Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 147: ·BE Eight · "Alive"

The voice sounded not far from Su Mingan, and after that, Su Mingan heard a soft female voice reply:

"Yes. There will be no mistakes in this festival. It will definitely be... as you wish."

"hope so."

He heard the door closing.

He has seen the daily barrage screen swiping machine, and this group of viewers has started to report daily. But he still seems to be in a state of adaptation at the beginning, and his eyelids can't be opened for a while.

【First! 】

【coming! 】

【Good afternoon soothe the nerves! 】

【It's time to observe the wall hanging again...】

[… Did you notice the world rankings? I originally thought that the combat power of the first player in the fourth world had skyrocketed by 300 to be outrageous. I didn’t expect that the last day before the world started to go up by another 200…]

[Why is the cerebral palsy of the Su-style bomber still alive! ? Still jumping on the forum, is she the only one who deserves to find Brother Ming An? ? 】

[Come on, is it really a magical world, I began to regret not going...]

[Regret to regret, if you really put on some wasteland world, you will suffer]

[Start the quiz, when will the first girl be given for free, the day after I start the bet...]


The transmitted white light is gradually dissipating.

Su Mingan felt that he seemed to be lying down, with the soft touch of the quilt by his hand.

If he is not in a confined space such as a basement, it should not be noon now, and he does not feel the sun.

He smelled a faint fragrance, and after opening his eyelids little by little, he saw himself lying on the bed, and there was a vase as far as he could see, with a bunch of white daisy-like flowers in the vase.

This is a room.

He saw a piece of European-style furnishings.

Next to it is a platinum round table, on which lies a vermilion feather pen, and bunches of white daisy flowers decorate every corner of the room. The white falling columns of the floor-to-ceiling windows are like jade, and the curtains embroidered with intricate patterns are blood red, completely blocking the scene outside the window, and no light shines in.

The whole room had an aristocratic atmosphere that was obviously carefully taken care of, and even the cloth dragged by the table was embroidered with regular patterns.

But what caught Su Ming'an's attention was a person sitting in front of the door.

She was looking at herself, a pair of glassy eyes that were as thin and bright as mirrors, and the warm light of the overhead lamp shone on her body, illuminating her flawless skin translucent.

...she looks like a delicate doll, or an elf from a fairy tale. His face had a special beauty from another world, and his eyes were calm, even when he saw him wake up suddenly, he didn't move.

It seems that the woman who just spoke up was her.

Or... it's not appropriate to call her "woman", she is more like a little loli who hasn't grown up yet.

And the man just now, should have gone out, he did not see other people.

He began to think about his current situation. Like the third world, he should now play a role similar to "Su Jian", with the identity of a world aborigines, but he has not yet figured out the specific identity. condition.

"Are you awake?" Little Loli suddenly spoke, but her tone was indifferent to her age. She slowly got up, her gorgeous palace dress trailing its tail on the scarlet carpet, like the feathers of a firebird.

Honorifics are used.

It seems that his status in this world is not low.

Su Mingan thought for a while, and just as he was about to speak, he heard the system prompt:

【Welcome all players to the fifth world!】

【World Name: Magic · Minghui】

[Basic tasks for all players: Survive, live to the fifteenth day]

[Player's personal advanced task: (determined according to the role the player plays, is being issued...)]

[Perfect clearance: (issued according to the faction selected by the player)]


"Ding dong!"

[The task of those in power: to ensure the survival of the NPC "Hui Shuhang". 】

[Task reward: Advanced status of "powerful person". 】

[Punishment for mission failure: The status of "powerful person" is restored to the probationary period. 】


"You look very good." Little Loli said, although she used honorifics, her tone was reserved and indifferent: "For the coming-of-age ceremony in ten days, please come as scheduled... We will be very honored."

She got up, picked up her complicated skirt and saluted, then turned around to push the door.

It looks like she wants to get out of here.

"Wait a minute." Su Mingan stopped her.

She turned back and met Su Ming'an's gaze.

[Activate the power of the ruler]

[NPC (Hui Shuhang), initial favorability: 50]

...she is Hui Shuhang, the mission target of the person in power?

The initial favorability is actually so high?

Su Mingan looked at the system prompt.

