great existence.

Admiration is much greater than him.

Su Mingan raised his head and looked at Chen Yang, who had suddenly quieted down.

The grand commander was originally aggressive, with a posture of "Do you want to go by yourself or should I ask you to go?".

I didn't expect that under the skills of those in power, I would disappear for a while, and I pulled it like this.

The Great Commander stood in place, the energy in his body gradually calmed down, his lips were rubbed, and then his eyes gradually calmed down.

"The commander, that's him! He is the one who is in the army!" The player next to him was still shouting. He seemed very excited. His hand was shaking when he pointed at Su Ming'an. He knew that he was under the eyes of hundreds of millions of people.

"Yes, that's absolutely true! I saw him under the protection of an army of several hundred people before, and he was accompanied by a little noble girl..." Other players also echoed.

"I know." Chen Yang said.

"By the way... It looks like you know him too..." The player was immediately ecstatic when he got the feedback.

"He's my teacher."

The air seemed to quiet down all of a sudden.

The player's smile was still frozen on his face, his hands were hanging in the air, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Finally, it was Su Ming'an's light laughter that broke the silence.

"Are you going to take me back now?" he asked.

"..." Chen Yang's coercion had completely disappeared, he looked at Su Ming'an, even though his favorability was clearly "stood through thick and thin", his tone still carried a sarcastic tone: "You have been sincere. The army ran out and got rid of that girl, isn't it just to find us?"

"Indeed." Su Mingan nodded.

"I said it long ago... That guy Sheng Qi is unreliable, he wanted to kill you for a long time, but you are unwilling to go with us, staying in your laboratory and waiting for him to kill..." Chen Yang's eyes The knife-like sharpness seemed to be laughing at Su Ming'an's previous behavior: "There are still four days before the adult ceremony, and it's still too late. Since you are here now, I will definitely take you away, and I will not let you go back to die. "

"...I've always wondered why Shengqi didn't want to wait for a few more days. Even though the experiment was about to be completed, he insisted on letting me die on the day of the coming-of-age ceremony..." Su Mingan said, and suddenly saw those few A figure that the player seems to want to slip away.

Chen Yang also noticed the look in his eyes, the dark umbrella in his hand was a little bit, and the players were frozen in place as if they had been immobilized, unable to move.

He wanted to go a step further and kill all five of them, but Su Mingan raised his hand to stop him.

One of the leaders of the five looked at this scene and his eyes lit up.

"The first player, the first player!" This thin and tall young man had an Asian face, and he was very close to begging for mercy at this time, he couldn't move his body, but his eyes rolled: "You won't Kill us, right? We are all high-end players with 500 or 600 combat power. We can rank in the top tens of thousands in the world, and we have a lot of points. If you kill us, all our points will be emptied! "

"Yeah, the first player." A little girl next to him immediately said: "And our strength will be cleared when we die... Everything before will be in vain, if you let us go, we can still earn points - everyone It's for all mankind, isn't it?"

Su Ming'an didn't laugh, but the barrage looked at it with a smile:

[Just now, I wanted to shout and kill, but now I can actually say it...]

[Old moral dog, this double standard is a bit sudden. 】

[How can I say it, this is too cheeky...]

["The one who is favored is fearless", maybe they think they are important? 】

[I think it makes sense. Killing them is a little bit of experience anyway, it's better to keep their points...]

[There are people who kill people in the non-competitive world. Do you encourage people not to kill people in the competitive world of this faction? What are you thinking? 】

[I don't think that not killing them is "for the sake of all mankind". This kind of existence for the first player is better, and the points do not need this group of people to win. 】

[Um... We don't have the right to say these things with zero value, I'm still paralyzed in the bookstore watching the live broadcast...]


The barrage can be seen clearly, and Su Mingan is too lazy to lecture this group of people.

His words are only spoken to those whom he considers valuable.

Not everyone can be as worthy of his persuasion as Mizushima Chuanqing.

Like this kind of idiot who appeared in front of him again and again, grandstanding, and vainly trying to replace him, all he can do is to let them understand their own [positioning].

He didn't even want to say a word, he directly pulled out the dagger he was wearing, and cut their throats one by one while the other party couldn't move.

Due to the cuts one by one, his movements were not fast, allowing the people in the back to have time to react.

After seeing their companions suddenly bleeding from their throats and dying so tragically in front of hundreds of millions of people, those in the back were frightened.

