Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 157: · "Drag out"

Su Mingan successfully mastered the army.

With His Majesty's permission, he made a name for himself in the army of the regular army, and then he was able to watch a large amount of contribution value come in.

After the players who can see the channel chat report, it becomes a very simple matter to clear the revolutionary army.

[Kepel: Why do I feel a lot of hardship recently, and I have to change positions at every turn...]

[Dalle: It seems that our whereabouts have been leaked. Damn, who told you to always report points. 】

[Marlowe: It's very strange. There are real reports and false reports. Why does this **** regular army catch one? 】

[Laines: There must be players who occupy the high status of the main army commanding the army. Just a little bit of your true and false reporting points and the current situation will be known...]

[Deng Wenqing: Do you need to ask? If you look at the leaderboards, you can see who is commanding the army. 】

[He Quanqing: Whatever, anyway, I have already joined the army, and I can easily get some contribution points by running around with the army every day - the first player, always drop God! 】


Su Ming'an's daily routine has become to point the army in the direction, and then go to the laboratory to continue to preside over the experiment, and strive to make progress within ten days. In the evening, they wandered around the square, stalking the traitors who looked suspicious.

It has been a long time since the day when Mizushima Chuanharu was killed, and it is now the sixth day of the game.

His contribution value firmly occupies the first place in the ranking list, with a value of 16805, and the second place has opened a cliff-like gap with him, only 2085, which should be a member of the revolutionary army hiding in Tibet.

Su Ming'an has recently started planning to run away.

With his vigorous push, the experiment is nearing completion and can be guaranteed to end before the ceremony begins.

And the rise of his contribution points has also slowed down - because the players of the Revolutionary Army were either killed or defected, and after there were fewer people reporting to him, his contribution points rose more and more slowly.

Moreover, the crisis of life and death is imminent, and he must run away before the ceremony begins.

His original plan was to take the army of the regular army to destroy the revolutionary army first, and then join the revolutionary army against the water at the same time, and make contributions from both sides. If the final celebration ceremony can be destroyed, then the big wave of contribution value should be given to him. A good review.

He quickly passed the latest arrangements in his mind, and then knocked on the door of the main hall.

"...Are you going out?"

The silver-haired man on the second floor cast a glance at him.

"Yes, in the past few days, my work is almost finished." Su Ming'an said: "The experiment has almost been carried out, and it will be completely completed the day before the celebration ceremony. I want to... go out to relax."

Su Ming'an was confident.

In the previous test, he knew that His Majesty's initial favorability for him was as high as 95 points. Although he didn't know why when it reached 100 points, His Majesty would give him the next tattoo to make him feign death, but in the end he was only in a piece of Wake up on the ruins, not dead.

Your request will usually be granted by the other party.

"Go ahead."

He certainly got an affirmative answer.

"Let Hui Shuhang and the **** accompany you, pay attention to safety." His Majesty continued to look at him: "And, come back in time."

Su Mingan understood that his blood was needed to complete the experiment.

The blood of his evil dragon is an important medium for the experiment. If he wants to ensure the completion of the experiment, he must return before the ceremony.

But... at that time, whether he came back to give blood to people, or to **** the experimental results and kick over the altar, it is not certain.

His Majesty believed in him so much because he believed in admiration and hoped for the future. The original admiration was also prepared to die on the altar.

...but he is Su Mingan, not admiration.

The future of this continent has nothing to do with him, and he will not put himself on the altar in order to save [irrelevant] people.

"Okay." Su Ming'an said, and left the hall.


[Main Army Line·Future Line·Perfect Customs Clearance Process: 40%]

[Survival rate: increased by 12.58%]


When he returned to his bedroom and closed the door, it was like a disguised beast untied the shackles. His eyes became a little cold. When he turned out the small map that Fia gave him, his fingers gently touched the paper. Touch, and finally point to a point.

This is a distribution map of a square.

According to Fia, the square is called Qi, and it is located in the core area of ​​the capital of the army, which is the square that he can see when he opens the window. It is often used for major events such as sacrifices and prayers. It is one of the symbols of the army, and it is also an area that is scheduled to hold a coming-of-age ceremony for itself.

At that time, in the most important part, he will be on the high platform in the center of the square, accepting the blessing of the statue.