[The skill starts to activate, please keep your eyesight. 】

[NPC (Hui Shuhang), favorability: 50+10+10...]

Su Mingan noticed that the girl who was about to turn around suddenly stopped.

Her face turned side by side, and there was some kind of surprise in her eyes.

[NPC (Hui Shuhang), favorability: 100]

[Current Favorability Rating: Beloved]

[Note: The current favorability has reached (friendship line highest)]

[Note: Forcibly increasing the favorability level can only achieve the friendship line. If you want to convert it into other emotions, please explore by yourself. 】

[Note: The highest favorability has advantages and disadvantages, please proceed with caution. 】


"I..." Su Mingan activated his skills to get some initial information. He was ready to go back when he was ready. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the dignified little loli suddenly approaching a few steps. Open his quilt and grab his hand.

Her hands were as cold as a piece of cold jade.

"I'm sorry, I still can't forgive myself." Her eyes were a little sad:

"Can you come with me...?"

Su Ming'an was a little surprised. He wanted to call up the system mirror to see what role he played this time.

The little loli in front of him looked at him, her eyes were extremely sincere:

"...You are the future of the world, and you shouldn't die here."

"Wait a minute." Su Mingan didn't want to leave here for the time being.

According to the general game process, the initial spawn point is relatively safe at the beginning. If you leave without sufficient information, there may be errors caused by deviating from the normal track.

"Sorry." She suddenly exerted force: "The time is so short, you go with me first, I am afraid that His Majesty will..."

She is a dignified and delicate little loli, but her strength is terrifying. Su Mingan couldn't resist her strength in her state. She pulled Su Mingan out of the bed with one hand, and immediately ripped it off the hanger next to her. A trench coat draped over him.

"I'm sorry." She quickly helped him to button the extremely complicated windbreaker with both hands, and said apologetically, "It's the polar night, it might be cold outside, please pay attention."

The windbreaker seemed unusual. When he put it on, Su Mingan found that the cold was gradually fading away, and a warmth gradually swelled up on his body.

He noticed that the windbreaker also had strange lines.

"...Where are we going?" he asked.

"Anywhere, I've thought of a place, as long as you prove your identity, they will definitely protect you - in short, I must send you out of here as soon as possible." Hui Shuhang suddenly opened the curtains.

A breeze came in in an instant.

Su Ming'an saw that the sky hidden outside the thick blood-red curtain was blue and purple. There was no red sun, no white moon, and no stars in the sky. There was only a bright pearl-like light hanging on it.

Under the dreamy colors, the luminous dots floated in the air, like dancing elves.

- The otherworldly sky.

It turned out that it was not because the time was at night that the sun could not be seen, but this other world had a dreamy blue-purple sky.

He felt his body float up and turned his head. He saw a black tattoo lit up on the back of the girl's hand. The moment her palm was spread out, he found himself flying out of the window.

"...You shouldn't at least die here."

As she said that, she pushed him on the back, and then took him and floated out of the open window together.

"—You are the future."

She said, and took him to fly into the distance.

Su Mingan looked down.

He saw a large, jade-white square.

Many people in white robes glowed, with seats and tables and other objects suspended beside them, and they walked to the central square in an orderly manner. The scale was like a major sacrifice scene.

Mu Feng and Xi, all kinds of small flags fluttering.

The well-ordered soldiers walked slowly with their golden spears, and on their bodies, there were patterns of crystal colors floating on them.

He saw a very tall building with spires and carvings. The building was surrounded by a giant golden circle of light. The lowest end of it was still some distance away from the ground. There were no stairs in sight. The whole building seemed to float in the clouds.

He looked up and saw the dreamy sky, and the dots in the air floated around him.

The audience has been called crazy, and they wished to get into the screen one by one regretfully. After all, this kind of scene is much better than the world of Baicheng in the apocalypse, just like the summoned different worlds that many old two-dimensional dreams dream of.

Some people told him to quickly see what he looked like. The audience could choose the first or third perspective. Some of them have already seen him.

Su Ming'an called out the system mirror.

——He saw a face whose charm could be called ss.

No wonder the audience has been frantically telling him to look in the mirror.

[Isn't the sense of substitution coming? 】

[Brother Ming An has become like this, although it is really good-looking, it is not a familiar taste. 】

[This initial identity feels so good, this little girl who looks very powerful is so polite...]