"You—what kind of player are you!" The little girl in the fifth row suddenly screamed. When she was excited, the freckles on her face were like wiggling black bugs: " There is no tolerance at all, and he is so cruel to his fellow human beings, Noel on the second list is better than you, he has never killed his kind--"

Her voice was hoarse and shrill, with a strong sense of despair, like the wailing of a witch tied to the execution rack before she died.

"And, and we also helped you, you are the first player, so you can't see that everyone is from the Dragon Country..."


The blood from the throat of the person next to her splattered into the sky, and the blood of the stars brushed on her face. She opened her eyes, and her body trembled involuntarily, only to see a **** piece sliding down from the corner of her eye, with a trace of blood. A strong smell of blood.

"Sometimes, I wonder why it's always a group of guys like you who appear in front of me." Su Mingan shook off the blood on the dagger and approached the fourth person.

The fourth person was a tall black man. He was silent at this time, as if he had accepted the situation where the loser was the pirate. He didn't cry and beg for mercy like the first three.

"I thought there wouldn't be such a stupid person in the world." Su Ming'an raised his dagger: "Later, I found out that it was because I had never really stepped into this society - a group of people like you. Different people have allowed me, an ordinary student, to see the world beyond the ivory tower, and I am very grateful."

"You, what are you pretending to--" The little girl was frightened and angry, she couldn't understand why this person could pretend to be so beautiful and refined at any time, without violating the harmony at all.

"You're right, player number one." At this moment, the black man facing the dagger spoke, his voice was low, but firm: "...You are right, we made the wrong choice in this dungeon. Way to go."

"Smart." Su Ming'an said, but his hand cut his throat mercilessly.

After hearing the prompt of the increase in experience, he picked up the green-level equipment on the ground and walked towards the little girl.

"You, you... well, wait! Su Ming'an!" The little girl seemed to have held back her words for a long time. Seeing that he didn't hesitate at all, she immediately poured out the words: "I know you on Zhai Xing! "

Su Ming'an's movements paused slightly.

"—I used to be in the same high school as you! You were in class 13, and I was in class thirteen. I saw you when you were speaking under the flag. We also had physical education classes together, I didn't know you. Do you remember..." The little girl spoke in a hurry, as if she didn't have a chance to say it again: "I also borrowed your correction tape! Although I know you definitely don't remember, but..."

"but what?"

The little girl pursed her lips, facing the dagger in front of her that killed three companions in a row, her voice trembling.

She couldn't move, but when those eyes looked over, there was the desire of a dry person for water:

"...Please, let me go this time, just this time, please, I really don't want to be emptied of my strength... For the sake of our former alumni...

Teacher Zhu and they all praised you as a good student. I had a group chat with them before the world started, and they said that you used to be obedient and sensible. If the teachers are watching the live broadcast, I don't want you to be like this..."

Her eyes flickered, and tears burst out in an instant: "For the sake of the correction tape, please spare me this time, okay? My mother is also watching the live broadcast, and I don't want her to see me cut off. The look of her throat... she'll be heartbroken..."


Su Ming'an said, withdrew the dagger, and seemed to be rummaging through the backpack.

"Thank you, thank you..." The little girl immediately thanked her again and again, and the joy of the rest of her life surged up instantly.

She saw that the first player in front of her seemed to be wearing gloves, and then she saw the opponent's hand and slowly touched it.

There was a momentary fragmentation in her consciousness, and when she felt a warmth appear in her temple, she hadn't even reacted.

"Compared with other methods, this method is not painful. It is a very good way to die." Su Ming'an said, "Let's experience it."

The tips of his fingers appeared pitch black.

The little girl was slightly taken aback.

Then, the unparalleled pain stabbed in an instant, and a strong suffocation enveloped her.

Her eyes sank into the black sea for a moment, and when she was surrounded by severe pain, and her body felt a sense of weightlessness, she couldn't even feel it anymore, like a whale that fell into the deep sea.

She wanted to breathe, but couldn't even breathe. She wanted to open her eyes, but she could only feel layer after layer of dense fog burying her little by little.

Can't see anything, can't feel anything.

……so horrible.

...It's so terrifying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kind of helplessness and fear of death, she doesn't want to experience it again.

The other party has no sympathy at all, no empathy.

The first player is the devil... He is not as cold on the outside and hot on the inside as he said in the super talk, he is clearly cold.

She shouldn't be provoking him, not even appearing.

She thought desperately and lost consciousness.

Su Mingan retracted his annihilation, turned his head, and looked at the man in black who had been watching him calmly.

"Is Qin Wang really dead?" Chen Yang asked.

His tone was calm, but with a sense of disappointment.


[Zhengjun Line·Future Line·Perfect Clearance Process: 50%]

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