... If there is no accident, that is, in that link, I will die.

"Panel," he said.

The system interface appeared in front of him.


【Personal information】

Real name: Su Mingan

No.: BE3030

Level: Second and third

Honors: The first player in the novice level, the first player (coronation moment), two braces, three plum blossoms, second-order pioneer, peak competitive MVP

Occupation: White Judge (hidden)

Occupation: ruler

Equipment: Clover Bracelet (Green), Aurora Ring (Purple), Pendant of Dawn (Red), RemingtonRP9 (Green), Sword of Yarman (Blue), Leather Boots (Green), Mechanical Heart (Blue) ), Rose Hat (Hidden), Sophia Court Dress (Blue)


[(Purple Rank) Space lv.3, (Blue Rank) Destroyed lv.1, (Purple Rank) Eye of Supervision lv.1, (Professional Core Skill) Ming Ye Clone lv.8]

[Basic Marksmanship lv.2]

Health: 1640

Mana: 200 (recovery speed 5/min)

Stamina: 43

Strength: 40

Agility: 32

Spirit: 10

【Fighting Specialization lv.6】

【Knife Specialization lv.6】

【Swordsmanship Specialization lv.6】


His eyes fell on the skill [Eye of Supervision].

This was a skill he had only acquired after dying five times in the main **** space before.

Although he also encountered a lot of other offensive skills that made him excited, considering that his combat power was sufficient at this stage, he chose such a purple-level decrypting skill.

[(Purple) Eye of Supervision (evolvable): You can implant an Eye of Supervision at any location, and the Eye of Supervision can provide you with a 50m*50m field of vision for three days (the field of vision cannot go over obstacles). After the eye is implanted, it is automatically invisible and cannot be detected by non-same-level reconnaissance skills. Limited to three copies per copy. 】

[Note: After obtaining evolution, the Eye of Supervision can evolve into Portable Weakness Dialysis, which automatically discovers key clue points within the field of vision. 】


What Su Mingan cares about is the evolved "portability weakness dialysis". If he guesses correctly, it should be a skill similar to clue insight.

It was for this clue and insight that he chose this skill.

Of course, it could not be ruled out that it was because he died five times in a row that even Jasmine couldn't recover.

But the pre-evolved surveillance eye is also very useful, you can install a surveillance camera anytime, anywhere.

He had implanted an eye in the hall before, but he never noticed any movement from His Majesty. Three days were approaching, and the eye was useless.

He plans to use the remaining two eyes, when is the best time to use them...

"Dong dong."

There was a light knock on the door, he turned his head and saw a little loli in a gorgeous dress standing upright at the door, her hands folded in front of her belly, her short legs in red and white stockings were straight. .

"You want to relax, right?" Hui Shuhang asked gently: "The **** team is ready, and I have prepared your usual snacks for you, so you can go downstairs."

Su Ming'an suddenly felt that this little loli, who looked as young as a little flower, was now acting like a "mother" who had been caring and taking care of him.

...Although her mature demeanor looks out of tune with her young body, she's surprisingly cute.

Of course, it's just cute.

"According to your previous interest, I have already planned this relaxation itinerary for you. This relaxation itinerary lasts for two days, including me, a total of 500 regular guards will accompany you." Hui Shuhang said as he walked. , in an elegant tone, like reciting a gentle poem:

"On the first day, we went to the town of Kerry in the northeast, where there is a unique flavor of lime wine and roast meat. I remember you mentioned eight years ago that you liked it. Then, the nearby Kerry Forest, I remember you loved the lakes there when you were little, and we'd empty the good beasts ahead of time so you wouldn't be in any danger. Then..."

"How long has it been since I went out?" Su Mingan interrupted suddenly.

"Eight years. Remember you haven't been out since you became interested in research."

"...Not interested, but to hurry up."

"Yes." Hui Shuhang nodded slowly: "You seized every minute and every second, and did your best to the best of your ability."

Her tone was very restrained, and her emotions were not revealed. If Su Mingan had not seen the madness in her eyes, he would not have thought that she could do such a desperate thing to save him.

When walking downstairs, Su Ming'an saw the troops lined up neatly.

An army of 500 people looks quite imposing, especially when it is well-equipped and uniform.