[Until now, I don't know what's going on, I just know that if I don't leave, I'll probably die. 】

[This environment is too beautiful, is this a game copy or a real different world, I feel like I have come to the real world...]


Su Mingan looked at Hui Shuhang in front of him.

The black print on the back of her hand was glowing.

Su Mingan guessed that the power system of this magical world might be related to this tattoo.

He began to examine the back of his hand, but only saw the three-stripe mark for a perfect clearance. He flipped his palm, and then, on his wrist, he saw a complex white pattern.

……Color is not the same?

Does this color represent different levels or different abilities?

"You don't have to care too much." Hui Shuhang noticed his expression and smiled: "Your value is far above this tattoo."

"Why did you take me away?"

Little Loli looked back at him.

She has a pair of beautiful burgundy eyes, and when she stares at people, her eyes are very heavy, like the endless years that do not match her body.

"The coming-of-age ceremony in ten days... is just a trap." She took his hand: "You should understand, Your Majesty... He will always choose the safest way. I thought so too, but after seeing you Afterwards, I changed my mind...no one is born a victim, you are the future."

Su Mingan understood.

Combined with what he had heard before when he had not opened his eyes, his identity should be a key role in the "ceremony" - probably the worst sacrifice.

If Hui Shuhang didn't give it for nothing, what awaited him was the fate of being sacrificed at a ceremony called "Adult Ceremony" ten days later.

The "Your Majesty" in Hui Shuhang's mouth should be the one who pushed him to the altar, and she was one of his most valued subordinates.

Now, she seems to have turned against the tide and is bent on taking him away.

but why……

"I am, the future?" Su Mingan was very concerned about this.

Stars of light surrounded him, and he suddenly noticed that the stars in the air were very close to him, at least much closer than Hui Shuhang.

He squinted slightly, facing the breeze of another world, he saw that he and Hui Shuhang had already moved away from the golden-white buildings and squares, and what they were approaching was a lush forest and a piece of jasper embedded in a piece of greenery. like lake.

He also saw the distant city from a distance. The domed buildings were gorgeous in color, the jewel-like tiles on the roof shone, and under a dreamy blue-purple color, he could vaguely see the crowds hiding in the market.

Small animals flashing with all kinds of brilliance jumped between the houses, and there were alien beasts with iron thorns on their backs holding cloth bags. He could see the tall fire-breathing lizards, pushing the water to the sky. Transparent bubbles...and countless, never-before-seen landscapes.

Little Loli looked relaxed, she took her hand and walked on the wind with some relief in her eyes.

This girl who seems to be in strict etiquette, behaves extremely dignified or has never done anything daring to disobey orders. After the initial nervousness gradually dissipated, she looked at the past with a little curiosity.

"Yes, you are the future." She responded to his words, and her gloved hand slowly rolled his hand into her palm.

"...I will definitely let you live safely after the festival."

She spoke very seriously.

"You have to live too." Su Mingan said.

He could remember that his mission as a person in power was to ensure the survival of the other party, that is to say, both of them had to live fully until the fifteenth day.

Little Loli's eyes narrowed slightly.

Under the beautiful sky, her eyes were still as brilliant as jewels, and when they were surging with joy, they were shining like stars.

"...Okay." She held his hand tightly:

"We're all going to live...thank you for your blessings."

Su Mingan nodded, ready to ask for more information.

Then, he saw that her expression froze slightly.

As if seeing something that made her extremely frightened, he could even feel her cold jade-like hand trembling.


She stood in the air and looked at him with a very guilty look, and then the look in her eyes gradually dissipated.

"...Sorry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ she said, then slapped him on the back and slapped him further away.

Su Ming'an turned around quickly.

He saw that the girl's body was wrapped in a ray of light shining from the golden-white building, melted, and then completely disintegrated.

He saw a white shadow standing above the building.

[You have been found to be fleeing by the supreme NPC in this world. 】

[You have automatically joined the "Revolutionary Army", the enemy faction of the "Revolutionary Army"]

[The ratio of the number of players who have joined the camp at present: (the regular army is more than the revolutionary army) 4658:287]

[NPC (Hui Shuhang) has died]


【The mission of the ruler failed】

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