Five hundred shiny weapons glowed golden in the sky. When Su Mingan walked downstairs, he heard the sound of uniformly clashing armor. As an instructor who had only seen it during military training, he had only seen it on TV. An ordinary student in the army, it was the first time he saw such an orderly army standing in front of him.

"Leader of the main guard, Wen Jie, see Your Majesty."

The leader of the team, whose equipment was obviously much better, stepped forward and saluted.

Wen Jie is played by a player, a player from the Dragon Kingdom.

When he learned that he and the first player were in the same dungeon, he had the same reaction as most people—excited and scared.

I am excited that I have the opportunity to appear in the camera and appear in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people. What's more, he can follow the first player's customs clearance route, and maybe he can get a good evaluation.

What I'm afraid of is... As we all know, the attitude of the first player towards ordinary players, although it does not say that he abuses and exploits people like some peak players, it can be regarded as very ignorant. Rushing to the front of people may only become a stepping stone for others to complete the customs clearance, and they are not even qualified to be seen in their eyes.

And after learning about the rules of this dungeon, he found that all his nervousness and hesitation were unnecessary - he couldn't even find who the first player was.

As the days passed, some people who were eager to pull the first player off their horses also learned to behave well. They were stunned to see the contribution value of the first place rushing up like a rocket, but they even looked for people everywhere. No, I finally realized the abyss-like gap between people.

Many people are guessing who the first player is playing, and some players who are assigned to the high status of the main army guess that it is the "His Majesty" who only exists in people's mouths but cannot be seen in person.

Now when he watches the chat channel, he can still see a lot of complaints.

[Lyle: Has anyone seen His Majesty the Army? Damn, I can only hear his name until now. 】

[Sun Qiqi: I haven't seen it before, wait until you die, and leave. 】

[Shanchuan Noiko: The identity distribution of the first player is too outrageous. It must be that His Majesty. If you don’t do anything, you will have a lot of contribution points. I can do it. 】

[Fan Quan: He is the son of the organizer, and there are a lot of good things, so be sour. 】

【Yi Nianwei: Why? ? Why do we have to fight hard and fight in person to get contribution points? Su Mingan feels that no one shows contribution points, it's like riding a rocket. 】

[Zhen Xia: It's weird, I wonder if there are still people who dare to spray the first player? 】

[Luo Xin: Because the weather is clear, some players think they can do it again. 】

[Warren: Oh God, this chat column is so smoky every day, I can barely see any serious news. 】

[Giles: Now the ratio of the regular army to the revolutionary army is 7215 to 212. I feel that the revolutionary army is really running out of players... It is the first player who has disturbed the balance. 】

[Nora: Do you really think others don't read the chat bar? Real-name system, one day the first player is in a bad mood and will pull you all out and kill them one by one! 】

[Shirley: I think it’s good to be in line with the first player, and it’s very comfortable to follow the main army and contribute. 】


Wenjie knew the status quo.

The proportion of players on both sides is seriously unbalanced.

Those who follow the main army all want to mix up the contribution value, while those who follow the revolutionary army are all looking for an opportunity to assassinate the leader of the main army to survive.

One side is all bastards, and the other side has the ambition to fight - now the contribution of the first player is more than that of the others, as long as you find someone and kill him, that's a situation where a carp leaps into the dragon's gate. After all, in this world, individual combat power does not seem to be important. The power of a group is much stronger than that of a single person. It is not difficult to kill a player with peak combat power.

However, there are very few people who have such thoughts. Except for some people who claim to be extraordinary and want to kill gods, most of them are bastards, and they are satisfied after the fifteenth day.

But Wen Jie was a little nervous at this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because he knew one thing.

... He gradually came to know who the first player was playing.

During his tenure as the commander of the **** team, he had noticed more than once this handsome character. This person was often accompanied by a little loli, who was extremely valued, and was able to freely enter and exit many important areas.

After learning that this person was also named in the army, his guess became more certain.

There are also many people who know this as well as him, but they are all smart people who can eat alone and don't speak out on the public screen.

This is the time to go out and relax.

...once, when the leaderboard changed drastically.

Wen Jie was thinking about whether he should plan a revolt when he heard the faint voice of the first player in front of him:

"Drag this man out."

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